Samaritan's Purse In Video



Current Articles

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Edward Graham Visits Florida After Hurricane Ian
2022-10-06 02:28 UTC by spadmin

Volunteers are working in three locations in southwest Florida helping homeowners in Jesus’ Name.


Miel San Marcos ve trabajar a Samaritan’s Purse en Colombia.
2022-10-05 17:37 UTC by spadmin

Miel San Marcos se unió al personal de Samaritan’s Purse para ver nuestro trabajo entre los colombianos y venezolanos en gran necesidad. Piden oración por los esfuerzos continuos de nuestro equipo.


Praising God in Fort Myers
2022-10-04 02:34 UTC by spadmin

Residents in Fort Myers, Florida, whose homes were damaged by Hurricane Ian, praise God for keeping them safe and for the Samaritan’s Purse volunteers who are helping to clean up their property.


Provisi?n de agua limpia en Puerto Rico
2022-10-03 19:47 UTC by spadmin

Samaritan’s Purse está ayudando a llevar agua potable a familias en Puerto Rico luego de la devastación causada por el huracán Fiona mediante la instalación de sistemas de filtración de agua en varios vecindarios.


Providing Clean Water in Puerto Rico
2022-09-30 17:39 UTC by spadmin

Samaritan’s Purse is helping to bring clean water to families in Puerto Rico following the devastation caused by Hurricane Fiona by setting up water filtration systems in neighborhoods.


Cleaning Up After Hurricane Ian
2022-09-30 02:55 UTC by spadmin

Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief Units are heading to Florida after Hurricane Ian. Please pray for those who are suffering and consider becoming a volunteer for cleanup. Visit samaritanspurse.org for more information on how to get involved.


Zac’s Story: Coming Full Circle from Fiji
2022-09-27 14:00 UTC by spadmin

Zac praises God for the Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift he received when he was a boy in Fiji. Now, he works in children’s ministry and helps his church in the U.S. pack shoeboxes for boys and girls in need around the world.


Providing Shelter from Future Storms
2022-09-27 00:32 UTC by spadmin

Samaritan’s Purse is providing storm shelters for residents in Mayfield, Kentucky, following a devastating tornado that tore through the region and destroyed much of the town and surrounding neighborhoods.


Helping in Puerto Rico
2022-09-25 19:18 UTC by spadmin

Samaritan’s Purse is at work on Puerto Rico, bringing in tarps and community water filtration systems after Hurricane Fiona.


Miel San Marcos Sees Samaritan’s Purse Work in Colombia
2022-09-24 00:01 UTC by spadmin

Miel San Marcos joined Samaritan’s Purse staffers to see our work among Colombians and Venezuelans in great need. They ask for prayer for the ongoing efforts of our team.



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