Chromatic Polynomial

The chromatic polynomial pi_G(z) of an undirected graph G, also denoted C(G;z) (Biggs 1973, p. 106) and P(G,x) (Godsil and Royle 2001, p. 358), is a polynomial which encodes the number of distinct ways to color the vertices of G (where colorings are counted as distinct even if they differ only by permutation of colors). For a graph G on n vertices that can be colored in k_0=0 ways with no colors, k_1 way with one color, ..., and k_n ways with n colors, the chromatic polynomial of G is defined as the unique Lagrange interpolating polynomial of degree n through the n+1 points (0,k_0), (1,k_1), ..., (n,k_n). Evaluating the chromatic polynomial in variables z at the points z=1, 2, ..., n then recovers the numbers of 1-, 2-, ..., and n-colorings. In fact, evaluating pi_G(z) at integers k>n still gives the numbers of k-colorings.

The chromatic polynomial is called the "chromial" for short by Bari (1974).

The chromatic number of a graph gives the smallest number of colors with which a graph can be colored, which is therefore the smallest positive integer z such that pi_G(z)>0 (Skiena 1990, p. 211).

For example, the cubical graph Q_3 has 1-, 2-, ... k-coloring counts of 0, 2, 114, 2652, 29660, 198030, 932862, 3440024, ... (OEIS A140986), resulting in chromatic polynomial


Evaluating pi_(Q_3)(z) at z=1, 2, ... then gives 0, 2, 114, 2652, 29660, 198030, 932862, 3440024, ... as expected.

A root of a chromatic polynomial is known as a chromatic root and an interval containing no chromatic root is called a chromatic root-free interval.

The chromatic polynomial of a graph g in the variable z can be determined in the Wolfram Language using ChromaticPolynomial[g, x]. Precomputed chromatic polynomials for many named graphs can be obtained using GraphData[graph, "ChromaticPolynomial"][z].

The chromatic polynomial is multiplicative over graph components, so for a graph G having connected components G_1, G_2, ..., the chromatic polynomial of G itself is given by


The chromatic polynomial for a forest on n vertices, m edges, and with c connected components is given by


For a graph with vertex count n and c connected components, the chromatic polynomial pi(x) is related to the rank polynomial R(x,y) and Tutte polynomial T(x,y) by


(extending Biggs 1993, p. 106). The chromatic polynomial of a planar graph G is related to the flow polynomial C_G^*(u) of its dual graph G^* by


Chromatic polynomials are not diagnostic for graph isomorphism, i.e., two nonisomorphic graphs may share the same chromatic polynomial. A graph that is determined by its chromatic polynomial is said to be a chromatically unique graph; nonisomorphic graphs sharing the same chromatic polynomial are said to be chromatically equivalent.

Chromatic polynomials of the ladder graph P_2 square P_n and grid graph P_2 square P_n are considered by Yadav et al. (2024). The following table summarizes the chromatic polynomials for some simple graphs. Here (z)_n is the falling factorial.

The following table summarizes the recurrence relations for chromatic polynomials for some simple classes of graphs.

The chromatic polynomial of a disconnected graph is the product of the chromatic polynomials of its connected components. The chromatic polynomial of a graph of order n has degree n, with leading coefficient 1 and constant term 0. Furthermore, the coefficients alternate signs, and the coefficient of the (n-1)st term is -m, where m is the number of edges. Interestingly, pi_G(-1) is equal to the number of acyclic orientations of G (Stanley 1973).

Except for special cases (such as trees), the calculation of pi_G(z) is exponential in the minimum number of edges in G and the graph complement G^_ (Skiena 1990, p. 211), and calculating the chromatic polynomial of a graph is at least an NP-complete problem (Skiena 1990, pp. 211-212).

Tutte (1970) showed that the chromatic polynomial of a planar triangulation of a sphere possess a root close to phi^2=phi+1=2.618033... (OEIS A104457), where phi is the golden ratio. More precisely, if n is the number of graph vertices of such a graph G, then


(Tutte 1970, Le Lionnais 1983).

Read (1968) conjectured that, for any chromatic polynomial


there does not exist a 1<=p<=q<=r<=n such that |c_p|>|c_q| and |c_q|<|c_r| (Skiena 1990, p. 221).

See also

Chromatic Interval, Chromatic Invariant, Chromatic Number, Chromatic Root, Chromatically Equivalent Graphs, Chromatically Unique Graph, Flow Polynomial, k-Coloring, k-Chromatic Graph, k-Colorable Graph, Q-Chromatic Polynomial, Rank Polynomial, Sigma Polynomial, Tutte Polynomial, Vertex Coloring

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Chromatic Polynomial

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Chromatic Polynomial." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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