Review of The X-Files

The X-Files (1993–2018)
It's been a great ride.
16 December 2001
What can one say? The X-Files will forever be remembered as a true hit TV show, and a breakout accomplishment for Fox. Its survived cast changes, location moves, ups and downs in ratings, and years of airing. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it has been a thrill. Chris Carter has created one of the most defining shows of the '90s. People that don't even watch the show know what it is, and EVERYONE knows who Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are, whether they've ever seen one episode or not. The show brought on a whole new level of TV entertainment in 1993, with its different, moody atmosphere, intriguing lead characters, and mind-bending plots. I admit, while watching most of the episodes, I thought, "This isn't very scary...", but then I payed attention to the detail and it got so good...the lighting, the sets...even when Mulder and Scully are outside (which is often), the sky is hardly ever sunny and bright, but rather dark and shadowy. The details on these things are terrific alone. And Chris Carter has also managed to create intense torture for the fans by forever dragging out the "Mulder and Scully in love" idea. People used to tune in to see when those two would kiss, and they had alot of fun with that, especially in the feature film. But a true sign of integrity for the show is the amount of truth in it. While the show is about the paranormal, and truth in it seems ironic, the show knows what the heck it's talking about. Every word from Scully's mouth is based on actual science. And unlike other FBI shows, The X-Files shows the FBI like it really is--not some tired cliche, but REAL people. And whenever someone, whether a fan or not, hears anything referring to aliens, they immediately think of little green men with small bodies, big heads, and large eyes...all courtesy of The X-Files. In short, this amazing television series has affected so many people. I feel blessed to have grown up with this show, rather than being born after it, doomed to see it in reruns. Because I got to be there for the ride...and though it was often bumpy and is now coming to its end...I can look back and say, "Hey, it was a GREAT 9 years."
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