Worst. Detective. Movie. Ever.
21 September 2024
I try my best to be sympathetic to characters which exhibit shortcomings such as bipolar 1 disorder, autism, PTSD, panic attacks, etc., but X: The Exploited really takes the cake.

If it wasn't bad enough that the female detective cries uncontrollably throughout the film, but the mere thought of her handling a gun makes her faint. I mean, why be a cop, let alone a detective, if you can't handle trauma? Are they so desperate for law enforcement and detectives in Budapest that they'll hire anyone?

The film really makes Hungarian law enforcement look like incompetent dolts, and I'm sure they're not like that at all. It's insulting, really. With all the weaknesses the lead detective has, she'd be better off driving a school bus or stacking books in a library. But then again, she may even find those occupations so stressful that they'd induce panic attacks anyway.

Tl;dr. X:The Exploited is a perfect waste of time. The writer & director should be ashamed of themselves.
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