Cry of Death (1968)
And what a boring war it was
4 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The fight between farmers and animals breeders, causing lots of death, is manipulated by a shady customer who's trying to take possession of the lands. Two brave and able federal marshal will clear away all the evil troublemakers, giving back order and peace to the two fighting parts. Really lacking western, with no originality and unable to join even the least entertainment level requested by this kind of picture. Under the non-existent direction of Alfonso Brescia (otherwise a decent craftsman good for all genres ("Turn... I'll Kill You", 1967) - play with complete carelessness a bunch of character actors, leaded by the inexpressive Glenn Saxson ("The Long Day of the Massacre", 1968 by Alberto Cardone)and Gordon Mitchell, an usual presence in plenty low budget Italian movies ("Coffin Full of Dollars", 1971 by Demofilo Fidani). Surprisingly, a relevant personality like Aldo Lado (director of movies like "The Child", 1972 and "Last Stop on the Night Train", 1975) got involved in such a worthless mess.
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