David Stratton's Stories of Australian Cinema
22 May 2020
This three part series provides an interesting insight into Australian cinema. As the title suggests it is led by David Stratton, a prominent film critic who moved from Britain to Australia as a young man and fell in love with the country and its films. Over the course of the three part series he discusses a variety of films; some which are globally famous and many which I hadn't heard of. His insight is fascinating and not limited to films that he liked. Much is made of the cultural importance of many of the films; notably how films about the mistreatment Australia's native population led public opinion. The comments are illustrated by excerpts from the films... it must be noted that several show major spoilers; presumably it was assumed that most of the intended audience will have seen those films. David Stratton does a fine job narrating and the clips of him critiquing films at the time of their release are interesting.

I would certainly recommend this to any film fan; particularly if you are interested in Australian films.
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