Artemis Fowl (2020)
Wow, this was pretty lame.
12 June 2020
There doesn't seem to be any actual story here, at least one that makes sense. It's called Artemis Fowl but he's not really in that much of it and doesn't really seem to do anything when he is except stand around staring or delivering dry dialogue. I guess they're a family of thieves or something? His dad gets kidnapped by some angry guy in a hood, nothing really happens there. Then there's some fight at the Fowl mansion for some reason that didn't seem well explained, then some fairy chick disappears into an egg thing. Then it's over.

I haven't read the books and I'm not 10 so I'm sure I'm not the target audience for this but...this movie just kinda sucked. And Josh Gad is insufferable, I've come to realize that I truly hate him as an actor. He was doing some weird pirate voice and everything he said was stupid and cringe worthy, just really bad writing all around in this movie.

I rated it a 2 because I thought the special FX were still pretty good.
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