Lootere (2024– )
What a Botched-Up Hijack Attempt !
20 April 2024
Lootere embarks with a flourish of excitement and promise, capturing your interest right from the start. However, the charm quickly diminishes as the series progresses beyond episode three. This decline in appeal is courtesy an overabundance of story elements and a poorly strategized release schedule of one episode per week.

The show's pacing becomes erratic, leaving the narrative feeling disjointed and hard to follow. Instead of focusing on a cohesive plot, the series loses itself in a maze of too many characters and superfluous subplots. One particularly uninteresting storyline involves Vivek Gomber's character's wife and the annoying son as she searches for a boy who is friends with her son. This subplot not only feels unnecessary but also lacks believability, further detracted by the characters' irritating portrayals.

Despite these narrative missteps, the series does boast some strong performances. The acting prowess of the cast, particularly the ever-reliable Rajat Kapoor, shines through, albeit they are let down by a lackluster script that fails to support their talents and is wasted. Vivek Gomber, however, does not seem to fit well in his role, which may be more a reflection of the script's shortcomings than his acting abilities.

By the time episode six rolls around, any initial enthusiasm has turned into exhaustion and annoyance. The momentum necessary to sustain interest in a weekly episodic release just isn't there. The series had the potential to be a gripping heist drama but instead feels like a hijack gone wrong-too many elements pulling in different directions without arriving anywhere satisfying.
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