1 Review
Slow but enjoyable film, well-paced and very good photographed
ma-cortes7 October 2018
The particular life of a teenager, Silvia Gracia , who lives in the Castilian fields while rides her bicycle and plays with little animals is spontaneously changed with the arrival of a stranger , Iñaqui Ierra, and a film crew with a beautiful actress, Ariele Dombasle .

This is a slowly-paced film dealing with nature, rural life and the weird fantasies of a young girl, being shot in Carlos Saura /Victor Erice style . As the ordinary existence of an adolescent is suddenly changed when in her environment shows up bizarre characters. In the movie stands out the brilliant black and white cinematography showing splendorously the gorgeous Castilian landscapes. The movie is really influenced by the French cinema, including classic ones as Picnic in grass, 1954, by Jean Renoir , the notorious director Robert Bresson , the Noveulle Vague and filmmaker Eric Rhomer, including his favorite actress Arielle Dombasle . Along with the protagonists : Silvia Gracia as the newcomer actress who performs a peculiar young girl who lives the agreeable nature and plays with insects , Iñaqui Ierra as an unsettling man who commits suicide himself , Arielle Dombasle playing a beauty French artist , here shows up some secondaries in brief interpretations such as Maria Botto, Juan Diego Botto and Raul Freire. It packs an evocative and adequate cinematography in white and black by Gerardo Gormezano shot on location in Melque de Cercos, Segovia, Castilla and Leon Comunidad Autonoma . Adding appropriate score by Jean Louis Valero and full of countryside sounds . The luxurious photography is the highlight of the movie, including gorgeous outdoors , glimmering clouds and lush fields of cereals . The motion picture was well, though deliberately shot by Jose Luis Guerin. Nowadays , this "Berta's motives" is considered to be a cult movie, receiving awesome critics . The film won various awards , as it was winner 1986 best film to Jose Luis Guerin and Fantasporto 1986, International Fantasy Film Award nominee best movie. Guerin is a fine professional who has directed a few and intelligent films such as :City life, La academia de las musas, En la ciudad de Sylvia, El espectro de le Thuit. Guerin debuts were short movies and, subsequently, he made notorious documentaries, such as : En construccion, Guest , Dos cartas a Ana and his greatest success was "Innesfree" . Rating : above average 6.5/10 .Well worth watching.
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