2 Reviews
great soap
ayr04087 December 2006
This was the best soap opera I have ever seen, I started viewing it a few weeks after it had started and since I was hooked. Romantic, yet funny... it had lots of learning lessons, I recorded about 80 percent of the soap and watch it on rainy days....!

It's based on Marylin (scarlet) who was a prostitute from an early age, brought in to that cycle by her mom, who was always interested in money. Marylin works in this prostitute house, and has some very good friend along with plenty of enemies, that is because every men that meets her wants her, giving the soap it's title. She meets her blue prince and since meeting him, isn't able to do her job any more, like every other soap their romance is interrupted by everyone and their mother... But I wont ruin it for you, cant wait to see if they put this out on DVD.
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Great show!!!
jacramirez193 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not really a huge Spanish Soap Opera fan but this show blew me off!!! The story is about a young hooker name Marilyn who falls in love with a rich man name Juan Ignacio Camacho who is in engaged. The two fall in love with each other. This show is really funny and yet sad at the same time. After falling in love with Juan Ignacio, Marilyn gives up the hooker job and tries to find a decent job. Yet the people mistreats Marilyn because of what she had done in the past. In the end, Marilyn ends up marrying Juan Ignacio, she founds a organizations that helps young hookers or women of the streets to leave their old habits and she earns the respect of everyone. The message of this show is to not judge people but to help and understand them. Many women like Marilyn were force to work as a hooker because of poverty, lack of food and money. Some are being sold as sex slaves by the crime lords. You cannot miss this show!!!
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