37 Reviews
Half-hearted low budget attempt of a zombie movie...
paul_haakonsen8 November 2022
Right, well as I sat down to watch the 2022 action horror movie "Bridge of the Doomed", it was because it was a zombie movie that I hadn't already seen. Needless to say that with it being a zombie movie, then there was no doubt about me watching it, as I am a sucker for all things zombie.

Now, I have to say that I wasn't really harboring much of any high hopes for "Bridge of the Doomed", as the movie's cover/poster looked fairly dubious, and also the fact that the movie had Michael Paré and Robert LaSardo in the leading roles, weren't exactly highly functional bait to lure in the audience.

But still, I opted to give director Michael Su's movie a fair chance.

And I will say that "Bridge of the Doomed" was watchable. Sure, it was a very, very generic zombie movie, but there was something slightly enjoyable about the simplicity of the storyline and the lack of a greater motivation to drive the movie. Keep in mind that you're not in for a grand cinematic experience of zombie cinema when you sit down to watch "Bridge of the Doomed".

The acting performances in "Bridge of the Doomed" were as to be expected for a cast ensemble such as it was. Again, you're not in for a grand cinematic experience in that department either.

With "Bridge of the Doomed" being a zombie movie, then you essentially sit down to watch great special effects and gory make-up effects, right? Right! Well, while there is an abundance of zombies in the movie, the special effects are low budget; some of them so very low budget that they opted for that zombie make-up where they slap grey and green body paint and some latex prostethetics in the face, and forget all about coloring the areas around and near the ears and the neck down. It looks so stupid, and it just makes a zombie movie slip down on the ladder in terms of being enjoyable. Heck, I even saw a zombie where they had painted the back of the hands gray, but left the palm and up to halfway on the fingers without the paint. So yeah, the zombie make-up in "Bridge of the Doomed" is bad, but at least they tried.

If you enjoy zombie movies, especially the low budget ones, then you will probably find some kind of enjoyment in watching "Bridge of the Doomed". But if you prefer a zombie movie with a proper budget, proper practical and CGI effects, proper storyline, etc. Then "Bridge of the Doomed" is not the best of choices.

My rating of "Bridge of the Doomed" lands on a generous four out of ten stars, based mostly on the amount of action and number of zombies in the movie.
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Tough to watch a movie this bad.
pdsd-8688618 November 2022
The script is rough, like no one other than the writer looked at it before they started filming. The dialog is cluncky, and much of it is pointless.

The zombie makup is decent, whoever did the SFX did a good job with the mackup and gore. The music is generic but pretty good. Where ever the movie was films was picturesque.

As a veteran, watching these types of movies is just painful. Would be so difficult to have had a military consultant on set to show you how soldiers Actually behave? The weapons dicipline is pathetic, these idiots cluster up like a JV soccer team, they maintain No type of security, they keep letting people watder off by themselves, and they all act like a bunch of college fraternity bros. Soldiers do not act like this. Stop making movies like this.
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The movie opens in the middle of what is apparently some kind of viral zombie apocalypse. General Vasquez (Robert LaSardo) is in charge of a very small group out in the middle
nogodnomasters10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens in the middle of what is apparently some kind of viral zombie apocalypse. General Vasquez (Robert LaSardo) is in charge of a very small group out in the middle of the woods that is infested with zombies. Reports claim zombies are moving south and the general wants to secure a bridge where he can bottle neck them. It is a small single lane bridge. It spans an area that if there was no bridge, one might be able to walk across. There is a group of civilians on the other side of the bridge who don't trust the military and want to stay where they are at even though they were told of the onslaught. Between the zombies and the bridge troll, their numbers start to dwindle as they await back up from Colonel Charon (Michael Paré ).

There is zero character introduction and not much development. The backstory consisted of some spotty news broadcasts. The lines were poorly written and poorly delivered. It was almost a laugh. It was as if they filmed things on the fly. Blood splatter on camera lens.

Guide: F-word. Nudity (Sarah French) No sex.
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johnweller-1639715 August 2022
Wow what the hell was that, amateur in every way imaginable. Save your time and money, it's a one a done for whoever made this. I'm actually annoyed I watched it.

The story is pointless, seems like a undisciplined low iq primary schooler wrote the script, the cinematography isn't much better. Whoever wrote the last review must've been a part of the film because it's horrible. Aside from that it's a bunch of has-been actors who have really fallen from grace to be a part of this.

Credit where credit is due, unfortunately none is due here. There was no hook and nothing to keep things in any way interesting, no coherence at all.

Another film funded through indiegogo because no one in the industry is stupid enough to give them money.
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Would be good, or at least better, if it was unpretentious.
Sinriel6 November 2022
I never bother with writing reviews, but I went into these while I was still watching the movie hoping it would indeed turn out it's a film which takes itself less and less seriously as it goes on, which would make it a solid flick. It's sort of like an inverse Ed Wood dilemma: if the filmmakers made this for fun, it would probably become a cult film over time.

Unfortunately, it's actually the extreme opposite: all the ten-star reviews are obviously written by a same person, which is evident based on the writing style. So not only are they cursing the film world with another worthless piece of zombie apocalypse trash, but they want us to believe it is good.

Well, this film doesn't satisfy even the basic minimum. I hate I had to waste time writing this.
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You've got to be joking!
trublmkr-7843626 December 2022
The writing was horrible. The so called acting was ridiculous. I read some reviews and I honestly have to wonder what movie they actually watched. It could not have been this incredibly ridiculous excuse for a movie. Bad script, bad bad bad acting and childlike special effects. Don't waste your time watching this absolute garbage. The acting is by far the worst part of this waste of time. I don't understand how anyone could think this was "Fun" or "Entertaining". It is neither. They may have had fun making this so called movie, but I guarantee if you watch it, you will be sad that you wasted over an hour of your life on this bad joke.
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Planted reviews don't & won't help this awful mess...
AndyVanScoyoc25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All these 10's and even 7 or 8's you see are OBVIOUSLY plants/people involved in the film, etc, as there's NO WAY anyone could watch this embarrassingly bad junk and give the glowing reviews I've seen.

Not a bad storyline, but that's all I can say in the positive.

The rest...I won't even suggest you watch to find out for yourself.

Yeah...it's THAT bad.

The acting is just that... acting. Unrealistic, absolutely horrible and laughable.

There are a few actors in the film who do a relatively good job and it's a shame THEY don't get more screen time because it's painful to watch it, otherwise.

I kind of like Robert LaSardo (he does bad guys REALLY well) and he's the only reason I watched this.

He can and has done and deserved MUCH better than this pile.

Michael Pare was wooden (I'd have been too had I felt the need to do this film) and in short, had the IMDb not insisted on at least 600 characters for my review, I could have summed this film up in these few words...

Absolutely, horrifically AWFUL and further proof that the wrong people are getting funding for films.

Avoid...unless you're having a "Bad zombie movie" night.
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When You Get 60+ Executive Producers, Adjust Your Expectations
thomandybish-151149 October 2023
Lured in by a psychotronic-sounding title, I sat down for this low-budget effort and immediately got pulled up short. Now, I'm not naive enough to expect filet mignon efforts on a potted meat budget, but I did expect to have a reasonably good time without too many rough edges and seams showing to distract me from the movie. Not so. The first clue that this movie was going to be a mess was the fact that it's list of executive producers was probably longer than the cast and crew COMBINED.

Really. I lost count after 60. The movie was produced by Mahal Brothers Productions, which apparently relies heavily on crowdfunding and isn't above using the bigger donors to fill out minor roles or as extras. So, you have professional actors like Michael Paré delivering the goods next to overweight crowd funders delivering lines with all the subtle nuance of particleboard. In any other venue, this talent disparity would be fine (high school or community theater production), but in a mainstream film I do expect a modicum of professionalism; there's a big difference between a professional actor who can't act vs. A non-actor who has been shoehorned in because they contributed a few grand to the film's budget. I'm a firm believer in the old maxim about lots of cooks and broth, so I can't help but wonder what other machinations these execs did to make the movie worse than it was. A zombie apocalypse of unspecified origins is the reason we have a group of soldiers going to secure and/or destroy a key bridge. That's after we get almost 30 minutes of scenes of people belching out exposition or being massacred by zombies, little of which has to do with the bridge. Once we get to the bridge, things get marginally better, with an unspecified monster underneath that begins dispatching the soldiers. For some reason, the zombies have gotten out of the cities and are stumbling around this rural landscape, so they're a threat as well. Add in a hostile group of survivors, John Birch types who wouldn't like authority figures like army personnel anyways, and you should have enough conflict to generate interest, right? Nuh uh. This movie somehow manages to be boring even with all these factors. I have to wonder if this movie was some sort of tax write off, or simply created to fill the world with product. It's utter lack of entertainment seems to point to this.
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ONE reason to watch this
wyannjameson29 January 2023
The ONE and only reason to watch this film is Kate Watson. And it's an absolute shame they didn't have more of her in this.

There was no need for countless non-actors fumbling the ball.

The script is obviously torn to shreds to accommodate these other characters- when they really could have had a badass female lead deliver a full story with a developed character arch. Huge missed opportunity, but Watson does the absolute best with what's she's given.

Music isn't even a score really- it's distracting and doesn't add anything to the emotional stakes. Editing is uneven.

Well cast LEADS, story that plays into the pandemic horror, and.. oy. Star rating 10 for the balls of male producers telling a story about a badass female character. Y'all should have respected that and ran it to a touchdown.
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Unique Zombie Action Film
indiehorrorfan-5837519 August 2022
It is getting harder and harder to bring originality to the zombie genre, but Bridge of the Doom manages provide a somewhat novel plot and setting. The action sequences and the zombies looked great for a big budget independent film.

Big fan of Michael Pare since Eddie and the Cruisers so always great to see him in something. The rest of the cast was great including Robert Lasardo, leading lady Kate Watson, Sarah French, & Kimberly Cole.

Also enjoyed this movie's pacing as it had a non stop vibe about it. Overall a fun watch.
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Bridge of the Doomed delivers
radraf0215 August 2022
Great action from beginning to end...the setting was eerie, & the Director of Photography was spot on. Loved the story. The main actors delivered. I recommend watching. Not perfect but definitely worth watching. Check it out. Shot in Caliente.
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Two Good Things About This Movie
kimbro197218 August 2022
Overall, I found the story very disorganized. A good film needs a flow and this film doesn't flow. The characters were mostly one-dimensional; however, there were two that stood out.

First and foremost, I watched this movie because my dear friend Kimberly Lynn Cole was in it. She always brightens the screen with her magnetic beauty and she really stands out in this flick playing the wife of a very bad man.

Secondly, I love Robert LaSardo! He's great in everything he does. He brought a sense of realism in a film that seemed anything but.

It's for these two reasons that I give the film 6/10.
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Not just another zombie movie, it's also a CREATURE FEATURE!
skinnerramone30 April 2022
We just watched a sneak peek of Bridge of the Doomed and we loved it!

The zombies are fast, which is always scarier, and there are lots of gory scenes to satisfy every zombie enthusiast. Vincent Guastini Productions did a great job on the special effects.

But Bridge of the Doomed is not just another zombie movie, it's also a creature feature! SOMETHING IS UNDER THE BRIDGE! With great performances by Robert LaSardo, Kate Watson, and Michael Paré, this star studded movie is a really fun watch.

Bridge of the Doomed clocks in at under 90 minutes, and it moves at a brisk pace. Director Michael Su has pieced together a modern zombie classic, with a twist!
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Bridge of the Doomed
tydunigan15 August 2022
I attended the premiere of this film in Las Vegas. This was my first time seeing it. I'm very picky when it comes to movies. This one actually got about three screams/yells out of me which is good. To me this film is much better than some of the films I see on various streaming channels. I thought the film was good and entertaining. I was very pleased with it. Kind of a different take on a zombie film.
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I love zombies #zombies
lowddshane15 August 2022
If you haven't had your zombie fix lately this film does the trick with a twist. Legend has it that the bride still has a mysterious sightings.

My favorite zombie flicks of all time are I am legend, world War Z , ZOMBIE House PARTY, Bridge of the doomed, Shawn of the Dead.

Thanks for reading this review enjoy the show gets some popcorn and make a Bridge and Chill night.
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Outstanding Horror Flick
lhinds-1062315 August 2022
The Mahal Brothers do not disappoint. This is a great scary movie.

Robert LaSardo, Michael Pare and Kate Watson's acting was spot on as usual. They did an incredible job along with the rest of the cast. Also thought the character flow was perfect.

Also love how Director Michael Su sets up his shots.

Love this movie and highly recommend it.
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Zombies Zombies and More Zombie!
cavman-7923917 August 2022
A brilliant performance by Robert Lasardo, Michael Pare' and Kate Watson. I dont want to get into it too deep for the spoilers! Go Check it out and see it for yourself! If you are a Zombie Fan you will LOVE it!
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Zombies with a mysterious deadly creature! Oh Yeah!!!
darrylg-4154315 August 2022
Bridge of the Doomed is a unique zombie film with a mysterious deadly creature! The story and acting was awesome with cool special effects and music! This film is packed with a lot of intense horror, that will keep you at the edge of your seat. I Loved it from beginning to end. I will definitely be purchasing the Blu-ray when it becomes available!
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What's not to like!?
hugh_jameson7 November 2022
Fantastic zombie.creature film! I really enjoyed this and I think the negative reviewers are just plain harsh on this one. The impressively inked up Robert LeSardo, whose involvement in an endless stream of low budget horror flicks has made him a household name (and face) for this sort of thing, starts as tough as nails US Army General Vasquez. The General's unit is defending itself from marauding zombies, who have also overwhelmed the local town, placing huge pressure on the emergency services and causing the occupants to fear for their lives. Just wasn't keen on Lisa Hinds as they could have gotten a much better actress for that part! Bridge of the Doomed is about as good as you expect it to be, but at 79 minutes minus end credits it doesn't outstay its welcome, and some of the military vs zombie attacks are impressively grisly.
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Kimberly Lynn cole
ahmdomar-7224916 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Actress and Scream Queen Kimberly Cole Zemke played a wonderful role. It is true that her beauty is amazing, but she is a wonderful actress as well, and she did an amazing job. I love her style and I hope she becomes the number one superstar. It's worth.
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A must watch film with.......Zombies!!!
wickedprops15 August 2022
Definitely a film that includes just the right amount of blood, bullets and zombies! Truly enjoyed the film and Kate did an outstanding job!! Such a fun watch!
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Gore and Action!
dgregory-7444417 August 2022
Lots of gore and great action! Reminded me of the Walking Dead. Sarah French did a great job and Scream Queen Kimberly Cole always delivers! Great zombie movie!
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The movie was great
matthewkratz18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And Kimberly Cole did a outstanding job 100% And the movie was great and I loved it and the movie will sale a lot. And I loved the zombies.

And it was scary.
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Fantastic zombie movie
awilliamst16 August 2022
Wow wot a great zombie movie !!! And gorgeous Kimberly Cole was tops shame she was was not fighting the zombies but she made a very hot zombie we need to see this lady in more movies.
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I loved every second of it!
lanniepulsipher16 August 2022
This was such a fun movie. It had a lot of great scares and gore. There are a lot of zombie movies out there but this one offered a fresh take that kept me engaged from start to finish. I can't wait to watch it again.
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