A Honeymoon to Remember (TV Movie 2021) Poster

(2021 TV Movie)

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Attractive setting; where was this?
lyndavanleeuwen12 September 2021
Curious what resort was the setting for this!?

Really not worth watching! Lead actress was beyond annoying!
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Control freak vs high school sweetheart
Leon-10627 July 2021
The female character is a control freak who gets dumped by her high school sweetheart just before getting married. He (but not me) thinks he made a mistake and travels towards their former honeymoon destination in order to Change her mind. I considered giving a 5 but refrained from that impulse given that it's ending offers some hope for future improvement.
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Cute story, horrible editing...
ledouxstephane3 May 2024
It's all in the details... of which many errors could have been avoided if the producers / editors paid attention to editing.

The background sceneries are from anywhere and do not coordinate, loosing credibility.

The resort used was filmed at the Delta resort in Kelowna, BC, unfortunately boasting: tropical sceneries, beach front shots and lake/mountain/valley views... which do not even match together... The city views vary from Montreal to Vancouver... Taking stock photos to complete the scenery should be complimentary to the film, not confusing... that said, still a cute romantic comedy...
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deserves zero stars
celticwarrior_amazonwoma11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Listen, it's Hallmark or Lifetime or whatever. No one is expecting Hemingway or Shakespeare character development or an Oscar. But every movie has a protagonist. Ava is the main character, and if it were just a simple case of her being a control freak, which so many Rom Com women are, she would go to the resort, learn to loosen up, and get over her heartache. And then either choose carefree new guy, or go back to old guy who dumped her just before the altar but have made some personality changes on her own part.

But in no part of her getaway, did she see how seriously psycho crazy it was that she had bought her wedding dress already before the 2 were even seriously dating, and had her b/f's future career planned out for him, had booked the venue before they even sat down to talk about wedding details, and already booked their honeymoon, ...and already had a detailed list of their future kids, what the kids names would be without even talking to him. That's not just minor Hallmark control issues, that's serious psychosis. Major red flag. And dude had every right to run for the hills, and yet she was making him look like the bad guy 100% for calling off the wedding. She and Courtney Cox a la Friends should get together, they would be soulmates.

He should have been the protagonist, in a real world scenario, and he would have not tried to get her back, because no one would fly halfway across the globe to fight for someone that bat sh crazy. You don't marry that kind of psychotic. You date them maybe for a few weeks in a whirlwind steamy foreign romance. You don't go oh yeah she had our entire lives planned out before we even had a serious conversation together down to how many kids we would have, when we would have them and what their names would be, what my career moves would look like, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

Yeah Hallmark or whoever produced this, got this all wrong. This should have been the makings of some psycho thrasher horror flick where she murders the guy, a la Fatal Attraction. This kind of psychosis doesn't belong in a Rom Com. Ever.
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Lifetime do better
hallmarkmov11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A few minutes into the movie I thought the annoying Ava was going to realize how unreasonable and insane she is over the next two hours, but instead she just got more annoying and more insane, with no one calling her out. Was she the good guy in this story? All these men throwing themselves at her, but why? Half way through I am still unsure who the good guy of this movie is and who she was going to end up with. With half an hour left of the movie, maybe Brett is actually the main character and the good guy? I have no idea what is going on. There's barely any character development for anyone in this movie. Also the sister talks about her dead husband as if he is alive and right next to her which was weird. If I get to the end of this movie it will be because there is nothing else on tv.
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dawnwinter-1887520 February 2022
How this movie ever made it to TV is beyond me. The lead was the most annoying person ever and she never improved! Wanting the ex to apologise, not listening To his reason for calling of the wedding, but then why did she not understand why he called off the wedding. She's an absolute nutcase!
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Not worth your time, unless you want to get annoyed.
MireilleR27 July 2021
Romantic TV movies don't need to be pretentious or deep, but they do have to amuse you and make you feel better at the end. This one doesn't do either.

The lead actress is plain awful. Her character (Ava) is annoying from the very first minute. Not quirky, not relatable, just annoying. Self-obsessed, judgemental, dominant, childish, superficial, neurotic.

The supporting characters aren't much better. Really no idea why the two guys (Brett and Kyle) are fighting over her except for stupid masculine pride or testosterone maybe. Run, boys, run!

Examples of the very poor writing: she falls asleep on a airbed in the swimmingpool. She falls over and doesn't seem to wake up or try to get out of the pool. Not believable at all. Both male leads are trying to build the highest pile of sand in a contest and the winner gets to take her out. Really? And due to a misunderstanding Ava and Brett broke up when they were in high school, but apparently he didn't bother to clear that up when they got back together and got engaged.

It's filled with cliches. Usually that's quite acceptable - there are only so many ways to tell a love story - but somehow that irritated me in this movie.

Not worth your time, unless you want to get annoyed.
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No Wisdom, Character Growth, or Development
tuggyla22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The female lead (Ava) was manipulative and self-absorbed. The male lead (Brett) was dangerous because he repeatedly failed to call Ava on these genuinely horrible character traits, just to avoid rocking the boat. When they reunite at the end of the movie, she did not acknowledge her failures, and he continued to grovel to preserve the relationship. It was beyond frustrating to watch a movie where there was no character development. It's as if the writers could see bad conduct, but they had no idea how to move a character in the right direction.
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Sigh. Terrible.
marea6727 July 2021
I know, I know. These sort of movies have a standard story-line. We meet girl and the boy, something goes wrong, blah-blah-blah, happy ending.

And 95% of the time I can like these movies, because they are rather mindless and just what I want to watch after a busy day.

This one however... Barely 5 minutes into the movie and I want to punch the female lead in the face! She's SOOOO annoying!

7 minutes in and I want the boy to RUN for his life and never look back. He does run, at first, but then the idiot goes back to her because he's some masochist or something. Oh, excuse me, I mean because he's so in love with her. (Why? Why? Why?)

She's so incredibly selfish, so self-absorbed that I sincerely cannot understand why he went so out of his way to 'win her back'. She cannot for a second try to see his side, she doesn't WANT to either and her attitude when she finds out what freaked him out is beyond stupid.

It has the usual blah-blah-blah. The ending is barely surprising. I liked the 2 male leads, I liked the sister and her story-line, but the main character... It's girls like her that make you cheer for the serial-killer/monster in certain movies.
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Worst written movie ever
triq-8874712 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing about this movie made sense.

Nothing. From a controlling manipulative fiancé to a guy with no clue. I liked him because he ditched her but then he goes back to her. Seriously!

Tsn minutes in I was yelling at the guy, run ru away she is a psycho.
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mustbl820 March 2022
One of the worst movies I have watched recently. Lead actress was annoying and the former fiance was worse. The ending was awful. The only good thing about this movie was the sister and her new man.
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oatmeal19918 March 2022
Concept was Stupid, actors were horrific, UP TV should do better! No way was this any good, can't accept a guy leaving a girl at the alter and being forgiven, and the lists by the bride were asinine!
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Waste of time
dsweeting-838-64293614 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So disappointing. She owed him the apology, but the entire movie made him out to be the bad guy. Yes, he should have told her why by showing her the list she wrote of their future but that would have made for a short film. Even after he does give her the list, she still acts like she's innocence & walks away. The writers really got this all wrong, both sides should have been addressed.
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What's with the resort guy?
lnmilne-6411116 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would the character who works at the resort have any skin in the game? He knows 30 seconds in that the girl is all about her fiancée and besides, the guy lives at the resort! What did he think would happen? Also, the girl was super annoying and why were they fighting over her? Couldn't watch the whole thing.
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Wow, so bad
centava9915 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst plots I've seen. Could have been good if there was even one acknowledgment that the bride was a lunatic and control freak, but her only admitted faults were being an avid planner and spreadsheet preparer.

Her partner had no say in any aspects of their relationship, and even at the dang ending she's forcing him to do something he doesn't want to do. Love of my life? Only if he's got Stockholm Syndrome.

I watched it only because I like Edward Ruttle. Only Bonnie and John made it worth watching to the end.
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Were we supposed to like her?!
austenpride10 May 2022
My husband and I started watching this movie, but the female lead was so annoying that we had to turn it off. She was self absorbed and terrible. Usually there is a redeeming quality somewhere that you can see that makes you want to watch and see if she comes to some realization of how she needs to change, but we couldn't see any positive in her at all if I can't root for the main character, I can't enjoy the show.
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Taking self centered to a whole new level.
williamcampbell-1738919 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had the misfortune to watch this movie today. The female lead is perhaps the most self centered person I've ever seen. She is also extremely annoying. How did the guy stick her for three years? Why would he propose to her? Why having escaped from a fate worse than death would he come crawling back to her, begging her for another chance.

Aside from being pretty she didn't have a single redeeming quality but countless men were throwing themselves at her.

Never, aside from a few mild comments from her sister, did anyone tell her what a complete jerk she was being.

I found the sister to be much more likable.
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Hoped it would get better, but it didn't
junkmoi27 March 2022
The only surprise in the movie was how Brett put up with ava for as long as he did. Absolutely nothing likable about the main character. The sister's storyline was more interesting.
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really bad
flejklw7 February 2023
Well, is there anything good to say about this film, except do not watch it.

Has a male, I do not want to sound insulting but the lead actress is scripted in a role that left her shallow, dim-witted, the list is endless.

Film government bodies should really look into these types of really awful type films and ban them.

So the bride gets left at the alter by some half intelligent male, so she goes off on the honeymoon ( she might as well ah ! ). Followed shortly by the moron (who somehow sees fit to do this ) to try and convince her to marry her again.

Its a film that can have no spoilers because its already spoilt, its rubbish, you know the outcome before its already started.

A petition should be started to put an end to these films, seriously!!!
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If I could give it 0 stars I would
calderwoodleslie21 April 2023
Short answer, not good. Long answer, all the characters are annoying and have no good quality to them. You hate the main character and literally everyone else. The entire movie is a complete waste of time. The plot is stupid and I truly believe a second graded could write a better story. The story does not keep you engaged and if I stoped watching half way I wouldn't have cared. The ending has nothing special to it and it was very dissatisfying and utterly a disappointment. I would rather watch paint dry for 2 hours then suffer through watching this move. Gift this movie to someone you hate so they can suffer as much as I did.
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couldn't finish it
puredaydream11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love cheesy/goofy hallmark type of movies as they're usually lighthearted and mindless which is always refreshing after a busy/tough day. I've lost count how many I've watched so far.

But oh my God...

What's up with Ava??? She's probably the most annoying movie character I've ever seen in my life! Neurotic, overbearing and finicky, I felt smothered by her and I was only watching her on screen lol.

Can't believe how Brett jumped through hoops to be with her. Talking about masochism.

The Kyle guy was attractive and charming but redundant. What was the purpose of his character?

Her sister kept talking about her dead husband.

No chemistry between any of the actors.

The script sometimes didn't make sense and the pace was too fast at times.

All in all, I stopped watching about 55 minutes in as I couldn't believe the movie was getting worse and worse by the minute.
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Good concept, lazy execution
squeally82924 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While I like the lead actress, the character was OTT and I wanted to smack her a few times. I hate it took a few sweet words and she took her ex back.
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linda-plant230 April 2022
Did ANYONE actually finish watching this film ??? Is this what film Directors have resorted to ? Making this puerile idiotic stuff ? I wonder how old the Director, Scriptwriter and Producer was - around 15 judging by the quality of this.

I started to wonder if it was a Training Film for would be actors and directors in how not to act or make a movie !

Everyone from actor upwards need to go back to Drama School, because this film insults the intelligence of the audience. - and I only watched 40 minutes - yes I lasted THAT long.
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Don't waste your time.
dombrkay30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with all of the other reviews. The main female character was extremely extremely annoying. Her controlling ways were the reason the fiancee broke up with her. Yet he is groveling to get her back. I totally wasted 2 hours of my life.. I had a sneaky suspicion this was written by a man. I was correct. I would hope no woman would ever write a female character like this without having her come too some self realization & improvement of her character flaws. She should have strongly accepted fault for the problems in the relationship. SERIOUSLY, pass on watching this.
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Really bad movie
rishkunal23 March 2022
There is a huge chance that the writers got hit by the bus just before writing this stupid movie. Classic bimbo is the protagonist who remains as such.
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