12 Reviews
Solid Thriller
fite-becky29 May 2024
Henderson has elevated his delivery with this suspenseful movie. This is a great who-done-it storyline with unsettling, and sometimes untrusting relationships at its foundation. The gore-factor is relevant without it taking center stage. It is just enough to depict the scene without it being over-the-top. Henderson does a good job of leaving you wondering and unsettled until it all unfolds. Several scenes deliver a solid shock-value causing immediate reaction. One scene delivers a very intense dose of noxious imagery which left me watching with one eye peeking between my fingers. Totally worth the watch!
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Let's keep it real people
tstyles124 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK, let's be real, the first bunch of reviews here are clearly from brothers, sisters, uncles, and grandparents of the actors and crew. Hahaha. You don't have to be a rocket scientist in reading all these 10 star reviews and the wording in them to know that.

That said, And from an unbiased standpoint, the movie wasn't that bad. It was not a one star, but it certainly was not a 10 star. It was a solid 6 stars. For anyone who's rated upwards of 800 movies on IMDb like I have you can trust that's a good number for this flick. The acting was certainly nothing to pull out the Oscar statues over, but one could tell that just watching the preview alone You weren't going to get cutting edge acting.

I did find it funny that all of the members of AA kept running into each other at the bar. Hahahaha. I also think it was grossly predictable who the finster was and who he wasn't. By the way, why the hell did they call him the Finster? I waited for the whole movie to find out where this name originated from, but it was never told. What the hell is a Finster? I know all about the notorious BIG, but I don't know nothing about no notorious finster. Then, finally, when it turned into Misery in the last 20 minutes, I felt a little like been there done that. All I can say that it was ironic that it was the bottle of vodka that saved her in a movie that hyper focused on alcohol and alcoholism. And what was that Australian launching rockets scroll at the bottom of her news interview at the end? Lol.

Some cool killings, Unintentional humor, And an OK finale. I would say it's probably worth a watch.
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Unexpected turn !
melissasusanevans1 June 2024
Journalist and her husband move to the country to escape city living and temptations of a dangerous lifestyle. Journalist doesn't leave her old world behind her just a new scenery with twists and turns. Usually not into indie thrillers but my friend suggested it and boy was I on the edge of my seat the whole time. Somewhat gory but had that creekety Texas chainsaws old school feeling the whole time. Great cinematography in the scenery. Also noted that for not recognizing any of the cast, I am excited to see them all in other roles- they were all very compelling especially the lead. I also loved the horse scene !
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Do not waste your time.
asfarrell-9540310 June 2024
It's an Indy flick, and it shows. If you like movies with poor acting, poor filming and a predictable storyline, then this one's for you. I only paid for it because of all the great reviews. I wish at least one person had told the truth - well I am. Absolute stinker. This is two hours you'll never get back. Don't say I didn't tell you. The leading lady is a Jennifer Connolly look-alike. Most of the acting is very stiff. The special effects were awful. I have watched all of John Carpenter's debut films, on the low budget that I read he had - he created a masterpiece. This is not a masterpiece, but it is a piece.
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This is a MUST WATCH Indie Crime Drama
lindsayrcorri28 May 2024
SETTING: Rural and stunning CINEMATOGRAPHY: Boozy, warm, and well thought out. It tells the story beautifully without taking attention away from the scene.

STORY: A dark, patient take on your typical 'whodunnit' serial killer movie. The film has a sense of empathy for the victims and everyone caught in the crosshairs of the killer and their violence. The theme of alcoholism and obsession are very heartfelt. Annie and Reyna are also a ton of fun to watch on screen together as an enabling, chaotic friendship that has an air of something more? Subtextual romance?

SFX: I thought the makeup in this film was very good.

SCOPE: This is definitely an indie film. I give it five stars not because there's no room for polish or improvement, but because I am INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED with the production quality, performances, and overall craft of this film for such an incredibly small team and budget. There are films out there with 10x the budget and about half the value.

This movie is worth a watch. Best paired with a rainy night and a warm blanket.
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Chilling Thriller with Plenty of Twists and Turns
dlh-223421 June 2024
I watched "The Notorious Finster" the other night and was blown away by this well-crafted and hair-raising film. It was one of the best offerings of the insane killer genre that I've seen. Finster is a thinking person's horror film, with sharp psychological insights, humor, wry dialogue, and a unique protagonist -- a woman crime journalist who has been on the serial killer's trail for years. Annie Sullivan, a fully-drawn character with demons of her own, is played by Amanda Evans, who is spot on in her portrayal of a boosey and self-deceiving, yet brainy and resolute pursuer of truth. Beautifully filmed and directed, Finster will keep you on the edge of your seat, from its grusome opening scene until it's truly shocking final twist.
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Great acting with a compelling story
EmmieBrisbie29 May 2024
If you enjoy darker dramas or dreary crime stories at all, do yourself a favor and give it a watch. Keeps you on the edge of your seat right from the beginning. I personally felt the actual climax was much before the climax that's depicted (won't let out spoilers) though I was honestly expecting a different ending , it doesn't fail to satisfy you at the end. Gives you a thought provocation on what's actually "innocent" and what's not. The best thing about the movie is the way it fiddles with your mind at the end as to who the protagonist really is - I mean it wasn't a gory movie , there wasn't much violence shown but being left to the mind made it much more disturbing than it could have been.
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Surprisingly good!!
Erin-Kitz2 June 2024
This one took me by surprise - it was really a really good film! I found myself engaged from the very beginning and it managed to check most of the boxes I look for in a film. The story follows a tenacious writer, Annie who works closely with a detective (Det Sgt Brady) to track down a serial killer that took a short hiatus but is now back on their radar. Annie has some demons of her own and struggles to keep her eye on the ball. Annie finds a new friend who shares in her very same struggles and the relationship between the two is compelling. Very well done film and a most definitely worth the watch!
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Don't miss out on this captivating indie crime drama that delivers on multiple fronts
Set in a rural backdrop, the cinematography is both captivating and well-crafted, seamlessly complementing the narrative without overshadowing the scene. Offering a unique spin on the traditional 'whodunnit' genre, the film delves into the dark psyche of a serial killer with a sense of empathy towards the victims and those ensnared in the killer's web of violence. Themes of alcoholism and obsession are explored with heartfelt depth, while the dynamic between Annie and Reyna adds an intriguing layer of complexity. The makeup work stands out as particularly impressive, adding to the overall immersion of the film. Despite its indie status, this film shines with its impeccable production quality, stellar performances, and masterful storytelling. It earns a well-deserved 10/10, showcasing the remarkable talent of its small team and budget, surpassing many big-budget counterparts in value and impact.
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Solid indie film
Lock87610 June 2024
Check for reviews on sites like Letterboxd or Overly Honest to get non partisan feedback. I think the reviews were very fair and well thought out. It's a quality independent film with a good suspense and interesting characters. It's definitely not a horror film but rather a phycological thriller with a pretty cool twist. I really liked the production design and the cinematography. The makeup and the score really stood out but I thought the overall film did a great job of keeping the story moving without the normal clichés that normally are found in a lower budget movies like this. Well worth the watch if you like this type of non-Hollywood type well done independent films.
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Pretty good and suspenseful
Thornberry-114 June 2024
This one focuses more on the characters that revolved around a serial killer. The lives of the protagonist and her newly found friend are explored enough to draw some emotions for those involved. Acting is mostly stellar and direction is solid. I was definitely in it until the end, and I was not disappointed. There are some disturbing scenes and a pretty cool twist but it was well worth the watch.

As far as serial killer movies go, this is one of the better ones out there. Nothing mind blowing for sure, but the take was different enough to stand out. If you don't enjoy slashers, or blood and core, but want to see a movie with a suspenseful and well thought out plot, this is the movie you are looking for.
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Good little movie
sorensonzeb25 June 2024
This movie feels very realistic. Many of the killing scenes are not shown. There isn't much space for victims being tortured, screaming for help. The lack of shenanigans makes the movie a little more creepy and more focused on the characters.

Several of the characters are quite broken people with some sad stories. That gives the movie another note of complexity. I liked this one. The whole time I was watching it, I couldn't figure out why it was listed in the "horror section" on Prime. I think it deserves to be in drama or thriller but I definitely recommend it.

I thought the production value was pretty good for a low budget indie.
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