Low Life (2022) Poster


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8 Reviews
Draysan-Jennings30 August 2022
The lead character almost gave me an anxiety attack. Maybe that was the point. I just found him to be very nerve-racking and obnoxious. The movie itself was hard to get through. About 30 minutes in I almost turned it off but decided to stick it out. That was a bad idea because nothing of any real significance happends until the last 20 minutes. It felt like that card game scene went on forever. It was torture getting through that. On the positive side, I will say I liked the ending. It got pretty intense there for a second, but it would of been nice to see what happened with the main character. 4 stars.
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That is out of Context
nogodnomasters17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Benny Jansen (Wes Dunlap) rhymes with Chris Hansen is a vigilante Youtube predator hunter. He contacts predators online and pretends to be a 13 year old girl. He then meets up and films them, sometimes without good results as the last guy recognized him from high school where he was a basketball star. His show is called "Creep Dunk" and he is a bit obnoxious and has some anger management issues. After his last encounter, he buys a Glock and pretends to shoot predators. A sixteen year old girl named Nicole (Lucy Urbano) gives him leads and wants to be part of the action which Benny objects.

His second encounter didn't go quite as planned as friends help you move and real friends help you move the body. Not a bad plot, but the script needed some refinement.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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This deserved better
syed-ali-ehsan4 September 2022
The plot is decent. Unfortunately the screenplay, the acting and direction are mediocre to say the least.

This movie is not well made at all. It's badly paced. Really slow, unnecessarily drawn out scenes of the characters freaking out with not much going.

The dialogue takes you nowhere. Nowhere at all. Almost feels like the dialogue was mostly improvised.

The zoomer over reaction to everything as a plot device is just frustrating and makes the movie seem stupider and super obnoxious.

The dialogue is just ridiculous. Some of the actions of the main guy seem so stupid. There is so much freaking out in this movie.

I think the cast feels acting and freaking out are basically the same thing. Obviously they are wrong and I totally do regret watching this. I don't know this gets two stars instead of one. Maybe for the original story, ish.
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What the f did I just watch
ryleilove28 April 2023
This movie was so painful to get through. Everything about it. The script, the acting, the concept, the pacing. You can tell two stupid boys wrote this movie. Kudos to their creativity and actually executing but this was horrid.

What was the point? Where are we headed? What is happening? I cannot believe I sat through this. Well I suffered through. I was going to cut it off and watch a video of chalk being scraped on a chalk board or stare at my ceiling but I saw it through. Thank goodness it was free on Tubi.

I say read the real reviews...anything over a 4 is a hilarious lie. Take heed and watch at your own risk.
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You give movies a chance and
venomtruth1 September 2022
A select few will reward you. For whatever reason this movie works. Some minor flaws and irritating dialogue but the story moves fast and comes together with a nice bow at the end. High Marks to the lead actor as he took a complicated character and ultimately made him interesting. I usually fast forward thru movies like this but at no time did I feel it necessary. In fact I found myself interested in how it would progress. I believe the one weakness in this film were the contributions from his two male friends. One was a little too psycho (drugs) and the other friend was just a warm body waiting to die - Seven stars.
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machi712-835-64866130 August 2022
I wasn't expecting much from the IMDB rating of Low Life, but this was quite a riveting film! As cliche as it sounds, it really is a nonstop thrill ride with a great premise and many unexpected twists and turns.

Wes Dunlap is impossible to take your eyes of off. He plays the damaged, narcissistic, charismatic, virtue-signalling YouTuber to perfection. He reminded me a lot of Robert Pattinson's Connie Nikas in Good Time. Someone who's good at thinking on his feet and getting others to go along with what he needs.

Lucy Urbano was also a standout, but all the actors had really amazing performances, helped a lot by a script that made the characters feel like real people in real (terrible) situations.

If you want something unexpected and don't mind the dark and twisted, this is definitely for you.
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A pleasant surprise
shannon-bill16 June 2024
This movie features a generation that is not my own. I'm closer to 60 than 50 but I was pleasantly surprised by this. Essentially a no-budget affair it kept me intrigued, interested and entertained for the duration. Not once did I check my watch, fast-forward or consider watching it at a faster speed. That says a lot!

I see quite a few negative reviews here including at least one 1-star and that made me wary but various points raised by more positive reviews convinced me to give it a try.

Yes, the main character was obnoxious but I think he was supposed to be and cudos to the kid who played him - he was quite believable.

Actually everyone did great work here and they ought to be proud of their work. If talent is what the industry is all about, this whole team should have bright futures. Alas, success in Hollywood has scant little to do with talent and everything to do with nepotism and connections as well as saying and thinking the "right" things.
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I Watched a Movie about a YouTuber *WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU*
wop-3152930 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't you hate reviews on here where they write their own movie synopsis? The site already has that at the top of the page, guy.

This movie is absolutely bonkers and really fun. I tried to figure out why I enjoyed it so much and came to the conclusion that it's sensationalized realism. Much like a reality TV show or wrestling, you know what happens is ridiculously fake but it toes the line of reality just enough for your brain to talk you into it being acceptable. While many decisions are WAY over the top, the overall progression to the insane places the plot takes you is mostly earned through clever storytelling.

Unfortunately, what I'd deem to be the most pivotal choice is the hardest pill to swallow. It very nearly took me out of the movie, but the acting is SO good in this. And not even just the main guy is remarkable, all the side characters do a phenomenal job in selling their roles as well.

I would put effort into telling you this is well worth watching but if you're reading this you've likely already seen the movie... who really reads these reviews about random films to decide if they want to watch them? Nobody. So I will add a spoiler part in case the same thing that bothered you also bothered me and then you can feel validated and sleep easy tonight.


The idea that some average schlub punching someone in the face a couple times is "almost killing him" is laughable (I legit started laughing hard when they said that). That rationale for not calling the cops just did not work, even more so with them living in a state that is famous for not prosecuting criminals. I wish that had been fleshed out better.

Instead of the reporter saying "the sheriff doesn't like vigilante justice because of lower conviction rates", I think "the sheriff said you've been getting multiple death threats because of the people you've put behind bars" would have worked better. Then, the rationale for not calling the cops could have been "I can't risk even one day in jail! There's people in there that want me dead!" which his friends can sympathize with to explain their going along.

But that final scene with the lady teacher explains so much about him and why he does what he does (assuming I am interpreting it accurately) and just brilliantly wraps it all in a bow in the span of just 10 seconds. It's a strong, strong finish to an already powerful script.
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