
9 Reviews
I can't believe I spent money on this
25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Plot was ok but some of the acting was terrible, like when the killer stabs one of the tenants with bolt cutters, that actor getting stabbed was literally jumping around and waving his arms, it was laughable.

Killer's identity is not that interesting, he gets shot several times and appears just fine. I fell asleep a few times.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
23 August 2022
Very one dimensional and formulaic storyline. If u left and came back later on, u will not have missed anything in terms of any new plot developments. It seemed like a really bad, boring episode of Goosebumps.
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The Gardener (2021)
It lures u in only to disappoint
14 August 2022
This is some of the worst acting I've ever seen. It portrays itself as an action movie but is really just the gardener remaining stiff and expressionless while he and anyone fighting him engage in rudimentary, stilted moves. Each time a fight begins, this really bad action music also starts, like it's painfully inauthentic. Character development was minimal, acting and dialogue were strained and overdone, and not at all realistic. It could be a spoof movie for an actual action flick.
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An accurate picture of human malice
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie, mostly for its accurate and visceral portrayal of true psychopathy. The scary thing about it is it can (and does) easily disguise itself amongst ordinary people. Ed is charming, even relatable at first, but as it progresses his sadism and narcissistic personality start to be revealed, as well as a much deeper glimpse into his predilections. Even though Susan could also be considered a psychopath, as events transpire and they both become increasingly stressed, the power imbalance within their relationship is also uncovered. Consequently Susan realizes that ultimately Ed has lowered her guard and attacked her just like with his victims.
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Scar (2007)
11 November 2021
A cop gets murdered in his own car, then the killer breaks into the house, kills the other cop, kidnaps the niece, and even waits to be seen by Joan across the street, and the other cops still can't figure out who it is. Classic plot involving idiot cops, stealthy killer, and falsely accused underdog...until she ends up solving the whole thing.
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Boring and sleep-inducing
29 August 2021
The plot and concept were good, but seems like the execution of it fell short. The main character is difficult to identify with because her personality comes off as superficially amiable but otherwise emotionally immature and intellectually dull. It moves so slowly that it's easy to forget the overall story and just get literally lost in each scene. Aside from the overarching theme being portrayed very two-dimensionally, there's really nothing to hold your interest except for the persistent wishful thinking that if you just keep watching there's a chance it might get better (it doesn't). The characters just lack depth, and it's not really a "slow burn" because there's really no tension building's just "slow," period.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
12 June 2021
Almost every other sentence is some misogynistic, insulting put-down. And a lot of the dialogue seems stilted and unnatural, like u can tell they're just reading/acting from a script rather than presenting as genuine. And Jason Statham has a perpetually angry look on his face and almost never smiles, which comes off more constrained than stoic. Guy Ritchie, along with his other recent movies, is just trying too hard.
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The Vault (2021)
I kept dozing off...
11 June 2021
Freddie Highmore was painfully miscast in this movie...he was not charming nor endearing, and made the entire movie all the less compelling. Absolutely zero stage presence. Recycled concept, formulaic plot line, predictable outcome. It was a decent-enough attempt but ultimately a waste.
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Secrets in the Snow (2020 TV Movie)
A bit disappointing
11 June 2021
The movie revolves around the death of the boyfriend's brother and it's effects on the family, chiefly it's nuanced dysfunction and oddities. It took place over the course of a long weekend, of course during a sudden snowstorm which isolated the group long enough to have old secrets come out. Basically the protagonist girlfriend who was really a stranger to them was able to solve the mystery in 3 days while the local cops had been unable to decipher it for years.
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