
88 Reviews
Solid sci-fi action flick
23 September 2023
Yes it's true, there's no dialogue in this movie, but there isn't any need for dialogue because if you pay attention the movie lays out it's narrative through it's direction and actions of the protagonist. The story itself is fairly simple, it's exactly what you see in the trailer, an alien invasion and a lone young woman fighting for her life.

What this movie doesn't have is exposition. No one is here to hold your hand through the movie, no ones here to explain it, because...duh..."No One Will Save You". We're in the dark throughout the movie as is the protagonist and expected to pay attention to the fairly obvious clues to get an idea of what's going on. And even then don't go in expecting a huge reveal at the ending, we're not meant to know too much, and if done right that's what I consider good sci-fi. It should bewilder and confuse you sometimes and this movie manages to do that while keeping a very tight pace with plenty of action to keep you engaged.

The CGI isn't the best, you can tell this was done on a moderate budget, but it's serviceable. The lead actress was surprisingly scrappy, she's like a tiny little terminator with the abuse she takes and manages to get back up. If you're a big sci-fi and action fan and you don't expect too much I don't see why you wouldn't like this movie.
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Survive the Raft (2023– )
Good for a hate watch
19 September 2023
This show is just sort of baffling. They took an interesting concept and completely ruined it by over dramatizing every single little thing. I'm not sure how much is scripted or how much people were coached but every single person (except Summer) is completely unlikable. The cast pretends like they're all so invested in this "experiment" and how they want to reach the finish line together as a team. They say all these positive things when the reality is they're the most self-righteous and self centered people you can find. The women are the absolute worst, they constantly find any reason to be offended and resort to group bullying every single episode while pretending they're actually the victims.

And this all takes place in less than 3 weeks time, which really isn't that long of a period of time. The people are all just so ridiculously fake and shallow, the challenges are lame, the constant swapping of contestants is too frequent and takes up the bulk of the show. It's over dramatic shallow trash at the end of the day only good for a hate watch. Summer is gorgeous so I gave it an extra point.
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Rough brutal material
1 November 2022
This movie did something I didn't expect from a World War makes you feel empathetic for the Germans. To an extent.

I'm no war buff so I'll leave the realism to the experts but what this movie does is show you the first World War from the view point of people who've never experienced or even conceived of war and bloodshed on this scale. It starts off with new recruits full of patriotism for their country expecting to be sent on a grand adventure only to have those expectations quickly shattered. Turns out war isn't fun, and not even initially due to the actual fighting. Just training and constantly being screamed at and controlled while marching your days away is brutal. Remember, while vehicles existed, they weren't common use at this period of time...these soldiers had to walk, walk, and walk some more to get to where the war effort was taking place. And even if they had vehicles most of those places didn't have roads yet to drive them on. Then there's the constant lack of food and water, rough sleeping conditions, being exposed to the elements. Just GETTING to the war is brutal. That's a good 3rd of the movie right there.

Then close to the half way point, after a few minor skirmishes, we see the war front and the trenches and get to see what that's like.'s terrible! You pop up out of a trench and're shot. And that's just life in between charges. There was no strategy to the charges either, they relied on waves of bodies to gain even 100 meters, hoping to out pace the bullets constantly coming your way. Millions of young men died in this fashion, their bodies littering the field.

The most brutal part of the film is the weapons of war never before seen. Tanks, flame throwers, planes dropping bombs. Men screaming in pure terror while the bullet proof tanks drive over them, while flames fill their trenches, or planes blow them up while they flee.

And the odd thing is since we're seeing it from the eyes of the young German soldiers, who are truly clueless as to why they're really even fighting, you do empathize and feel sorry for them. You find yourself even rooting for them. This movie humanizes them but importantly shows the politicians who are truly to blame for the atrocities. The powerful men behind the scenes, bloated from being overfed on rich foods, hundreds of miles away from the pain and suffering they cause.

I have no idea how accurate this movie is but it's a pretty straight forward piece showing just how awful, terrifying, and destructive this period of time was. I really enjoyed it and recommend it to any fans of this genre.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Not great, not horrible, perfectly mundane
7 August 2022
I didn't bother to read any reviews of this beforehand or know much about it other than a short trailer I'd seen a couple weeks ago, I was just bored and saw it on Hulu. It's not bad, it's serviceable for an action movie, but it didn't really feel like a Predator movie. The lead actress, who I'd only ever seen in the TV series "Legion", doesn't have enough of a presence to carry this movie. She's just very bland with the same expression throughout the whole thing. The Predator somehow came off as pretty bland as well. There was no real hard hitting moment throughout the entire film, even Adrian Brody had a couple good moments in his Predator movie (plus it had Laurence Fishburne).

Basically it was just a very mediocre movie. I didn't get any "woke" feeling from it, nothing that stood out at least, it just left me with a shrug by the end of it with nothing that stood out. Smaller budget than previous Predator movies, not much in the way of plot, characters, or acting. The movie exists and I didn't hate it is the best thing I can say about it.
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Death Count (2022)
No redeeming qualities
24 July 2022
I got about 40 minutes into this movie before I couldn't take it anymore. It's bad. I don't mind the torture/gore genre but there has to be at least an attempt at a story and there isn't. It's just people being tortured via subpar special effects, horrible dialogue and seemingly no point. The acting is also some of the worst I've seen in quite awhile.

Don't bother with this one.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
A show where 2 spoiled celebrities preach at us and pretend it's comedy
4 December 2021
I'm sitting here watching this show and almost at the end of the first episode and it dawns on me...I haven't even come close to laughing a single time. And I realize why...because Seth Rogan and Sarah Silverman just aren't funny anymore and worse than that...they don't know what funny is. They've been living in their rich privileged celebrity bubble for so long they're completely disconnected from their audience and are oblivious to it. None of this material is edgy, it hasn't been for over a decade, it's just the mainstream narrative that we already see every single day. And what's worse it's written in a way where they're clearly stroking their own egos, the show is basically "Look how awesome and progressive we are! Praise us!". All this show does is display Seth and Sarah's narcissism.
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Alter Ego (2021– )
Bad in a variety of ways....but this is the worst way
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I'll be real, I don't even like singing competitions, I tuned in because the concept sounded interesting and I thought this show was going to introduce some new technology. Other reviews already pointed out valid reasons for the low rating, the not so great singing, the phony hosts, the garish avatars, the premise that "ugly" people should hide themselves away to prevent from being judged on their appearance, which is a horrible message.

All reasons enough to dislike the show. Here's what really bugs me though...everyone is pretending to watch an avatar on stage but it's actually added in afterwards. What the hosts are actually seeing is the avatar on small screens in front of them and then pretending to address the avatar on stage. This means the crowd is also in on the act when they're likely just watching a larger screen somewhere off camera. The stage is empty the whole time, there's no new technology, it's all a room full of people playing make believe and the whole premise is a lie. It's just kinda pathetic once you realize it.
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My shot at an unpretentious explanation
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
These glowing reviews are written by a buncha people who sniff their own farts and love it. They're more concerned with trying to look cultured than being honest. Well I think I have a pretty good read on this movie myself...and it's still not that great. There's not much dialogue or story here, it really is some kid that traps his family in a hole, but there is a meaning to it. At least I think there is.

So you have this kid John. He's quiet and shows basically no emotion or interest in really connecting with anyone, including his own family. He's prone to either just saying "Okay" or "Why" in response to instruction. So it's easy to think that the kid is either just a jerk, on the spectrum, or soulless. But I think what he's symbolizing what it's like to be a child on the verge of young adulthood while understanding next to nothing about the world. Growing up we're given instructions and told to do things simply because it's "normal" or "what people do". You ask why and are told to stop asking questions and just do it. Many people are fine with this, they grow up to be adults who are great at being told what to do without the need to think for themselves. As a kid who irritated everyone by asking "Why?" constantly I actually understand John.

So my belief is that as a way to communicate this to his parents, because he clearly can't use words properly, he puts them in the position he sees himself in. He puts them in a hole where they're constantly asking him to talk to them, to tell them "why?", why are they in the hole, why doesn't he just answer? That is John's perspective of the world, trapped in a hole that no one will explain to him.

Now here's why it's not that good of a movie. For one, no it's not a dark comedy whatsoever, that's nonsense. It's also not a thriller. It IS psychological, but so slow and with no exposition at all it leaves too many questions. There is a plot point that touches on John trying to drown himself a few times to see what's there at the verge of death. It's just him floating face down in a pool, nothing else happens, but when he does let his family out of the hole they come across him face down in a pond and panic in a rush to save him. I think this made a connection as to the "why" in John's mind...that even after what he did they still loved him and wanted him to live. So I suppose that's a reason to continue on into adulthood. But who can be sure, it's not explained. There is also a completely random plot point of a mother talking to her young daughter about things like needing to abandon her and then the movie ends with scenes of the young daughter wandering around the woods alone. No clue who they were or what that was about, I definitely didn't understand that.

So I think I might have understood parts of this movie, but it was really boring and I wouldn't watch it again. Not the absolute worst but it definitely isn't anything above maybe a 5-6 depending on the individual. These people acting like it's art house magic are hacks.
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In the Earth (2021)
Creepy and bizarre...mostly confusing
9 May 2021
I'll admit that by the end of this movie I had no idea what happened or what it was really even about. I figured I must have missed something important so I went and read the synopsis detailing the whole movie and nope, I didn't miss anything, it just didn't make much sense at the end.

It did have a very creepy and surreal vibe to it at times, it's a very framed in movie with a small cast, the camera work and quality is all adequate. It just never really came together as a coherent plot and ending so I was left baffled when it was over. I don't expect a movie to be spoon fed to me but it could have used more exposition to explain what the hell was really going on.

I imagine there are people who might love this, I am not one of them. Didn't hate it but I wouldn't recommend this to people expecting a horror movie, it's far more atmosphere and vibes than story.
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Funny Face (2020)
Art and atmosphere over substance
31 March 2021
To save everyone time let me start out and tell you that this is in no way a revenge or vigilante movie. There is no violence, there is not much in the way of plot, there is no excitement or action. There is a little bit of boobies for like 60 seconds if that's your thing. This is an art house film, so be warned.

This was an odd movie to get all the way through for me, not because it's necessarily bad, but it's not "good" either because it really doesn't have a story or plot line. It is shot in a very gritty way that showcases both the beauty and griminess of New York. I've only been to NY state once and went through the various boroughs and they really do have a beauty to them, older architecture, mom and pop shops everywhere, it's alive and crawling with people. And rats. And pigeons. Because there's also the ugly side, trash everywhere, it stinks, it's noisy, the people are jerks...I hated NY city. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it.

And that's really a large part of this movie, the pros and the cons of life there. It's about how class warfare affects those at the bottom, about what happens to them when their neighborhood is bulldozed so an expensive high-rise complex can move in, displacing all the previous inhabitants. It's about immigrants moving into the middle of this and feeling out of place, trying to figure out where they fit in. This is not told through any sort of story, it's 90% atmosphere with a speech sort of explaining the heart of the issue near the end of the film. This is all told through the experiences of essentially 3 people, the displaced, the immigrant, and the wealthy real-estate mogul.

So if you like movies based entirely around atmosphere, long sweeping shots of city life, long silences and moments of brooding, give it a shot. The main performances were above average in general (couple poorly delivered lines here and there), the direction and cinematography is excellent...but it's a bit boring and feels aimless. I wouldn't recommend it to the average individual.
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The Pond (2021)
Sorry, it's a nothing film
24 February 2021
It's very possible that I missed certain nuance throughout this film that further expanded the actual story...but it just was not good and did not make sense. It is shot well, but the acting is subpar, the characters are not properly explained, the dialogue is clunky, and it uses an audio overlay instead of live you see their lips moving but it's clear you're hearing something different.

The plot is some guy testing a water source and interacting with hallucinations that aren't hallucinations? It's not explained. It's just people walking around with paper bags on their heads and the main character losing his mind but nothing is explained at all. They attempt an explanation between the main character and his University lead and it is just word salad with a doom dressing.

It's just not a good story line ultimately, and that's it's entire issue. It had the budget and film crew to do something really creative, the story could have been really interesting, but the director chose to be vague when it came to the plot so you simply don't care what happens by the end because you're so bored or confused.
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Genuinely surprised how well balanced this movie was
16 January 2021
To get it out of the way immediately...there are NO POLITICS IN THIS MOVIE. Praise be unto Jebus, I am so sick of politics being injected into everything, I just want to be entertained for a little bit and this did that job which is why it's getting a 7. Now to be fair, in the scope of ALL movies a 7 is a bit high on how I personally grade, I just found this to be a welcome surprise so I gave it an extra point or so.

Honestly this is sort of an high school version of 'Die Hard' and it actually did a pretty good job at it. A terrorist take over, a mix of henchmen, a somewhat charismatic antagonist (no one will ever be better than Alan Rickman though, RIP), and a out gunned reluctant protagonist.

Finally I'm amazed that that they even got something like this done, an action film about a school shooting? That's a hard sell. I don't like that stuff, I've never watched a documentary or movie about it because I was in high school when the Columbine incident happened, I went through lockdown training, and it's real life terrifying. And this was sort of sickening too I'll admit when it began, so I understand and also warn people if they don't like this or aren't sure if they can watch it. It's not super graphic's mass shooting teens in a school. That is not something anyone really wants to see on screen...but it is a reality as unfortunate as that is, so...why not make an action movie out of it I suppose? You might not agree, I respect that.

Back to there being no politics, the shooters are a mix of basically what the past several culprits have been. The chronically bullied, one with mental health issues, a sociopath looking for fame and grandeur, and a girlfriend willing to do anything out of a sick sense of devotion. These are all past motivations for teen murders and mass shootings. And then a heroin uses her wits, not some bizarre strength to beat everyone into submission when she's 90lbs, to save the day and as many people as she can.

Overall a good action flick to just relax with. It's easy to love the protagonist, easy to hate the antagonist, and you get a satisfying conclusion without any overarching message. It's just an action flick. And that's a good thing.
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Butchers (2020)
Garbage movie
13 January 2021
This is a nothing movie. It's a bare bones knock off of Texas Chainsaw without any of the iconic characters that make it interesting. There's not even any lore or story here to explain any of it. People's cars break down while passing through and a few people show up to dispatch screen mind you. There's not even any gore to be found here. There's a little bit of Hills Have Eyes in that one woman is impregnated, but it's literally 10 minutes of the entire movie.

It's shot well is the only positive, they had some good angles and production, but there is no real story. The acting is what it is...there's no story so it's just them spouting their lines. It's not scary, or dramatic, or's literally just 2 groups of people breaking down and being preyed upon by southern hillbilly stereotypes...and they weren't even good or had any accent.

It's just a trash movie shot with a good camera, don't bother.
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Just a really bizare mashup of movie genres
4 January 2021
I didn't hate this movie, I thought there were some pretty entertaining elements at times, but it's just weird in several ways. The entire movie takes place on one of those WW2 era flying fortresses but other than a few opening scenes a good hour or more of the movie takes place with Moretz character being stuck in a turret bubble by the misogynistic crew she's onboard with. It starts out that she's on a super secret mission to deliver a package of utmost priority, one that can influence the outcome of the war. But she's a girl so they just treat her like crap for over half the movie over the intercom system.

The rest...well there's a monster plot, a couple air fights, some weird plot twists where identities are revealed. But they don't mix, the movie doesn't know what it is so when the plot takes a turn you're wondering what the hell is going on. It's explained, you're not left in the dark, but it's just plain bizarre how it jumps between genres. And then at the end the soundtrack gets weirdly techno and pop sounding, which doesn't match what's happening on screen.

The acting was generally fine, the movie is plain ridiculous though, it really wasn't a very good script and the whole monster aspect wasn't explained at all and made zero sense. Like I said, I didn't hate it, but it's not good. I wouldn't pay for it, but maybe it's okay for a boring day when you can't find something else to stream.
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Boss Level (2020)
Very good "Groundhog Day" action flick
10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was pure popcorn flick fun and Frank Grillo totally carried this movie. The same repeating day themes are here but to spin it as an action movie and have it work is a bit of a feat. There are really awesome high quality action sequences in this movie, great narrative from Frank Grillo's character throughout the movie that don't become annoying, and the story actually has some levels of complexity that keep you guessing about the plot.

The plot is basically a man that wakes up every morning on the verge of being murdered and he has no idea why. He's spent over 100 days trying to figure out why to little success, sometimes he survives the first several assassination attempts but always ends up murdered several hours later. Until a breakthrough happens and the plot is able to progress, which it does, and it does actually explain why the days are repeating so there is closure here.

Frank Grillo, who I love as an actor who is typically found in B-flicks, carries the hell out of this movie. It's probably his best performance of his career. The special effects are effective, this doesn't feel like a cheap movie at all. You can tell the rest of the cast showed up for a day or two to shoot their scenes, which is part of why I lowered my score, the movie is entirely carried by Frank Grillo. Which is not a bad thing, I just realize that people will be pulled to this movie from names like Mel Gibson, Michelle Yeoh, Naomi Watts, and Ken Jeong...and they're definitely in this movie, just not in much of it.

I rate it a 6 only because out of ALL action movies it's not going to break the mold, but it is very watchable and enjoyable and I highly recommend it. The other high profile names simply aren't in it much, but Frank Grillo really killed it in this role. Watch it if you love action, comedy, and light sci-fi.
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Castle Freak (2020)
Lame lovecraftian copout
5 December 2020
This movie has one of the most awesome filming locations you can hope for, a legit massive castle. The scenery is absolutely fantastic if you like that sort of thing, I wonder how they got the license to shoot in this place.

Unfortunately the movie just isn't good. The acting is below average, the plot is very thin, and they try to throw in a Lovecraft theme at the end that doesn't really make sense. Really none of the plot makes sense...because there isn't much of a plot at all.

There is boobs though for those that are interested. And they are very nice boobs. They add absolutely nothing to the plot but they are there for those who are interested. The FX is actually quite good as is the film quality, but unfortunately it's just not that great of a movie. I realize I didn't discuss the actual plot...that's because there really isn't is one and anything I said would be a spoiler. Other than the nice boobs it was a meh.
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The Witches (2020)
Just not good unfortunately.
23 October 2020
I just don't understand why they remade this movie, especially since they did it almost scene for scene only worse. Unlike some other comments I didn't mind the spin of swapping the main characters out for African Americans, I just don't think it added anything.

It's hard pinpointing exactly what went wrong here, but the whole film just felt off, you didn't feel like you were watching actual characters...but actors acting like characters, which makes a huge difference. Octavia Spenser has done some great roles throughout the years and she just didn't seem to put much effort into this. Anne Hathaway has also done some great roles...and it seems she put TOO much effort into it. It felt like she was trying too hard the whole time. And every other character is basically forgettable, including the lead child. Who was actually pretty good I think, just underutilized because the voice over by Chris Rock basically stole all the kids thunder by explaining everything he had already done, was doing, or going to do. Let the damn kid act.

Finally there was something odd with the special effects, some scenes lead me to believe they might have originally intended for this to be in 3D for a theatrical release, so you have these weird CGI sequences where they're reaching or running right at the screen and it comes off looking out of place. Which was really the case for the whole movie, just nothing seemed to work together and it results in a movie that just feels completely unneeded.

As a complete side note on what could have actually worked...change up the story a little bit to have the black leads have an actual backstory as to why they're there. If they'd put a French spin on it then the African Americans could have been the descendants of Creole slaves or immigrants who'd had dealings with witches on the European continent. I think that would have been a fun twist instead of just essentially making them movie props for a diversity quota.
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Absolutely nothing happens throughout the whole film.
5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is nothing but 1hr23m of middle aged women mumbling to each other about mundane nonsense and the realization that they're going to die some day. There's no twist, or plot, or mystery, or drama, or's literally just a very boring representation of women realizing, and not even coming to grips with, the fact that they're getting older and going to die one day. And it's done in a drab, droll, dry, absolutely boring and ultimately pointless way. I can't fathom who would even be entertained by this, it was so basic that the credits took less than 2 minutes to run because nothing happens.

I guess that's a spoiler? But it's literally all the movie is. It's shot fine, but other than that you can't even comment on the acting but there really isn't any. The writer/director must be a self-absorbed narcissist to think people would find this remotely interesting, I kept watching in hopes something would happen and it just never did. Avoid unless you're a middle aged woman without a personality I guess, because that's all this movie featured.
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Artik (2019)
Not much of anything here.
17 June 2020
I think people are being overly kind to this movie because it's shot relatively competently but there's pretty much no real story going on to the point I don't know if you can really call it a "movie". Once you take out the time the opening and closing credits take up this movie is only about an hour long, and most of that is filled with Artik mumbling and bumbling about and extremely boring and poorly acted scenes that occur in the nearby town. There's only two real scenes of violence/gore to show that he's a serial killer and they're pretty tame, and I watched the supposed uncut version which means the normal version must have somehow been even shorter and tamer.

It's nonsense and even with such a short run time was pretty boring and uneventful. I read other reviews about how the ending sequence was action packed and full of it's not. This is a nothing movie where no one shows any acting skills, the script is non-existent, and while I didn't hate it or anything I simply didn't care once it ended. Pretty pointless ultimately.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Wow, this was pretty lame.
12 June 2020
There doesn't seem to be any actual story here, at least one that makes sense. It's called Artemis Fowl but he's not really in that much of it and doesn't really seem to do anything when he is except stand around staring or delivering dry dialogue. I guess they're a family of thieves or something? His dad gets kidnapped by some angry guy in a hood, nothing really happens there. Then there's some fight at the Fowl mansion for some reason that didn't seem well explained, then some fairy chick disappears into an egg thing. Then it's over.

I haven't read the books and I'm not 10 so I'm sure I'm not the target audience for this but...this movie just kinda sucked. And Josh Gad is insufferable, I've come to realize that I truly hate him as an actor. He was doing some weird pirate voice and everything he said was stupid and cringe worthy, just really bad writing all around in this movie.

I rated it a 2 because I thought the special FX were still pretty good.
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1BR (2019)
Held my interest the whole way through
25 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A little bit of spin on the cult genre placed in the middle of LA. One thing I liked about this movie is that it's premise isn't drawn out, they get to the main plot in pretty quick order, you're not stuck waiting and wondering when it'll actually start getting interesting. It's low budget but shot well, the acting is fine, the lead actress is very pretty.

The story is a young, somewhat naive and introverted, woman moves from the middle of nowhere to start a new life in LA and finds an affordable 1 bedroom apartment. There's a little backstory as to why, but it's a pretty tame reveal and doesn't matter all that much. Soon after moving in she notices some of the neighbors are a bit odd and not as nice as she initially thought. Things soon start getting aggressive then you're pulled into the main plot for the rest of the movie.

There's some suspense, a couple scares, some violence and a little blood and gore, and it ended with a bit of a twist. It's not going to blow you away or anything but it's perfectly watchable while stuck indoors and bored out of your mind and the twist at the end left me interested in a potential sequel.
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It looks nice and...well it looks nice.
3 April 2020
Beyond the synopsis there really isn't anything else to this movie. What you read is what you get, that's the entire plot, there's no real spoilers or even anything to spoil at all. This is a movie that is a good 80% exposition without dialogue or plot development, you're just watching them move around or stare off into space. It also bounces around a little bit at times just to keep you guessing if something is actually happening or imagined...but it doesn't really matter because nothing is ever actually explained because there's no narrative or plot.

It's not a good movie, the acting is hard to judge because you don't really know what they're aiming for, and honestly it just doesn't make much sense overall since nothing is explained. The cinematography is fantastic, the cast looks great, but there's no real acting or story to see here. I just felt it seemed very pointless by the end.
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The Platform (2019)
21 March 2020
Let me get this right from the get go...this movie is not a 7 in the broad scheme of movies, not at all. It is a 7 in a very bizarre genre where ethics, morals, and poor taste are enclosed within a small space.

This movie is disgusting, violent, somewhat graphic, and hard to watch at times. It also just plain doesn't make any dang sense throughout much of it. But I do think it was a fantastic watch!

The synopsis explains the basics of the film so I won't bother and waste time. This is a film about how whoever is at top abuses those below them and how that dynamic can shift at any time. And while logic tells us we should adjust our behavior to make things better over time....we really don't. We just repeat the abuse and send it back down over and over never learning our lesson. This is an extreme literal interpretation of our behavior as a society and it is delivered with depravity, blood, and violence.

There is an overall message of hope at it's core, but it is literally insulated in blood and viscera. Minds are warped and broken, people die by the scores, everyone is a monster, and yet there is a message of hope at the very end. This movie lays bare how ugly we really are at our core as a people and society, and not in a subtle way. It's pretty brutal and often gross.

I enjoyed it. I don't know if you will.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
The message...stop trying to find a message in everything!
20 March 2020
This movie was written to basically call everyone an idiot if they base their whole lives around politically based ideological garbage. It's saying that regardless of being far right or far left you're still basically the same breed of moron and that it's the people living in the middle, who are actually trudging away just living our lives, are the actual badasses. Well not me specifically, but the general "we". The people who ignore the extremes of politics and just get things done. This movie portrays that in the least subtle way possible and I thought it was pretty hilarious.

There is almost no plot to this movie, which I'm sure will turn people off, but that's honestly what I liked about it because as commentary it speaks to political discourse that we see every day. It's all crap on both sides. Just buzz words and stupid conspiracy theories with both sides trying to paint each other into a box with very specific ideologies. Then we have the protagonist, a woman we know nothing about, nothing is ever explained about her, and she just takes over everything. It's all a very hamfisted analogy for modern society but I thought it was hilarious.

The plot is dumb, the characters are disposable, you never know what's going to happen next, everyone is insulted by the end, and Betty Gilpin does a hilarious job of just being bizarre. She also shows off some of her skills she's developed from starring on GLOW and her body is crazy tight in this. This is overall just a silly, ridiculous, popcorn flick with gratuitous violence...which is exactly what we need in an overly charged political era. It's a 6 because it's no masterpiece or anything, but it's plenty enjoyable.
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Not a comedy in any way even though there is a few laughs.
10 March 2020
This movie does have a few funny elements due to some clever writing and subtle acting moments between the leads but it is in no way a comedy. It is mostly a drama with a bit of mystery and romance. It's hard to really review this movie without any spoilers, but it does unfold organically, the acting is well done as is the cinematography. There's some very dark themes here and a heavy dose of what any one of us would do in this given situation. It can also be quite sad at certain moments. There is a little spicy language here and there but no overt violence or nudity.

Overall a very well executed enclosed film that keeps you guessing what will happen next and overall offers closure without just dropping it in your lap. It kept my attention the entire way through, just keep in mind this is far heavier on the drama and mystery than comedy or romance.
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