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Eliot A. Cohen

Eliot A. CohenAKA Eliot Asher Cohen

Born: 3-Apr-1956
Birthplace: Boston, MA

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government
Party Affiliation: Republican

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Prominent neoconservative

Military service: US Army Reserve

Wife: (m.)

    University: BA Government, Harvard University (1977)
    University: PhD Political Science, Harvard University (1982)
    Professor: Government, Harvard University (1982-85)
    Professor: Strategy, US Naval War College (1985-90)
    Professor: Strategic Studies, School of Advanced International Studies (1990-)

    Counselor of the Department of State (2007-)
    Defense Policy Board (1990)
    American Enterprise Institute Council of Academic Advisers
    Aspen Institute
    Council on Foreign Relations
    Project for the New American Century
    Trilateral Commission
    Praeger Security International Advisory Board

Author of books:
Commandos and Politicians (1978)
Citizens and Soldiers (1985)
Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War (1990)
Revolution in Warfare? Air Power in the Persian Gulf (1995)
Knives, Tanks, and Missiles: Israel's Security Revolution (1998)
Supreme Command: Soldiers, Statesmen, and Leadership in Wartime (2002)

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