AI Aspirations:
R&D for Public Missions

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Let’s put AI to work for our country’s great aspirations. Agencies across government are moving quickly to implement President Biden’s executive order to mitigate AI risks, including risks to safety, security, civil rights, privacy, and work. As we build this critically important foundation for responsible AI use, it’s time to create a future of better health and opportunity for all, mitigate climate change and boost resilience, build robust infrastructure and manufacturing, ensure the government works for every American, and more.

Director Arati Prabhakar speaks at the AI Aspirations event on June 13, 2024. Credit: Charlotte Geary/NSF

AI for Health

New medicines for seemingly intractable diseases in months rather than decades.

AI for Education

Individualized learning to help every teacher help every student achieve their own American dream.

AI for Weather

Weather forecasts that save lives and protect property with neighborhood-level, longer lead projections that people across the country can count on.

AI for Clean Energy

Flexible, reliable electrical grids that can meet our growing needs and further accelerate clean energy deployment.

AI for Sustainable Materials

New high-performance, sustainable materials in years rather than decades for globally competitive semiconductor manufacturing.

AI for Transportation

Transportation projects in every region of the country that save lives and keep America moving.

AI for Government Services

Government services that reach all Americans right when they need them while rigorously protecting privacy.

And More …

Let’s use AI to build transformative national capabilities that achieve America’s great aspirations.

Make Your Voice Heard

AI only works when it works for all of us. Let us know how AI can work better for you.