Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.

by HenfordHenCoop

Original Post

Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.

★ Guide

It would be amazing if you could add in the close up camera in CAS for when we are applying rings and bracelets, just like how the camera zooms in for applying nails.

Message 1 of 6 (420 Views)

Re: Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.

★ Apprentice

I completely agree, you can barely see the rings 

Message 2 of 6 (398 Views)

Re: Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.

★ Guide

This would be amazing. Right now I have to switch back to nails to view the rings and back and forth as I try different options. Would love to see this update.

Message 3 of 6 (248 Views)

Re: Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.

★★★★★ Novice
I agree, this would be such a useful feature!
Message 4 of 6 (134 Views)

Re: Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.


@HenfordHenCoop I agree 100 %!!! I love jewelry in real life and want to include it on my Sims, and it is so difficult to do so with anything having to do with the arms and hands!😢  They also keep swaying their arms back and forth and it is annoying when trying to put on jewelry and see what it looks like! 😣

Message 5 of 6 (46 Views)

Re: Close up camera for bracelets and rings please.

★★★★★ Expert
Totally agree with you 🐓🐔 🧡
Message 6 of 6 (45 Views)

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