Ash Ability

by ScratchyLamb420

Original Post

Ash Ability

★★ Newbie

What is the point of ashes arc snare if most movement characters can get out of it using there abilities or ultimate?  Its almost like it should block those abilities while snared. Also a normal zipline has enough momentum to break the snare.  

Message 1 of 4 (143 Views)

Re: Ash Ability

★★★★ Guide

@ScratchyLamb420 Unless there's been an update since I've stopped playing her snares should work on ziplines. After hitting them they're typically frozen at a specific distance from the start of the zipline. You can pretty much launch the snare and pre-aim at where they're going to be stuck for a free kill. 


I'm also fairly sure that it grounds all movement legends except maybe Wraith? It was always my go to move to keep movement Legends in place.

Message 2 of 4 (119 Views)

Re: Ash Ability

★★ Guide
It's not that it grounds anyone, it's that it doesn't last longer than 0.5 seconds.
It doesn't last long enough for Wraith to activate her tactical. Don't know about the wind up upgrade though, haven't tested that one yet.
Message 3 of 4 (91 Views)

Re: Ash Ability

★★ Guide
It does, it just doesn't last very long at all. 0.5 seconds tops.
If you get snared, crouch and walk a few steps. It will release because it doesn't last any meaningful amount of time.
I wonder in which patch they killed it.
Message 4 of 4 (84 Views)