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For the patient at Arkham Asylum, see E. Nigma.

Dr. Evelyn Rhyme, also known as Enigma, was the daughter of an unnamed individual and a psychologist, as well as a hypnotist secretly working for Safiyah Sohail and Roman Sionis. In Coryana, she made Alice and Ocean forget about each other and in Gotham, she brainwashed Kate Kane into thinking she was the late Circe Sionis, along with altering and erasing Julia Pennyworth's memories of searching for Kate and consulting Jacob Kane on Snakebite. She was killed by Ocean to prevent her from helping Alice restore Kate's memories.


Early life[]

Evelyn was born to a dreaded individual in Gotham City.[1] She obtained a doctorate in psychology from Paul Revere University,[2] specializing in the brain's reaction to addictive substances.[3]

Working for Safiyah[]

At some point, Evelyn started working for Safiyah Sohail. When Ocean was caught stealing a Desert Rose with Beth Kane and trying to leave Coryana, Evelyn wiped their memories of each other at the request of Safiyah. In the process, she reprogrammed Beth into the psychopathic "Alice".[4]

Working for Roman Sionis[]

Sionis residence

Evelyn and Roman brainwashing Kate.

At some point, Evelyn was hired by Roman Sionis to research the Kane family. She kept files on Kate Kane and Mary Hamilton.[1] In spring 2021, as Julia Pennyworth researched the explosion of Kate's private jet, Evelyn wiped Julia's memories of her trips to Monaco, Valencia, and Madrid to prevent her from uncovering the truth.[3]

In late 2021, Evelyn was hired by Roman to alter a captive Kate's mind. In her cell, Evelyn expressed sympathy for Kate's condition and asked if she could be alone with her. After Roman obliged, Evelyn introduced herself to Kate as Enigma and ripped off her necklace, vowing to help her forget being Kate Kane.[5] After six weeks of therapy and hypnotizing, Enigma was successful in replacing Kate's memories with those of Circe Sionis.[6]

Working for the Crows[]

In the meantime, Evelyn was called by Jacob Kane to help him after he had been dosed with Snakebite, as she was hired by Crows Security as its expert on the drug and placed on the task force towards its elimination. She advised Jacob in a private session in her office that Jacob should seek to be closer with Mary, since she is the only family Jacob acknowledges, though he admits that he misses Beth so much that, when he gets high, he creates scenarios where he saved her from captivity.

Later, Julia asked Evelyn into an interrogation room where Julia called her "Enigma" and confronted her about her missing memories; cornered, Evelyn stabbed Julia with the sword that she kept within her walking cane. Evelyn then hypnotized Julia to transfer to a division of the Crows based in Berlin.[3]

Confronted by Alice[]

Dr. Rhyme went to her office because she had an appointment with a client; she watches as Alice, who pretended to be Dr. Rhyme, kills the client, so the two women can talk privately. Alice requested that Enigma hypnotize her to have her forget Kate Kane. Enigma is reluctant because Kate may represent Alice's only morality; also there is a difficulty in removing from memory her twin sister as they were together from before her birth. Alice is threatening and continues to insist, so Enigma tries, but fails. Suddenly, Ocean enters the office and fights Alice. To escape possible harm, Enigma speaks a catchphrase which paralyzes both combatants and gives them their original memories from their time in Coryana.[2]


A week later, Evelyn hung from the ceiling of her office, hoisted there by Alice, as the doctor was asked questions about her relationship with Roman Sionis and the hypnosis of Kate Kane; Alice had just discovered fully that "Circe Sionis" was Kate. Evelyn told Alice the story of the new "Circe" and said that she feared Roman so she stayed silent. Alice continuously threatened Evelyn until Evelyn revealed that she needed a physical keepsake from Kate's past to return Kate's memories.

Later, Evelyn was lowered from the ceiling by Ocean and Alice, who had the keys to Kate's motorcycle. Alice listed, as Evelyn listened, how the motorcycle gave Kate a sense of freedom and the keys represented the freedom. Evelyn explained that she needed the keys and to say a password phrase to restore Kate's memories. Just as Alice was about to learn the phrase, Ocean twisted Evelyn's head until her neck snapped, killing her.[7]


Ocean had told Alice that; he had killed Evelyn because he did not want Alice and Kate Kane reunited; since their relationship was toxic and only brought Alice sorrow; since Kate never chose her sister; when faced; with another choice.[7]

Ocean decided to hide Evelyn's body and Alice agreed because she does not want any trouble from her parent. Meanwhile, Alice looked through Evelyn's files and learned that; Roman Sionis had an unhealthy interest in the Kane family and had Evelyn do research for him.[1]

Safiyah Sohail comes to Gotham and gets a recap from Roman about what Evelyn did for him; Safiyah reminds Roman that; like Evelyn, he owes her a debt as well. Meanwhile, Alice tells Jacob that; Kate is alive and goes to Dr. Rhyme's office to search for what the password could be.[8]

Ryan Wilder questions the Bat Team's loyalty to Kate and discusses; with Luke Fox how powerful Enigma might be.[9]

Kate was eventually freed from Evelyn's brainwashing; due to Ryan and Alice injecting her; with Snakebite; restoring her memories.[10]


Evelyn was a cold, manipulative and selfish individual, as she did not care what happened to her victims; due to her working for whomever paid the most. But she was afraid of Alice; when she was threatened; with death and would reveal anything she wanted.


"Enigma did this? She's a hypnotist who owned Safiyah a favor."
  • Master hypnotist: Evelyn was a highly capable hypnotist able to erase or alter other individuals' memories to the point of changing their psyches, as seen with Beth Kane and Ocean, using a combination of drugs, trigger words, and sounds. Her hypnotic prowess is such that victims not only completely forget what Evelyn enthralls them to forget, but also seem to be unaware that they are acting out on her imperatives when performing what seems to be their own volition. Even individuals with great mental conviction and fortitude are not exempt from the entrancement. Evelyn's abilities are so powerful that they can also graft memories onto a target that they never knew, such as with Kate Kane who Evelyn made believe she was actually Circe Sionis. Likewise, Evelyn can design her hypnoses to be canceled out, restoring the victim's former mentality, with a single key phrase.


  • Walking cane:
    Enigma's cane

    Evelyn's cane.

    Evelyn carried a cane with a sideways question mark on top. The top was detachable, and filled with a sedative liquid that she could use to sedate someone. The top also contained a small blade that Evelyn could activate by pressing on certain stop. The cane was used in her hypnosis, as seen when she tapped it on the ground while hypnotizing Kate Kane. After Evelyn's death, her body and cane were disposed of by Ocean.



Season 2

Season 3

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Enigma was a supervillain who claimed to be Riddler's daughter as a member of Deathstroke's Titans East. She debuted in Teen Titans #38 (September, 2006).
    • Evelyn's parentage was indirectly referenced when Alice told Ocean that hiding the former's body would be best given whose daughter she is. While at first Ocean was unsure of who she meant, Alice gestured towards the head of Enigma's cane and Ocean followed it up with "Riddle me that".[1]

