Arrowverse Wiki
Arrowverse Wiki

"No, listen, this is an old S.T.A.R. Labs research facility that nobody uses. And what's even better, no one knows it exists."
—Barry Allen[src]

The Hall of Justice[1][2] is a hangar that is used as the base of operations for The League.


Eobard Thawne, disguised as Harrison Wells, once owned this building[3] but left it abandoned, leaving a being called Gleek caged inside.[4] When Eobard died, he left the building to Barry Allen in his will.[3]

The seven heroes at the round table

The League at the table.

The Flash, Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz, Batwoman, Superman, White Canary, and Black Lightning held a memorial for Oliver Queen at the hangar. Afterward, Barry revealed that he plans to use the hangar as a meeting place in case they ever need to meet up to deal with a future problem. While the team was sitting around a table, the being named Gleek escaped its cage.[4]

The hangar inspired J'onn to establish the Tower, which acts as a headquarters for the Superfriends.[2]

At some point, the hangar was named the "Hall of Justice". Nate Heywood once asked for a chair in the hangar, but he never received a response.[1]

Barry later went to the Hall of Justice to meet Jefferson Pierce, whom he asked for help against Despero.[5]

Possible futures[]

According to Winn Schott, in a possible future, the hangar was still referred to as the "Hall of Justice" by residents of the 31st century.[2]

In another possible future, in 2049, after the battle against Magog and his allies, the heroes of Earth-Prime gathered at the Hall of Justice where the Spectre suddenly appeared and warned them about an upcoming threat.[6]

Known residents[]

Former residents[]

Known users[]

Current users[]

Former users[]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]


Season 5[]

The Flash[]

Season 8[]

Season 9[]



Behind the scenes[]

