Arrowverse Wiki
Arrowverse Wiki

"I am destiny incarnate, inexorable and inescapable. You are nothing. Insects fated to be crushed beneath my heel without a moment's thought. Fighting is useless. Surrender."
—The Anti-Monitor to the Paragons[src]

Mobius,[1] also known as the Anti-Monitor, is a being of supreme power and malevolence that embarked on a mission to eradicate the multiverse by whatever means necessary. Despite being opposed by his counterpart, Mar Novu, he was ultimately successful thanks to the use of his invention, the antimatter cannon.

However, through the combined efforts of the Paragons and Oliver Queen, a new multiverse was created in place of the destroyed one. In a last-ditch attempt by the Anti-Monitor to destroy the newly formed Earth-Prime's heroes, he engaged them in combat by expanding himself to giant stature. He was finally defeated by a shrinking weapon courtesy of Ray Palmer, Nash Wells, and Ryan Choi, which locked him in a perpetually shrinking state, in which he can do no harm or interact with the multiverse in any way for the foreseeable future.



When Mar Novu traveled to the temporal zone, he was overwhelmed by chronal radiation as his presence caused an influx of antimatter, transporting him to the netherverse and somehow creating Mobius, an antimatter doppelgänger, as well as giving him a means of escape from there.[2]

Dawn of time

The Dawn of time.


Seeking to destroy the multiverse with waves of antimatter, the Anti-Monitor was sealed behind a door in a Eternium-encased chamber where he built an antimatter cannon to help execute his scheme.[3] When Barry Allen of Earth-90 charged towards Novu and was repelled into the Nexus, he found himself within the reach of the Anti-Monitor, who whisked him into his prison and forced him to run on a treadmill to power the weapon in the Nexus.[1] During a test run of the antimatter cannon, the entire universe of Earth-2 was eradicated by Mobius.[4]

Messaging Nash Wells[]

Nash submits to Novu

Nash submits to the Anti-Monitor.

On December 9, Harrison Nash Wells, mistaking the Anti-Monitor for Mar Novu, stood outside his door and taunted him, saying how he didn't believe in false gods. He argued with Nash to no end, when suddenly Nash was attacked by one of Ramsey Rosso's blood brothers. After a while, Ramsey and his army were stopped thanks to Allegra Garcia, but Nash believed it was "the Monitor" who saved him.[5] At 11:58 pm, just as Nash was about to open the portal to what he believed would be the Monitor's realm, he noted on how he wished to know the truth and offered to reveal to him what he wanted to know in exchange for his service. He told him to stop his attempts to kill him and begin a new life. When Nash asked the Anti-Monitor to show himself, he said that he already has "the knowledge" (probably to solve a code). After Nash solved the code in the cave, the Anti-Monitor opened the rock and pulled him inside it in a flash of light before slamming down the rock wall again.[5][6][7][8]

Anti-Monitor Crisis[]

Original timeline[]

The Central City Citizen 2024 article

The Central City Citizen 2024 article.

At midnight, on April 25, 2024, the sky turned crimson. The Anti-Monitor is not mentioned in the newspaper article written by Iris West-Allen after the Flash disappeared; however, there is enough evidence to believe he was involved in this version of the Crisis:

  • His shadow demon army was mentioned in a 2049 article by Iris West-Allen being controlled by Eobard Thawne when he fought the Flash and his allies in Central City.[9]
  • Roger Hayden/Psycho-Pirate said that during this crisis, entire worlds lived and died, implying that the Crisis was more than just a fight between the Reverse-Flash and the Flash.[9]
  • Mar Novu/The Monitor was testing Earths when the newspaper article still had the date of 2024 and still read that the Flash vanished in a street battle with the Reverse-Flash.[citation needed] He presumably was able to destroy some worlds, but was eventually defeated as time travel beyond the Crisis was possible in the timeline as the multiverse was never destroyed by Anti-Matter.

Current timeline[]


Due to Nash opening the door, the Anti-Monitor was released and the Anti-Monitor Crisis began. He began destroying numerous universes across the multiverse. Having activated the cannon, antimatter swept through countless earths and destroyed almost all of them.[10][1]

Recruiting Outkast[]

At some point, he recruited and presumably gave powers to an individual, who would later be known as Outkast, to help destroy the Earths. Outkast eventually killed himself, but not before he destroyed Earth-D and Earth-76, and killed Kid Flash.[11]

Hands on Destruction[]

Knowing of threat posed to him by the Paragons, Mobius went Earth-12 to destroy it to keep Felicity Smoak from reading the Book of Oa for clues. However, she succeeded and gave vague clues to Mar Novu. Mobius then retreated to allow his cannon to keep wiping out life and universes.

Corrupting Harbinger[]

Mobius meets Harbinger

Mobius meets Harbinger.

Due to more worlds being destroyed, the Anti-Monitor soon communicated with Harbinger through their shared connection to Novu and, despite her pleas to stop, forcibly summoned her to his lair. Once she arrived, he introduced himself. After revealing that worlds were falling under his power and every death allowed him to steal more power from his positive counterpart, he demanded Harbinger's cooperation and proclaimed that there was work to be done.[12]

Mobius' successful endgame[]

Harbinger possessed by the Anti-Monitor

Harbinger possessed by the Anti-Monitor.

The Anti-Monitor possessed Harbinger and after all except Earth-1 was destroyed and all the multiverse's refugees were brought to last remaining universe, he teleported to the Waverider and tried to fool the multiverse's heroes. However, they deduced the truth and came at Lyla. He overpowered the heroes and, with his immense power, he murdered Mar Novu, as well as singlehandedly generate one last Antimatter wave to destroy Earth-1 and the multiverse's survivors as the heroes helplessly watched.[1]

Mobius kills Lyla

Mobius kills Lyla.

As the wave was heading towards the ship, Pariah teleported the multiverse's last line of defense to a place where the Anti-Monitor could never find them, which angered him. Before they died, the remaining heroes with their last breath warned him that those that Pariah saved would "fight to their last breath". He scoffed at this and retreated by releasing his control from Harbinger before the Antimatter wave destroyed them and the timeship, completing his victory, despite the fact that he failed to kill the Paragons.[1]

The battle at the dawn of time[]

Mobius attacks Barry inside the Speed Force

The Anti-Monitor attacks Barry within Speed Force.

Once Jim Corrigan taught him how to use the Spectre's power, Oliver headed to the Vanishing Point to rescue the Paragons. Despite the danger Spectre's energy posed to the Speed Force, Oliver hesitantly gave some to Barry to unlock his full potential. With his increased speed, Barry ran through the Speed Force, but was ambushed there by the Anti-Monitor (who sensed their movement back into the remnants of the multiverse), losing everyone else across the Speed Force.[2]

Once Barry retrieved everyone, they arrived at the antimatter universe at the dawn of time, only to learn that the Anti-Monitor was waiting for them. He told the Paragons that some fates are inescapable: they may have stopped one version of Mar Novu from going through the experiment, but with another version of Mar Novu, he would always be created. He then unleashed an army of shadow demons.[2]

Spectre duels Anti-Monitor

Spectre duels the Anti-Monitor.

With Oliver's encouragement, the Paragons ran headlong into battle, fighting the shadow demons while Oliver and the Anti-Monitor watched from above. The Anti-Monitor told Oliver that it’s too late to stop him and that after 10,000 years, he will finally be victorious. Oliver replied that he won’t win and that he believed his entire life has prepared him for this fight. The Anti-Monitor proclaimed that all life ends, and only he is eternal, so Oliver took off his hood and told the Anti Monitor that "we'll see about that."[2]

Spectre and Mobius's final fight

Spectre and Mobius's final fight.

Oliver and the Anti-Monitor engaged in a fight for reality, with The Spectre's powers countering the Anti-Monitor's antimatter blasts. The two grappled up close, with Oliver holding the Anti-Monitor's cood gaze. Telling the Anti-Monitor that he had failed this universe, the Spectre unleashed a surge of power to create a new universe, with the Paragons providing additional assistance via Lex's Book of Destiny page while seemingly vanquishing the Anti-Monitor. As a result, however, Oliver died a second and final time in Barry and Sara's arms.[2]


However, the Anti-Monitor was reborn with the multiverse and manifested on Earth-Prime, sending his Shadow demons to attack the Paragons as his first strike in his retaliation for his first defeat. Ryan and Ray realize that he cannot be killed because he's made of antimatter (reasoning it works on the same principle as energy cannot be destroyed; only redistributed), but they can destabilize his form, and have him shrinking for eternity. The heroes leap into fighting the shadow demons and as they do, the Anti-Monitor reveals himself to the Paragons and announces his new plan to renew his destruction of the new universe and tells the heroes that they are nothing but insects fated to be crushed by his heel.[13]

The Anti-Monitor's eyes and mouth glow

The Anti-Monitor's eyes and mouth glow.

He goes to tell them that fighting is useless and forces them to surrender. The heroes dedicate their fight to Oliver and his sacrifice to restore the universe. They then go on to fight the Anti-Monitor, but he easily defects all of their attacks. After an intense stare-off with Sara reminds him of Oliver defeating him, the Anti-Monitor then makes himself grow to an unprecedented height while yelling out that the Age of Heroes ends now.[13]

Superman and Supergirl fights the giant Anti-Monitor

Superman and Supergirl fight the giant Anti-Monitor.

Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, and Superman all launch attacks from the sky at the giant version of the Anti-Monitor in order to try to buy Ryan, Ray and Nash some time with building the bomb that will take care of the Anti-Monitor. Once it's finished, Barry takes Ray with him to help out in the final fight with the Anti-Monitor. Ray gives the bomb to Supergirl while telling her to throw it like a girl. Kara uses it on the Anti-Monitor and sends him to the microverse. The Anti-Monitor shrinks away, defeated and thus bringing his threat to an end once and for all.[13]

Nash Wells made sure the Nexus was sealed (as with any remains of the antimatter cannon) to keep any slim chance of contacting and bringing Mobius back at zero percent.[14]

Months later, Mobius was criticized by Lex Luthor for his failure; Lex decided to remake the universe one planet at a time.[15] Dreamer saw Lex in the Anti-Monitor's armor in her vision.


Mobius is an incredibly evil being, as seen by him wanting to destroy the entire multiverse and kill off an infinite amount of innocent lives without any guilt or remorse.[12] He seems to enjoy taking credit for destroying universes and consuming worlds. He is also extremely intelligent and manipulative, as he was able to convince the extremely intelligent Harrison Nash Wells into freeing him.[5][6][7][8] Ultimately, his intellect prevailed as he succeeded in his mission.[1]

Mobius can be described as a megalomaniac (which Supergirl is quick to state) with a god-complex since he wants to replace the multiverse with his own realm in order to be the absolute ruler. In simpler terms Mobius hates what he cannot control; he wished to wipe out the multiverse so no one would oppose him. Or its possible he's just a base creature that simply desires destruction of positive matter since it's naturally contrasting to antimatter.

After realizing that Paragons were the real threat to his plans due to their ability to restore the universe with the Spectre, Mobius learned from his mistakes and sought to kill them. Though he has little patience for subterfuge, deciding to manifest through his shadow demons after they failed to assassinate the Paragons.

Powers and abilities[]


"All life ends. Only death is eternal. Only I am eternal."
—The Anti-Monitor to Oliver Queen[src]
  • Cosmic-empowered Maltusian physiology: Being an antimatter copy of Mar Novu, Mobius is a Maltusian like Novu and as such possesses similar powers to those the former gained as a result of being exposed to chronal radiation. He is stated to be far more powerful than him, making him one of the most powerful beings in the entire multiverse, though Novu was somehow able to confine him into the chamber. Oliver Queen noted that the Paragons, consisting of the world's greatest heroes, may not be enough to defeat the Anti-Monitor, proven by how he easily overpowered the majority of them until they managed to use a shrinking bomb to defeat him.[2]
    • Cosmic knowledge: Mobius displayed deep knowledge of how reality worked. He knew all about Mar Novu and his towering ambition, and that Jim Corrigan turned Oliver into the Spectre. He even knew that the Paragons were traveling to the dawn of time via the Speed Force and attacked them.
    • Superhuman strength: While possessing Harbinger, Mobius could easily overpower Superman of Earth-96 with one hand.[1] During the final battle, he was able to match the combined might of the heroes that gathered to fight him.[13]
    • Telepathy: When inside his prison, Mobius was able to communicate with Harrison Nash Wells when he was standing in the rocky wall that held the portal to his prison. He also used it when he was trying to communicate with Harbinger; telling her that Lex was about to get the Book of Destiny, and he also told her to go to him.[5][6][7][8][12]
    • Telekinesis: Mobius was able to effortlessly pull Harrison Nash Wells inside the portal to his realm without even being physically present.[5][6][7][8]
    • Possession: Mobius took possession of Harbinger and used her body to kill Mar Novu and absorb his essence into her body.[1]
    • Power bestowal: Mobius is able to grant powers to anyone he wishes, as shown when he turned Harrison Nash Wells into Pariah; thereby giving Nash the power to teleport and travel between dimensions.[1] He also presumably gave similar powers to Nash's antimatter doppelgänger, turning him into Outkast.[11]
    • Energy projection:
      Oliver Queen fights the Anti-Monitor

      Oliver Queen fights the Anti-Monitor.

      Mobius can project different energy beams and blasts out of his hands and body. Through Harbinger, Mobius was able to induce a powerful blue energy blast to fight against Mar Novu's own golden energy blast, eventually overpowering him after a brief struggle.[1] When fighting the Spectre, Mobius generated a powerful red orb of antimatter that he blasted at Oliver, who managed to contain the blast.[2]
    • Gravitokinesis: Through Harbinger, Mobius was able to manipulate gravity around him. He was able to incapacitate the heroes while confronting them on the Waverider, except other cosmic beings like Pariah and Mar Novu.[1]
    • Levitation: When fighting the Spectre, Mobius was able to fly into the air and remain suspended to wait for Oliver to attack him.[2]
    • Essence absorption: Mobius was able to absorb the essence of his counterpart, Mar Novu, killing him in the process.[1]
    • Antimatter projection: As the ruler of the antimatter universe, Mobius is able to manipulate antimatter at will, which he used to create the antimatter cannon that unleashed waves of antimatter that destroyed all but Earth-1 and even when the weapon was already destroyed, Mobius himself was able to induce another Antimatter wave that destroyed Earth-1, completing his victory.[1] When facing the Spectre, Mobius was able to project a blast of antimatter energy to fight against Oliver's attempts to reach him before getting overcome, but Oliver was able to manipulate the antimatter of the attack, dispersing it, and use it along with matter to recreate the multiverse.[2]
    • Earthquake generation: Mobius was able to generate seismic activity while arguing with Harrison Nash Wells.[5]
    • Size manipulation: Mobius was able to increase the size of his body to a gigantic stature.[13]
    • Interdimensional travel: Mobius was able to travel from the antimatter universe to Earth-Prime. He was also able to reach inside the Speed Force in an effort to stop the Paragons from traveling to the dawn of time.[13]
    • Extended longevity: Mobius has lived since the dawn of time.[2]
    • Force-field generation: Mobius was able to generate such a powerful force field around himself that none of the heroes' attacks were able to penetrate, and was also able to unleash it to knock them back.[13]
    • Immortality: Mobius taunted the Spectre's efforts to stop him, stating that "All life ends. Only death is eternal; only I am eternal", suggesting that Mobius himself is immortal.[2]


  • Genius-level intellect/Master tactician: Mobius is a highly intelligent individual, as well as an extraordinary tactician; due to him being able to convince Harrison Nash Wells to free him.[5][6][7][8]
    • Master of deception/Manipulation: Mobius is highly skilled in the arts of deception and manipulation; as he was able to deceive Nash into believing that Mar Novu was the one who was trying to start the Anti-Monitor Crisis, not prevent it from happening, Mobius also manipulate the latter into releasing him into Earth-1, so that he gained a foothold into the entire multiverse.[2]
  • Intimidation: Mobius has a very intimidating presence to other heroes. Harbinger was proven to be visibly terrified when directly confronted by Mobius in person.[12]
  • Fear: Mobius has the ability to make anyone fear him with just his presence and voice alone.
  • Master hand-to-hand combatant /Martial artist: When possessing Harbinger, Mobius was able to easily outmaneuver and defeat John Diggle who is a masterful fighter in his own right.
  • Indomitable will: As noted by Pariah, Mobius’ strength of will was too monumental to fathom, let alone combat. This allowed him to easily overpower Pariah, as well as possess Harbinger without much issue.


  • Eternium: Due to Mar Novu's implementation of Eternium, Mobius was unable to escape the netherverse as long as the element encased his dimension behind a sealed chamber.
  • Spectre: Mobius proved incapable of defeating Oliver; when he wielded the powers of the Spectre, as the latter was able to resist and overcome his attacks, and even managed to disperse his antimatter blast and use it along with matter and help from the Paragons to both destroy Mobius momentarily and recreate the entire universe.[2]
  • Paragons: Mar Novu predicted the seven Paragons were the only individuals who could take Mobius down.[1][12]
  • Vanishing Point: Mobius is incapable of reaching the Vanishing Point as it exists out of time and space.[1]
  • Mar Novu: As stated by Novu and Mobius, the two are polar opposites, just like their powers. Novu is dedicated to preserving life and the entire multiverse, while Mobius does the opposite. If Novu and the multiverse grow stronger, Mobius' power starts to weaken. During the Crisis, Mobius and the netherverse grow stronger, allowing Mobius to start draining Novu's energies until he killed him completely.[12][1] Novu was also able to somehow confine Mobius into a chamber that he was not able to escape from; until he was freed by Harrison Nash Wells despite Novu stating Mobius's powers surpassed his.
  • Microverse entrapment: Once Earth-Prime's heroes banished him to the microverse, also leaving the Anti-Monitor shrinking forever (thus trapping him there for all eternity), Mobius could no longer continue his plot to destroy the restored universe.[13]




Season 7[]

Season 8[]

The Flash[]

Season 6[]


Season 1[]


Season 5[]

Season 6[]

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 5[]


Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant[]



Concept artwork[]

Crisis on Infinite Earths[]

Promotional images[]

Crisis on Infinite Earths[]


  • The Anti-Monitor's endgame is similar to Zoom's final scheme, who also sought the destruction of the multiverse by using a machine powered by speedsters running on it.
    • Though unlike Zoom, he didn't want to leave a single universe to survive, but rather rule the remaining netherverse alone.
    • Also unlike Zoom, he succeeded, albeit temporarily.
  • It's unknown how he was stopped in the original timeline, given that no one in the current timeline of Earth-Prime thought of sending him to the microverse until the universe got rebooted.
  • Mobius was first mentioned by Mar Novu in the Elseworlds Crossover before finally being introduced in the next crossover Event "Crisis on Inifnite Earths". Interestingly enough, He was mentioned and then introduced in the second episode of both crossovers.
  • Mobius has stated that there are countless versions of his counterpart that exist through the multiverse; however, unlike him there is only one version of Mobius that exists due to the fact that he originated from the netherverse which exists outside of the multiverse itself. Another reason is that he was not originally created or born along with the rest of the multiverse as Mar Novu stated that it was foolish to allow his creation in the first place; which is accurate given the fact that he was created in a science experiment that Novu and his wife Xneen were conducting on their planet in the past, which went horribly wrong.
    • However, this is only per multiverse; the comics and animated univeres each have their own Anti-Monitor.
      • The 1980s comic Anti-Monitor was released by Pariah by sheer accident.
      • The 2024 animated Anti-Monitor was accidentally made aware of the multiverse due to three Flashpoints.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, the Anti-Monitor is a major antagonist and the main villain in Crisis on Infinite Earths. As The Monitor's evil antimatter counterpart, he sought to destroy the multiverse and replace it with his Antimatter Universe. Decades later in the New 52 storyline Forever Evil, he returned with a new design which the show's version is similar to, and later still in the Rebirth comics, his real name was revealed to be Mobius.
  • The Anti-Monitor is the most dangerous villain in the Arrowverse as he has the largest kill count. With the exception of the Paragons, he has murdered an infinite amount of people by destroying the multiverse with antimatter.
  • His physical appearance has been compared to other major pop culture villains, such as the Marvel villains Apocalypse and Thanos as well as the White Walkers and their leader in particular, the Night King, from Game of Thrones.
  • The Anti-Monitor served as the main antagonist of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, as well as Season 8 of Arrow.
    • He is also the first and only Cosmic Main Antagonist of Arrow.
  • Mobius' appearance in the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover marks his first live-action appearance in any live-action TV Show that are based on any DC Comics properties.
  • Apart from the Arrowverse, Mobius has made appearances in other media that are based on DC Comics including video games, animated films and animated shows.
    • Examples include the animated film "Justice League: Crisis on Inifnite Earths-Part Two".
    • Animated shows including Green Lantern: The Animated Series and DC Super Hero Girls (which is a web series)
    • Video Games such as DC Universe Online, Lego DC Super-Villains and Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventures
  • In 1986, Mobius won the Eagle Award for the "Favorite Villain" Category.

