
I have two, and I'd have a hella lot more if I had the money and the tattoo place was closer to my house. Here's a nod to all the great and godawful skin ink that people etch into their flesh.
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the back of a woman's shoulder with an image of a cartoon character on it
There Are Fans of Gerard Way, and Then There's This
That gives me an idea...nah, if I asked Denis Leary to draw me something so I can tattoo it on my skin, it'd probably be a middle finger with the words "go Red Sox" on it. Still... (via Gerard Way)
a man with a tattoo on his arm that has a doctor who is in it
This TARDIS Tattoo is Totally Awesome
There are Dr. Who tattoos, then there are full-sleeve full-color holy-amazeballs-look-at-that-intricate-detail Dr. Who tattoos!
a man with a hat on his knee has a portrait tattoo on it's leg
Nice Hat
Is that Mr. B Natural from the MST3K short? Either way, noooooo!!!
a woman with a heart tattoo on her stomach
Heart Birds
Meanwhile, in the Eli Roth version of Angry Birds...
two tattoos with words on them that read, so when the arm bends here at the elbow, the chicken nugget gets dipped in the bbq sauce
Great Motivation For Doing Curls
"Why do you keep bending your elbow over and over?"
a man with a tattoo on his arm has a piece of pizza in the shape of a bag
Pizza is Always Kosher
That must be turkey pepperoni or else the pizza wouldn't be kosher, right?
a man with a tattoo on his arm
Why Are His Eyes So Red?
He was elected to lead, not to use Visine.
a man's leg with a tattoo of a dog playing the piano
Before moving in with Wallace, Grommit appeared in RCA Victrola ads.
a woman with a tattoo on her thigh
An unfinished leg tattoo of the whale and petunias from Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. If it looks this cool now, I bet it will look REALLY awesome when it is done!
a man's leg with a tattoo of a dog playing the piano
Before moving in with Wallace, Grommit appeared in RCA Victrola ads.
a chest with some tattoos on it
The Heart is a Machine
So, when he has a heart attack, he goes to a mechanic?