9 - Creative Writing

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a text message that reads charles miller before posting content, ask 1 is it applicable or insightful? 2 does it create emotion? 3 is the
Content creation checklist for marketers
If you create content for your personal brand or regular brand marketing, use this checklist. It'll make sure you're posting something good before you hit "publish." Click through to my blog to read more about each of these.
the text on the screen reads,'submit = 37 % conversation rate get your free course instantly
Quick copywriting tip
Quick copywriting tip: make your CTAs more appealing, desriptive, and unique. It can make a huge difference.
a text message from tim stoddart on the topic bad writing, if i'm good writing you, you'll make it mostly about them paper in your personal expertise that's the sweet spot
Good writing vs bad writing
In copywriting and marketing, you need to make your writing mostly about your reader and a little bit about yourself. That's how you appeal to them while also benefiting yourself.
the text on the phone says,'happy customers = weak 3 / 12 - 6 star news = strong
How to strengthen your writing with specificity
charles miller tweets on twitter about writing
Cut the fluff out of your writing
the text on the screen reads,'bad copywriter features, buy now okay '
Good copywriting
Good copywriting isn't just writing. It's psychology, proof, differentiation, and more. If you want to be really good, learn all of those.
This is my favorite content writing formula. Try it next time you create something for your audience. Ugc Tips, Social Media Etiquette, Business Psychology, Life Quotes Relationships, Money Saving Methods, Small Business Organization
Content writing formula
This is my favorite content writing formula. Try it next time you create something for your audience.
a text message that reads, effective content format 1 call out point in one line 2 note that you should the pain 3 say how to show
Content formula for social media
Make a plan to use this content formula for your next social media post. See what happens. In the meantime, click through to get more content formats that get likes, followers, and buyers.
an image of a man on his cell phone with the text marketing lessons that took me too long to learn
Marketing lessons
It took my too long to learn these marketing lessons. Hopefully you can understand them and start using them faster.
the text on the screen is clearly visible for us to see in this screenshot
Content formulas for creators and marketers
These are just 7 of my 21 proven content marketing formulas. Click through to get the rest of them and in-depth explanations for each.
the tweet has been written to someone on their phone
Great copywriting is...
Great copywriting followers the 7 C's. Use these when writing websites, advertisements, social media posts, and more.
a text message from tim stoddart on the topic content hook idea you're watching your time doing a common practice in your niche
Effective content hook
The most importany part of a piece of content is the hook. Click through to get more headline formulas that are similar to this.
a tweet with the caption'how monetize personal brands? '
Make money with personal brand
This is how you can make money with your personal brand. Click through to read a full article on monetizing personal brands.