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Spirit Emblem
"Furry-Foot? Is that you? It's so good to see you again!"
Jinora upon meeting Furry-Foot in the Spirit World.[1]

Furry-Foot is a dragonfly bunny spirit who befriended Jinora at the Eastern Air Temple.[3]


Several dragonfly bunny spirits, including Furry-Foot, played with Jinora at the Eastern Air Temple. Although the young airbender could see them, the spirits remained invisible to the others until Jinora urged them to appear under Kya's insistence. Furry-Foot and the other spirits led Jinora and her group to the ancient meditation circle away from the temple grounds, though soon fled along with the other dragonfly bunny spirits after Tenzin performed a spiritual cleansing ritual, attracting a colony of dark spirits from underground.[3]

Furry-Foot appeared to Jinora in a lush landscape in the Spirit World, shortly after the young airbender had been separated from Korra. The spirit was much greater in size than it appeared in the physical world, and Jinora greeted her friend by hugging it and rubbing its belly. Jinora asked Furry-Foot if it knew where to find Korra, noting that she did not know how to find anything in the Spirit World. Furry-Foot excitedly flapped its wings and landed behind Jinora so she could land on his back.

The pair flew away toward Wan Shi Tong's Library upside-down and suspended with vines. They descended into the library, where Jinora was confronted by Wan Shi Tong himself, though was permitted to stay after she explained that she came with the Avatar and was looking for the spirit portals. Afterward, Furry-Foot helped point Jinora to a book about the portals. However, Unalaq soon arrived on the scene, with Wan Shi Tong telling her that he was a true friend to the spirits, unlike the Avatar. At that moment, Furry-Foot darkened, and grabbed Jinora by the shoulders.

The darkened Furry-Foot followed Unalaq to the area near the Tree of Time, where Unalaq threatened to destroy her spirit. After Korra opened the northern portal under threat of Jinora's demise, Furry-Foot carried the young airbender away toward the Fog of Lost Souls.[1][4]

After Harmonic Convergence, Furry-Foot returned to its normal state, and Jinora adopted the creature as her pet.[5]


The Legend of Korra[]

Book Two: Spirits (神靈)[]

