"Goddamn WY. Always the same-- Limited resources, inadequate procedures..." "You think they planned this? You think they let Negshin come down here on purpose?" "Why not? This place has been rusting away for decades. Maybe they wanted an excuse to shut us down. Maybe we're not supposed to stop it."
―Ali and Susanna (from Aliens: Fast Track to Heaven)

Heaven and Hell were dual research facilities on Jupiter's smallest moon, Europa, sponsored by Weyland-Yutani. The orbital research station, Heaven, was connected to it's deep-sea counterpart, Hell, with a space elevator. Spectacular discoveries elsewhere in the cosmos have left Europa's research facilities underfunded and ignored, a lonely wayside with an orbital station and a decaying space elevator.


Heaven and Hell were dual research facilities built by Weyland-Yutani to study life in the icey oceans of Europa. The orbital research station, Heaven, was connected to it's deep-sea counterpart, Hell, with a space elevator.

When an ecological research team working for Weyland-Yutani on Jupiter's smallest moon, Eruopa, discover deep-sea life forms, the company sends Dr. Negshin from one location in the cosmos straight to their underfunded and mostly ignored deep-sea research facility on Europa, coloquially named Hell, to investigate their findings. When Dr. Negshin and the research team complete their work and make their way up to Heaven station in one of its decaying space elevators, the Beagle, Negshin births a chestburster that goes on to kill everyone else in the lift, leaving the Beagle stuck somewhere between Europa and Heaven.

When the rescue team finally makes its way into the Beagle, they find Negshin's bursted open corpse along with the remainder of his team cocooned along the interior of the lift. A large Xenomorph unexpectedly attacks and kills two crew members, forcing the remainder of the rescue team back into the Bible. Likewise, the lone Xenomorph finds its way into the shaft and onto the top of the Bible. O'Shea decides their best option is to let the Bible drop at full speed until they hit ground zero, hoping they can make it to safety within the deep-sea research facility, Hell.

Trying to think of a safe way out, Ali remembers a rumor he'd heard—that Dr. Negshin had been the sole surviver of some type of disaster but said he couldn't remember what happened to him after they shipped him to Europa in deep freeze—leading the surviving crew to believe Weyland-Yutani has purposefully left them for dead as an excuse to finally shut the dual research facilities down for good since spectacular discoveries elsewhere in the cosmos have left Europa's research facilities underfunded and ignored.

The three survivers decide to risk their survival in a remote controlled underwater submersible to lure the Xenomorph directly into the extremely hot, Pre-Cambrian Rabbit Abyss black smoker. While their plan ultimately works, the Xenomoprh winds up damaging the hull of the vehicle in the process, drowning the remaining crew within, leaving the Heaven and Hell research facilities to ultimately decay into obscurity.


The Beagle[]

The Bible[]

  • Colonel O'Shea
  • Dr. Ali Tong
  • Dr. Susanna Rendall
  • Dr. John Bambert
  • Dr. Mike
  • Hameed
  • Owen


