"Please... K- Kill me!"
―Mary (from Aliens)

Mary[citation needed] was a colonist living at Hadley's Hope on Acheron. She later became caught up in the Xenomorph infestation that overran the colony in 2179, and was eventually captured by the creatures in the later stages of the infestation.

Mary was one of the last colonists to be taken by the Xenomorphs, and was actually alive when the Colonial Marines discovered her, only to be killed moments later when the Chestburster inside her hatched.



Despite the inherent threat the Xenomorphs posed, Mary survived most of the initial infestation. However, her luck eventually ran short in the later stages of the outbreak — the creatures eventually found Mary and captured her, taking her to the Hive to be cocooned and impregnated with a Chestburster.

Trapped and unable to move, Mary likely witnessed the other captured colonists being brutally killed by the emerging Chestbursters inside them, bringing her to the realization that she too would suffer the same horrific fate.

Discovery and death[]

Mary was discovered when the Colonial Marines serving under Lieutenant Gorman's command infiltrated the Hive. She was tended to by Corporal Dietrich, despite pleading with the Hospital Corpsman to kill her; the Marines had thus far no experience with the Xenomorph species and were unaware of the fate that awaited Mary, otherwise they may have complied. She began convulsing almost immediately, and moments later the Chestburster inside her ripped its way out of her chest. The dying Mary was killed when Sergeant Apone and Corporal Dietrich immediately torched the creature with M240 Incinerator Units, incinerating her in the process.

Behind the scenes[]

To create the effect of the Chestburster bursting out of Mary's body, the actress wore a prosthetic chest piece made of foam through which the Chestburster model emerged. A replica dummy of actress Barbara Coles was then used for shots where the Marines torched her body.[3]


  • The character is not named in the film and is listed in the credits as "Cocooned woman".
  • Mary is the only Hadley's Hope colonist to be killed on-screen (in the films).



