
Regina Thompson was a geologist who worked for "the Company" on Sargon IV.


When geologist Regina Thompson, and her husband Victor, were given the opportunity to survey Sargon IV, a remote planet they believed would yield new xenoarchaeological discoveries, they followed all Company procedures to ensure a healthy introduction to the distant world. This included receiving a number of vaccines, administered by Dr. Makala, to make sure they, and their son Charlie, were be able to combat foreign diseases like Rigelian fever, while acclimating to each new world they visited.

Upon their arrival, a geological survey immediately uncovered an artificial cavern on the planet's surface. Meanwhile, many of the crew started to fall ill with symptoms that were initially written off as common reactions to planetfall. When the scientific expedition returned to study the mysterious cavern, they were ambushed by a hoard of deadly Xenomorphs.

Meanwhile, Regina started experiencing stomach aches while her son Charlie had come down with a fever. Not a moment sooner, Lumumba barged into their cabin to recruit Victor for a rescue operation. It turned out a number of their crew had been taken by the Aliens into a hive and Lumumba wanted their bodies recovered before they left Sargon IV. Before Victor had a chance to think it over, a horde of Xenomorphs overran their colony and carried Regina away to their hive, leaving Victor no choice but to volunteer for Lumumba's rescue operation.

Armed with high powered weapons, the rescue team stormed the Alien hive by force, shooting and killing a number of Xenomorphs, where a number of men were killed in the process. There, Victor found Regina cocooned alive next to a number of eggs. When Victor finally cut her free, a chestburster broke through her sternum, killing her instantly.


