Dead Sea scrolls

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an old piece of paper that has been torn off and is sitting on the ground
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Isaiah Scroll, Manuscript B Jerusalem, The Shrine of the Book, 95.57/26B The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (owner) MS. B (1QIsab [1Q8]) Ink on leather; 1 leaf (part of a scroll); 220 x 430mm Bible (fragment); Hebrew Judaean Desert, Israel; before 73 C.E.
an ancient city in the desert with mountains in the background
Aerial view of the Qumran ruins after excavations. According to a view almost universally held until the 1990s, the documents were written and hidden by a community of Essenes who lived in the Qumran area. This is known as the Essene Hypothesis. Jews revolted against the Romans in AD 66. Before they were massacred by Roman troops, the Essenes hid their scriptures in caves, not to be discovered until 1947. The opinion that the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls were Essenes is the most prevalent.
an old piece of paper with writing on it and some holes in the bottom left corner
A Nubian parchment fragment found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.
an old book, inkwell and pen on a table with other writing materials in black and white
Mysteries of the Universe
scrolls...the original books
an old piece of paper with writing on it and two pieces of wood in the middle
pinner writes: The Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai on two stone tablets are found in their purest form on a strip of ancient delicate parchment. This scroll is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a trove of biblical and religious writings that were only discovered by accident in the 1940s in a desert cave east of Jerusalem.
an aerial view of a lake in the middle of mountains and land, as seen from space
Dead Sea
satellite image of the Dead Sea via nasa
a large vase sitting inside of a glass case
Ashdod, Israel - 6th Port of Call Original Jar that Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The owner's grandfather was the person who found them (photo by Peggy Mooney)
a large white building sitting on top of a cement field
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Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum. Home of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
an old book with writing on it that says,'chapter 42 verse 6 '
Dead Sea Scrolls go online
Dead Sea Scrolls!
an old piece of paper with writing on the inside and outside, in different languages
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls (300 BCE – 68 CE) The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves near the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. Historical, paleographic, and linguistic evidence, as well as carbon-14 dating, established that the scrolls dated from the third century BCE to 68 CE. Dating from the late Second Temple Period, when Jesus lived, the Dead Sea Scrolls are older than any other surviving manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures, except for the Nash Papyrus.
three vases are sitting next to an ancient writing on a piece of parchment paper
14. Dead Sea Scrolls Expedition
an old piece of paper that has been torn into smaller pieces with writing on it
The Damascus Document Scroll