Dental Hygiene

68 Pins
a purple toothbrush with green bristles against a light green background that appears to be half empty
How The Right Dental Treatments Can Boost Your Confidence - Stacyknows
a woman with her hand up and the caption that says dental sarasm patient careful, that's a crown hygienist no way i've never seen one of those before
No way
a close up of a toothbrush with a cupcake on it's side
Did you know that you should be brushing your teeth for as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday?
an image of a cartoon character with the caption exercise after a long day of scaling i think not
It is exuastingg
a woman giving the thumbs up sign for dental sargasm, please keep biting my fingers while i'm flossing you it totally helps
dental hygienist poster with images of people in masks and words on them
Opinions of a Dental Hygienist
a person covering their face with his hands and the caption says, hygienist you have severe periodial disease and are at risk of losing some of your teeth
Seen a few of these patients
four different types of heads with red hair and the words hypertension, dating a latina
Different types of head aches…
an older man talking on the phone with text that reads so your tooth hurts, you refuse x - rays, and any treatment is too expensive tell me again how i get paid to much
Every day? Then drive away in your BMW saying your going on vacation and need it fixed ASAP, but no money to do it