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cheesy chicken casserole in a white baking dish with text overlay
This is the grown-up version of mac and cheese. The full meal version. The chicken, veggie version for grownups that want the same experience they had when they were kids, but with the full-grown adult taste they love.
the best cheesy baked ziti of your life with text overlays
The Best Baked Ziti from The Food Charlatan
The Best Baked Ziti from The Food Charlatan. This recipe is a favorite! Italian sausage marinara, cottage cheese, and fresh basil combine to make this decadent casserole. The best part is the mozzarella that's chopped instead of shredded. They melt into pools of cheesy glory. We've always called it "Postpartum Ziti" because it makes a TON and is perfect for bringing to new moms! #bakedziti #pasta #ziti #easy #recipe #marinara #italiansausage #best #foracrowd #classic #cheesy #mozzarella
1h 30m