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Urban Planning is an Economic Policy Card in Civilization VI.


This is one of the starting Economic Policy choices and is great for an overall boost to city Production Production, enabling you to mobilize military units to handle Barbarian incursions and create Settlers and Builders to facilitate early expansion. However, if your Capital Capital is blessed with tiles that provide extra Production Production (e.g., Plains and Hills), it may be more practical to use God King for monetary and spiritual gain.

Note that Urban Planning works for all cities and purposes, unlike God King, and may turn out to be invaluable for boosting newly-founded cities from your first expansion effort.

Urban Planning is made obsolete with The Enlightenment, which doesn't offer a direct replacement. If you have numerous small or low-Production Production cities, it may be worth holding off researching The Enlightenment for a short time in order to keep this policy slotted while your small cities develop. Players seeking a Domination Victory, however, should not pursue this strategy, as they can capture fully-developed cities and need The Enlightenment in order to reach advanced military civics like Nationalism. Once it is obsolete, policies that benefit Builders can make a good replacement.

Civilopedia entry[]

According to archeologists, there is evidence of urban planning – or at least something more than haphazard building – in a number of ancient towns found in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. They have uncovered paved streets laid out in a grid pattern, and from the 8th Century BC onward most Greek cities were laid out on orthogonal grid plans. But it was the Romans who were masters of urban planning – far more so than other civilizations. Roman city planning focused on military defense, public convenience, and ease of transport through the streets (connecting to those nice roads). As Rome declined, most of these nifty ideas disappeared for a time, although the great European cities still surround a Roman city center.

Civilization VI Policy Cards [edit]
Military Policy
After Action Reports R&F-Only • Agoge • Bastions • Chivalry • Conscription • Craftsmen • Defense of the Motherland • Discipline • Drill Manuals GS-Only • Equestrian Orders GS-Only • Feudal Contract • Force Modernization GS-Only • Grande Armée • Integrated Space Cell • International Waters • Levée en Masse • Lightning Warfare • Limes • Limitanei R&F-Only • Logistics • Maneuver • Maritime Industries • Martial Law • Military First • Military Research • National Identity • Native Conquest • Patriotic War • Press Gangs • Professional Army • Propaganda • Raid • Resource Management GS-Only • Retainers • Retinues GS-Only • Sack • Second Strike Capability R&F-Only • Strategic Air Force • Survey • Their Finest Hour • Third Alternative GS-Only • Total War • Veterancy • Wars of Religion
Economic Policy
Aesthetics • Caravansaries • Civil Prestige R&F-Only • Collectivization • Colonization • Corvée • Ecommerce • Economic Union • Expropriation • Five-Year Plan • Free Market • God King • Gothic Architecture • Grand Opera • Heritage Tourism • Ilkum • Insulae • Land Surveyors • Liberalism • Market Economy • Medina Quarter • Meritocracy • Natural Philosophy • Naval Infrastructure • New Deal • Online Communities • Public Transport • Public Works • Rationalism • Religious Orders • Resource Management • Satellite Broadcasts • Scripture • Serfdom • Simultaneum • Skyscrapers • Sports Media • Third Alternative • Town Charters • Trade Confederation • Triangular Trade • Urban Planning
Diplomatic Policy
Arsenal of Democracy • Charismatic Leader • Collective Activism • Colonial Offices • Colonial Taxes • Communications Office • Containment • Cryptography • Diplomatic League • Gunboat Diplomacy • International Space Agency • Machiavellianism • Merchant Confederation • Music Censorship GS-Only • Nuclear Espionage • Police State • Praetorium R&F-Only • Raj • Wisselbanken R&F-Only
Wildcard Policy
Aerospace Contractors GS-Only • Autocratic Legacy R&F-Only • Communist Legacy R&F-Only • Defense of the Motherland GS-Only • Democratic Legacy R&F-Only • Diplomatic Capital GS-Only • Fascist Legacy R&F-Only • Frescoes • Global Coalition GS-Only • Hallyu GS-Only • Inspiration • Integrated Attack Logistics GS-Only • Invention • Laissez-Faire • Literary Tradition • Martial Law GS-Only • Mercantile Legacy R&F-Only • Military Organization • Monarchic Legacy R&F-Only • Navigation • Nobel Prize • Non-State Actors GS-Only • Oligarchic Legacy R&F-Only • Rabblerousing GS-Only • Republican Legacy R&F-Only • Revelation • Science Foundations GS-Only • Space Tourism GS-Only • Strategos • Symphonies • Their Finest Hour GS-Only • Theocratic Legacy R&F-Only • Traveling Merchants
Dark Age Policy
Dark R&F-Only
Automated Workforce GS-Only • Collectivism R&F-Only • Cyber Warfare GS-Only • Decentralization1 • Despotic Paternalism1 • Disinformation Campaign GS-Only • Elite Forces R&F-Only • Flower Power GS-Only • Inquisition R&F-Only • Isolationism R&F-Only • Letters of Marque R&F-Only • Monasticism R&F-Only • Robber Barons R&F-Only • Rogue State R&F-Only • Samoderzhaviye1 • Soft Targets1 • Twilight Valor R&F-Only
Golden Age Policy
Culture Industry1 • Exodus of the Evangelists1 • Free Inquiry1 • Heartbeat of Steam1 • Mandala State1 • Military-Industrial Complex1 • Monumentality1 • Popular Front1 • Praetorian Guard1 • Reform the Coinage1 • Sakdina1 • Sky and Stars1 • Solidarity1 • To Arms!1 • Wish You Were Here1
1 Dramatic Ages mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.