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Aemony last won the day on February 2

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  1. I'm not following at all, to be honest. Most users wanting information about Steam's Remote Play Together feature are best served either looking that up on Steam itself, or just redirected to PCGW's "local coop" page, with a note that all Steam's feature does is enable the use of built-in local coop across a network. It's not worth tracking it separately on PCGW since very few editors will actually test for that kind of thing when filling out our articles. The various mismatches that exists, where a game has local coop but does not support Steam's Remote Play Together, is basically down to compatibility issues with Steam's overlay/streaming functionality. But even in those situations a user might e.g. use Parsec to achieve the same end goal. Ergo, instead of tracking Parsec and Steam Remote Play Together (and any other alternate such third-party feature that might exist) separately across all game articles, it's better to just educate users properly and refer them to the services' respective information pages, etc. Also, note that PCGW does not generally concern itself with third-party tool's support for games on our game pages. We have made a few limited exceptions (e.g. VorpX, which is the only specific one I can think of right now), but our game articles are actually intended to be about the games themselves and not any potential compatibility with generic third-party tools that might exist. This is why we don't cover ReShade, Special K, RTSS, etc compatibility on any of our articles, nor more general-purpose tools such as Discord's/Steam's/Action's/Nvidia's/AMD's etc recording and/or streaming functionalities, or anything like that. Our Steam Input coverage on the articles, for example, refers to whether the game itself uses Steam Input in an official capacity, and if so how it uses it. It does not concern itself with whether the Steam Input feature supports the game, which it pretty much always the case. This sort of key distinction is also why we don't cover generic HDR retrofitting support (Special K HDR, Auto HDR, Nvidia RTX HDR, ReShade HDR, xxx HDR, etc) on articles either -- we only cover game-specific HDR retrofitting mods, and for all generic solutions we refer (link) people to our HDR glossary page where all typical generic third-party solutions are covered. It is an important separation we make for the game articles to strike the most useful balance to our visitors. If we ignored this and just randomly tracked all sorts of compatibility with all kinds of third-party tools, our articles would just end up being a massive compatibility database for third-party tools with little to no focus on the game itself and its native support, features, and capabilities.
  2. In the meanwhile, signed-in users can use Cargo's Drilldown page: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Special:Drilldown This is not accessible to guests due to the added backend load it ended up causing.
  3. Steam Remote Play Together is essentially a separate technology that enables using "local play" over the internet through the fact that it streams gameplay and input do a separate computer. Adding such a row would therefor not really be useful since it would be the same as the local play state.
  4. These are all private repositories/configurations since they use a custom setup and installation and whatnot, so only our sysadmin @snuxoll can take a look at it or share the details of it if they're unable to fix it themselves.
  5. Huh? This is a stop-gap measure to ensure the site remains available and usable. The alternative would be to create separate subpages for each subquery but users just don't tend to do anything like that due to the number of pages it would involve. Since each individual page cannot generate a list of more than 700-1000 entires due to server limitations, you'd end up having to split a single query across multiple subpages. In comparison, anyone can create and sign in to a PCGW account within a minute or so, and then access the full capabilities of our backend lookup.
  6. Hi, those queries are too expensive for the backend as every visit generated them anew. As a result, we've been forced to limit them to signed in users only so they don't end up DDoS'ing the site for other visitors.
  7. FSR/DLSS artifacts, I'd say. Nothing to be done about that other than report it to the game devs and hope they fix it or stop using the upscaling tech.
  8. We are not officially associated with ReShade, nor equipped to provide legal advice. You have to either reach out to the ReShade community through their own community places, and/or consult an actual lawyer who is equipped to look into and provide you with proper legal advice.
  9. Hi, The table attempted to show too many rows, which ran into some include size limits of the wiki. I've lowered it from 1000 games to only showcasing 800 games to have the table appear again.
  10. Hi, The Trello hasn't really been used in awhile. Regarding the 2FA issue, I track on it through a support ticket on our GitLab, though I am unable to solve it myself. I've reached out to our sysadmin a couple of times to get his eyes on it without success, so I don't expect it to be solved anytime soon.
  11. Hi, It's more that nobody has noticed / put much thought to this suggestion since nobody is actively monitoring the forum except for filtering out spam posts and approve uploaded files. I highly recommend joining the Discord server where the main community resides as any proposals or comments are 1000 times more likely to get a response there, than in this thread. We are nowadays heavily dependent on the community implementing the necessary changes in a test template, and fixing all of the bugs and whatnot, before we can move it into the main namespace. As with everything else related to PCGamingWiki, all of us are unpaid volunteers and contribute on our own free time if possible, and most of us has families or other responsibilities nowadays that take the focus. Anyway, the input template can be found here: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Template:Input . Everyone can hit View Source on it and then copy the template text to their own user subpage (e.g. User:Aemony/Sandbox in my case) and then invoke and start testing it on a game article by replacing the existing "{{Input" call with using "{{User:xxx/Sandbox" instead. You can see how for example the user Henrebotha implemented their suggested/desired "digital movement supported" parameter on ther user page, https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/User:Henrebotha/Sandbox/Template:Input, which was then later merged by me into the main template a few months later. Regarding this suggestion, or a larger revamp of the button prompt related parameters, I doubt people are necessarily against the idea but as hinted at earlier it requires someone from the community to actually take charge and implement and properly test the necessary changes. That sort of differentiation is not necessary. The existing "steam input api" parameter in the input template is used to indicate actual support for the Steam Input API (regardless of how button prompts are handled). The secondary "steam hook input" parameter is used to indicate if Steam can work in its legacy mode where it hooks input and makes use of XInput and/or regular mouse/keyboard input. A game that relies on Steam Input's legacy mode (aka the basic "Steam Input" functionality, without the "API" part of it) should not have that parameter set to anything but false, basically.
  12. Hi, We are not associated with Wikipedia, nor can we give you any legal advice. I recommend reaching out to a lawyer for legal assistance. Br, Aemony
  13. Google Drive is not public. Also, it's most likely a PSU or GPU hardware issue as the PSU's power surge protections might be triggered by unusual power draws from the GPU. See for example this video as something that might cause that kind of issue:
  14. Hi, the wiki username has been changed 🙂
  15. I am not sure where the time flew, or how I missed these last messages, but here we are... Hi, sorry for the late reply, but which one is the username you want to be the primary one? "Puru Shill" or "Marida Connoisseur" ? The user "Lord rius" has been renamed to "Lordrius". The user "Itzrealkardi1" has been renamed to "Kardivevo". The user "Myonlyalias" has been renamed to "MyOnlyAlias". The user "Mr.plebian" has been renamed to "Artaxeus". The user "Kn0p3XX" has been renamed to "MetroidCatcher". The user "Niuod" has been renamed to "Niuoduab".
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