DC Database

Perry arrives at the Daily Planet and finds Marisol Leone, secretly the boss of the Invisible Mafia, waiting for him in an old office. She confirms she is the new owner of the Daily Planet and she has wants to whatever she can to help the newspaper prosper. Perry says that Leone can help the

Quote1 I want this paper to break that story. Quote2
— Marisol Leone

Action Comics #1014 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2019. It was published on August 28, 2019.

Synopsis for the 1st Story

Perry arrives at the Daily Planet and finds Marisol Leone, secretly the boss of the Invisible Mafia, waiting for him in an old office. She confirms she is the new owner of the Daily Planet and she has wants to whatever she can to help the newspaper prosper. Perry says that Leone can help the Daily Planet by financing their operations and not interfering in their activities. Leone says she wants Lois Lane back at the Daily Planet full-time, a comment that piques Perry's interest. Their conversation doesn't last long, however, as they watch Superman on TV.

Superman has just finished fighting a large creature that had escaped from S.T.A.R. Labs and was causing mayhem on Metropolis Harbor. As S.T.A.R. Labs security personnel secure to creature, Superman demands to know where did the creature come from. The S.T.A.R. Labs supervisor, Dr. Glory, tells Superman they were tracking energies generated by Leviathan, which had been tapping into power sources that were destabilizing alternate universes. The energy that teleported Superman to India was one of those. Superman asks Dr. Glory if Leviathan has attacked S.T.A.R. Labs and she says no, but Superman observes the building with his X-ray vision and finds the whole place in complete chaos.

Much later, Clark writes an article detailing Superman's comments about S.T.A.R. Labs' recent activities. According to Superman, S.T.A.R. Labs was engaging in illegal experiments that could endanger innocent people, like the incident with the Phantom Zone. Perry comes in and asks Clark to come with him. He takes Clark to Leone, identifying her as the new owner of the Daily Planet. Leone says she can make Clark's job and life easier. He just needs to do something for her.

Meanwhile, at a bar located in the seedy underbelly of Metropolis, Mayor Hopkins speaks with Mr. Strong and reveals he has been injecting himself with Apocalypse, the new drug the Invisible Mafia has been trafficking the past few weeks. Thorn, who had infiltrated the bar, stabs Strong in the shoulder, but she is ambushed by the Red Cloud, who has assumed a new and more powerful form and infects Thorn with her poison. Strong complains that the Invisible Mafia is invisible no more.

Later that night, Superman flies to Lois' apartment in Chicago and tells her what happened with Leone, who wants Lois back that the Daily Planet. Clark and Lois don't trust Leone and think she is up to something. But for now, they must lay their suspicions about Leone aside, as Clark watches a beam of yellow light streaking across sky and crashes in front of the Daily Planet. Superman arrives at the crash site and finds a girl. Her name is Naomi and she needs Superman's help.

Appearing in the 1st Story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






See Also

Links and References
