DC Database

"Superman: "The Sabotage Ring"": Clark Kent and Lois Lane tour a factory, when Clark sees a concealed time bomb. Changing into Superman, he removes the bomb and throws it away just before it detonates. He turns back to Clark, and hears of a lead: t

Action Comics #41 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1941.

Synopsis for Superman: "The Sabotage Ring"

Clark Kent and Lois Lane tour a factory, when Clark sees a concealed time bomb. Changing into Superman, he removes the bomb and throws it away just before it detonates. He turns back to Clark, and hears of a lead: three men who were off work that day. He ditches Lois, changes back to Superman, and watches while the police check it out. One man is seriously ill; a second is on his honeymoon. The third, Steve Grant, has no excuse, and he refuses to let his closet be searched. It is full of raw materials for bombs. Grant knocks out the policeman and throws him out the window. Superman catches the cop, and chases the fleeing crook. He prevents a traffic collision, but Grant's real employer tries to blow him up. Superman rescues him at the last minute. Grant tells him that his boss is disrupting the national defense effort.

The next day, Clark and Lois visit Grant in jail. Another visitor has brought a concealed gun, and Clark bumps his arms before he can shoot Grant. The next evening, Superman watches another attempt to remove Grant. A truck crashes into the cell, and several thugs kidnap him. Superman and the police follow. Superman sees the thugs remove a sign warning of a washed out road, and stops the police cars. With his super-hearing, he hears a news report on a wave of sabotage. He locates the hidden cave with x-ray vision, and saves Grant, bringing him and the thugs to the cops. He also finds out that the next target is the Daily Planet. At the Planet, Lois sees a man come in to fix the telephones. As the phone is working fine, she investigates, and sees him planting a bomb. He ties her up. Superman arrives, defuses the bomb, and frees Lois. They follow the saboteur, and catch the boss. Superman leaves Lois to turn over the boss and his list of agents to the police, and, as Clark, scoops her.

Appearing in Superman: "The Sabotage Ring"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ralph Cowan (Single appearance)
  • Steve Grant (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Jeff Stanton (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Pep Morgan: "Tuerto the Bandit"

During his vacation, Pep Morgan visits his friend Don Alvera on his ranch in South America. Don's daughter, Juanita, takes him on a tour of her father's land. Once they are alone and far enough away from the ranch hands, Pep and Juanita are ambushed by the bandit, Tuerto, and his gang. Believing her father would pay a high ransom for her safe return, Tuerto kidnaps Juanita. When Pep tries to interfere, the bandits take him along as well.

The bandit's hideout is in a mountain cave. Juanita is left tied up near the cave mouth, while Tuerto takes Pep to a deeper cavern, to a ledge which overlooks an underground lake. Pep is pushed into the water below with his hands still tied behind him. The young athlete struggles to stay afloat. Even after undoing his bonds, he feels his strength slowly drain away. But then he realized that he is in fresh water, meaning there had to be a source coming from outside. If only he could find the inlet! Pep dives underwater, searching, straining, until he finally finds a hole in the wall that is big enough for him to swim through. He surfaces again in a body of water just outside the cave entrance. A bandit comes down the mountain trail riding Juanita's horse. Pep waits for just the right moment, then lunges, knocking the unsuspecting bandit to the ground! Disguising himself in the bandit's clothes, Pep writes a message into the horse's saddle, hoping it will find its way back to Don. Then he heads toward the cave once more.

Meanwhile, within the cavern, Tuerto gets a little too close for Juanita's comfort. She pushes him away and runs for the exit! Pep just enters the mouth of the cave when he sees her coming towards him, with Tuerto right behind her. Pep draws the gun he took from the fallen bandit, warning the bandit leader to keep back. But Tuerto takes this as a challenge, drawing his own gun in response. Pep quickly fires in defense, hitting Tuerto square in the chest, killing him. When Pep and Juanita step outside, Don Alvera and his ranch hands are waiting, with rifles ready. The remaining bandits, outnumbered and with their leader dead, surrender themselves. It was lucky that Don received Pep's message in time to round up a posse. Juanita returns home with only a twisted ankle, and Pep looks forward to enjoying the rest of his vacation.

Appearing in Pep Morgan: "Tuerto the Bandit"

Featured Characters:


  • Tuerto (Single appearance; dies)
  • Tuerto's Gang (Single appearance)
    • Pepito (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Juanita Alvera (Single appearance)
  • Don Alvera (Single appearance)


Synopsis for The Black Pirate: "The Albino Priestess"

After escaping Barcelona, Jon Valor and Bonnie travel to the port of Gibraltar, to find Valor's ship and crew waiting right where he told them to. Reunited, they sail through the Mediterranean. The next few weeks are uneventful, and Jon and Bonnie use the time to enjoy each other's company.

At an uncharted cove on the northwest coast of Africa, the ship drops anchor. While the crew refills their fresh water supply from an inland stream, Jon takes the time to stretch his legs and explore the area. Bonnie has a bad feeling, but she lets him go.

The Black Pirate leaves the beach and enters the dense African foliage. Soon, he enters a clearing, where a mountain is seen in the distance, and the mountain has a skull carved into its face. His curiosity leads Jon to climb the mountainside and enter the eye of the skull. It is the entrance to a cave, and there is a light coming from within, so Jon follows it. Before him is a grand throne, upon which sits a woman with skin as white as bone. She introduces herself as Amora, High Priestess of the Temple of Ora. For centuries her ancestors have guarded the sacred temple, never even stepping out into the sunlight. A small idol catches Jon's eye. When he reaches for it, the idol falls to the floor and shatters. Amora immediately becomes enraged! Her guards rush the Black Pirate, who has to fight them off as he retreats to the exit. Fortunately, Amora's guards also seem to be unwilling to leave the cavern, so Jon is able to descend the mountain in peace.

Back on the beach, Jon orders his men to return to the ship. By the time the tides have come in, Jon, Bonnie, and the crew are well and away. As for this odd adventure, the Black Pirate decides to keep it to himself. After all, who would believe him?

Appearing in The Black Pirate: "The Albino Priestess"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Amora, Priestess of the Temple of Ora (Single appearance)
    • her Albino Guards (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Valor's Crew



  • Jon Valor's ship

Synopsis for The Three Aces: "The Cleveland Air Races

Gunner Bill is flying an air race in Cleveland. His opponent, Ted, is afraid he's going to lose, so he sabotages Bill's plane. But when Ted's son finds himself in danger, it's Bill that saves the young boy. Ted is so thankful, he not only admits that he fixed Bill's engine so it wouldn't fly, he also forfeits the race, making Bill the sure winner.

Appearing in The Three Aces: "The Cleveland Air Races

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Ted Evers (Single appearance)
  • Ted Evers, Jr. (Single appearance)
  • Mrs. Evers (Single appearance)



  • The Aces' planes

Synopsis for Mr. America: "The Gold Bullion Theft"

An embassy building is invaded by a group of crooks in the dead of night. After killing the watchman, they begin to break into the large vault. Mr. America notices something up inside the building, and makes his entrance. With his whip, he attacks two of the men, but the third rushes down the hallway. Mr. America turns and gives chase. The crook hurls a fire extinguisher at the hero, who swiftly leaps over it, except that his whip gets tangled in the canister, which ends up falling down an empty elevator shaft, pulling him down with it! Luckily, Tex is able to grab hold of a protruding brake lever, but by the time he makes it back up, the men are gone. A groaning sound leads Tex to a guard, just now waking up from a knock on the head, and the recognized some of the intruders. They were with Trigger Malloy's mob, some of whom the guard actually arrested back when he was a cop. When he and Tex inspect the vault, the guard tells Tex that the only thing missing are some diplomatic papers. Tex decides to pay Malloy a visit.

At the gangster's hideout, Trigger Malloy hears what happened from his men. They believe Mr. America has died, when he fell down the shaft. Mr. America flips into the room, through the window. The man with the stolen papers rushes out, but Tex has to let him go for now; the gang has got some guns drawn on him. When Malloy moves in closer to try and remove his mask, Tex grabs him in a choke-hold. One of the boys fires their gun, hitting their boss clear in the chest. The others panic and run out, while Trigger lays bleeding on the floor. Tex tells him to reveal what his plan was, or the hospital won't get to him on time. Malloy confesses.

That night, a ship, the Orion, is delivering a load of gold from an allied country, and Malloy's gang was planning to steal it in transit. The arriving vessel passes across the neutrality line, and is soon met by an unmarked vessel, ordering them to prepare for boarding. Because the Orion carries no weapons, the captain and crew have no choice but to cut the engines. Above, a plane shaped like an eagle, with the red, white, and blue colors of America, swoops down low and fires its gun at the mobsters' vessel. The distraction is enough for the Orion's crew to get the upper hand. The hijackers are attacked and thrown overboard. A few sailors even manage to get aboard the enemy ship and deal with the rest of the gang. Now that the crew had the situation under control, Mr. America pilots his plane back home, to rest until he is needed again.

Appearing in Mr. America: "The Gold Bullion Theft"

Featured Characters:


  • Trigger Malloy (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Watchman


  • Mr. America's Bullwhip


  • Mr. America's Eagle-shaped Airplane (First appearance)
  • S.S. Orion

Synopsis for Congo Bill: "Jungle Drums"

A constant low drumming echoes through the jungle where Congo Bill and his friends, Professor Kent and Sheila, are hiking on their way to the coast. At the jungle's edge, they come upon a British Army post. Bill decides to meet the Major in charge, and ask him about the drums. From what intelligence they could gather, the Major tells Bill that someone is stirring up the tribal chiefs in the region to attack the British outposts. It was believed to be the work of a foreign operative. The next morning, Bill leaves the outpost and begins following the sound of drums. He wanted to help stop the attack before it began.

Just as Bill reaches the native village, the drumming stops. On his guard, Bill enters the biggest hut. A white man sitting on the chief's throne welcomes him. He is Herr Scheller, agent of the foreign powers, and it is he who's spurring the tribes to war. The native guards grab Bill from behind and begin to drag him away. Bill tries using reason with the tribesmen, explaining that Scheller was no real warrior, as he was using them to fight in his battles. If they'd let him fight Scheller, he'd show them what a coward the man really was. The tribe's chief agrees to the test. Bill and Scheller face off! The foreign agent rushes at Bill, but he dodges and counterattacks with a punch to the gut! This is followed by a few more hits, until Bill is the only one standing. As soon as he turns his back, though, Scheller angrily gets up and delivers a blow to the head. He then quickly snatches a spear out of a surprised native's hand and impales Bill through the shoulder! The finishing blow was not to come. Up above, a British airplane piloted by the Professor comes into view. It flies in low, dropping smoke pellets to scare the natives away. Bill is helped into the craft, which begins to take off again as soon as he is aboard. Scheller isn't as lucky. Blinded by the smoke, he runs into the spinning propeller at full force, and is killed almost instantly.

Later in the medical tent, Bill wakes up to see the Professor watching over hum. He is told that, thanks to his actions, the native tribes have all made peace with the British Army. After seeing the cowardly way Scheller attacked Bill when his back was turned, the tribe chiefs made friends with the British Army.

Appearing in Congo Bill: "Jungle Drums"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Professor Joe Kent
  • Sheila Hanlen


  • Herr Scheller (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Army Major


Synopsis for Zatara: "The Rival Ranchers"

The great magician Zatara had promised Tex and Molly, two rancher siblings, that he'd help them find their dead grandfather's hidden treasure. Opposing him at every turn was Utah Sill, owner of the Bar 9 ranch, who was after Tex and Molly's land.

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Appearing in Zatara: "The Rival Ranchers"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Tex (Single appearance)
  • Molly (Single appearance)


  • Utah Sill (Single appearance) (Reformed)



  • Also appearing in this issue of Action Comics were:
    • "Chief Hot Foot" by Henry Boltinoff
    • "Little Lewie" by Norris
    • "Quick Thinking" (text story) by Clem Gordon

See Also

Links and References
