DC Database

This dimension was created, along the Totems, hundreds years ago when the six Zambesi tribes were attacked by unknown enemies. They prayed their gods to come and save them, so they bestowed their worshippers these elemental stones, which were powered by the exi

The Ancestral Plane[6] is the dimension existing inside the Totems of Zambesi of which it also represents their power source.




This dimension was created, along the Totems, hundreds years ago when the six Zambesi tribes were attacked by unknown enemies. They prayed their gods to come and save them, so they bestowed their worshippers these elemental stones, which were powered by the existence of this realm, that would have protected them from every menace. In death, each bearer's soul would come into the Ancestral Plane, creating the Ancestors.

In 2018, Amya Jiwe/Vixen and her fellow Legend Zari Tomaz entered this dimension in search for information that could have helped them find a way to defeat the time demon Mallus. They met an ancestor of Amaya who recorded them about the origin of the totem and the danger of the Tantu Totem being corrupted by Malus' influence; she also advised them to find Kuasa, prophetizing that she would be undamental for their plans.[1]


After the Legends showed to the world the benevolence of the monsters at Heyworld and the resulting erasure of Zari Tomaz' dark future, her existence was preserved and she was now part of the Ancestral Plane.[2]

Some time before the battle of Heyworld, the now-reborn Behrad Tarazi, who had joined the Legends instead of her sister in the new timeline, visited the Ancestral Plane.

In 2020, the new timeline version of Zari, Zari Tarazi, entered this realm with the help of her brother Behrad. There, she met her Pre-Heyworld counterpart, rapidly catching up about their different histories; after they parted ways, Zari Tarazi left the dimension and return to the real world where she discovered the death of Behrad at the hands of the Greek Goddess, Atropos.[2]

Later, after the Fates had altered the reality to create a different universe where free will no longer existed, Zari Tomaz was allowed to leave the realm, becoming part of Charlie's Legends-preserving plan.[3]

When the Legends restored the original reality, the concurrent existence of both Zari created a paradox which was resolved after Zari Tomaz left again the reality, resuming his place in the Ancestral Plane.[4]



Wayne Family Adventures


  • Being the resting place of every Totem bearer, the Ancestral Plane represents the fourth main afterlife realm in the Arrowverse Multiverse after Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.
  • Behrad's visit of this realm took presumably place during the Earth-Prime's version of Mallus' conflict.
  • It is unknown how Zari Tomaz could leave this reality and resurface on Earth-Prime after the creation of the Loomworld.
    • It may happened because Time considered Zari Tarazi erased from existence due to the girl being imprisoned in the Fate+ Dimension so it tried to cover this gap with another version of her.

See Also
