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"False Dawn": Anima goes to Rain City with her new friends in the band Boojum. Slam Shiner hangs out with his drug addict friend Kaz, who sets him up with a girl in a shooting gallery. The girl, Harper, overdoses and dies shortly after they meet.

Quote1 Ever hear of the Bill of Rights? Quote2
— Anima

Anima #2 is an issue of the series Anima (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1994.

Synopsis for "False Dawn"

Anima goes to Rain City with her new friends in the band Boojum. Slam Shiner hangs out with his drug addict friend Kaz, who sets him up with a girl in a shooting gallery. The girl, Harper, overdoses and dies shortly after they meet.

Courtney relaxes in the park, where she meets a young Asian-American thief named Pockets. When she witnesses him stealing wallets, she keeps his secret in exchange for buying her breakfast. Pockets agrees to give her a tour of the city, and they become friends.

Back in New Orleans, Dwight Mason continues to struggle with his daughter's disappearance. Jeremy Mason begins doing poorly in school, and blames his dad for not doing enough to find Courtney. Kyle Woodleaf continues his search for Anima, and he interrogates the Scorpion gang member who she defenestrated.

Slam continues meeting women with Kaz, and a girl named Aurora takes him with her to the New Dawn rehab center. When he signs in as a visitor, the sinister head doctor Jonathan Egret has him committed. They begin performing electro-shock experiments on him. Egret injects him with chemicals designed to make him feel fear.

Anima introduces Pockets to the rest of Boojum. They go to the Ravehouse, a run-down musical venue they used to place at. Pockets is harassed by a group of punks, who decide to beat him up for being a "gook." Anima flips out and uses her powers to kick their asses, while lecturing them about the value of education. This impresses her friends, but she worries that Animus is getting stronger and she can't control him.

Maxilla Yale gives a presentation on metapsychology at a convention in Rain City. Using a device called the Dream Machine, she believes she can breach the conscious mind and enter the realm of collective unconscious. Below that is the mythogenic unconscious, containing primal archetypal forces. Yale believes she can capture the power of these forces, and harness the energy of dreams. Her greatest patient is Courtney's mother Willow Mason, who is seeing her for oneiroshock therapy. Egret approaches her after the lecture, and they're fascinated by each other's work. Willow's next session with Maxilla briefly releases one of these primal beings. They channel the archetypal wolf Fenris, who she believes to be her spirit guide.

Boojum goes looking for Slam, and Kaz directs them to New Dawn. They try to break Slam out of the facility, but security guards attack them. Anima holds off the guards while Alison and Liv take Slam to safety. Egret confronts Anima with a gun, believing that her Animus is the primal fear archetype. She tells him that bullets cannot harm her, but he fires knock-out gas instead. When she wakes up, she's tied to a chair. Egret reveals that is actually the Scarecrow, and he injects her with Fear Toxin.

Appearing in "False Dawn"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Aurora (Single appearance)
  • Beavis (New Dawn guard)
  • Fenris (archetypal wolf)
  • Harper (Single appearance; dies)
  • Karl (psychologist)
  • Kaz (drug addict)
  • Kurt (Mentioned only)
  • Roy (New Dawn guard)
  • Scorpions (street gang)




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
