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"The Trench: Part One": At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a new race of creatures awaken. They are shocked there is an 'up'. They make their way to the surface speaking a strange language.

Quote1 I don't want to be one of them. I don't want the responsibility. I never asked for it. I want a life up here. With you. I'm not going back to Atlantis. Quote2

Aquaman (Volume 7) #1 is an issue of the series Aquaman (Volume 7) with a cover date of November, 2011. It was published on September 28, 2011.

Synopsis for "The Trench: Part One"

At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a new race of creatures awaken. They are shocked there is an 'up'. They make their way to the surface speaking a strange language.

In Boston, The Boston Police Department are chasing a group of criminals stealing a bank truck. Aquaman appears and defeats the group of thugs as he shrugs off the bullets from their guns. The police sarcastically thank him and offer back-handed comments about him needing water. Aquaman gives them a glance and jumps away. The officers snicker they'll be made fun of for being upstaged by Aquaman.

Arthur heads to Sam's for a simple meal but people harass him with questions. He orders the fish and chips which shocks the patrons as they thought he was their friend. He explains he uses telepathy to reach into a fish's midbrains to influence them to help him. A reporter beligerantly asks him questions about being how he makes money and asks him how he feels about being the superhero 'joke'. Arthur briefly daydreams about eating in the booth he's sitting in with his father a long time ago. Arthur takes more abuse from the patrons and decides to to leave. Aquaman gives two golden coins to a waitress, telling her to put her kids through college.

At night in the Curry Lighthouse, Aquaman stands in the shore and reminisces about a time when he was a child with his father. As they watched the sea, Aquaman asked his father why was he a lighthouse keeper when he could be the captain of his own ship. His father replies that the captains needed someone on land to help them watch the shores, and that it is called responsibility.

As he finishes dwelling on his memories, Mera comes to Aquaman and asks if he is okay. Aquaman tells her that he made his choice and wishes to remain in the surface to have a new life with Mera. He has no interest in being the king of Atlantis and says they need to find a new king. They kiss and embrace.

In the ocean, a group of fishermen are bucked and one falls into the ocean. When the monsters see the fishermen, they remark in their own strange language, "Food is up here", as the color of blood fills the water where the fisherman fell.

Appearing in "The Trench: Part One"

Featured Characters:

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Pandora Aquaman 001

Pandora watches.

  • Pandora makes a brief cameo appearance to witness the events of this story, as she does all #1 issues published as part of The New 52. She can be seen in the seafood restaurant, when the other customers are surprised by Arthur's order.

See Also

Recommended Reading

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