DC Database

Oliver throws a family Christmas party in an attempt to restore a sense of normalcy to the Queen household. Meanwhile, Tommy asks Laurel to spend the holiday with him, but she feels she needs to be with her father since Christmas was her late sister's birthday.

Quote1 The other archer told me that somebody compiled the List. I always assumed it was my father. But what if it wasn't? Quote2
—Oliver Queen

Year's End is an episode of season 1 of Arrow. It premiered on December 12, 2012.

Synopsis for "Year's End"

Oliver throws a family Christmas party in an attempt to restore a sense of normalcy to the Queen household. Meanwhile, Tommy asks Laurel to spend the holiday with him, but she feels she needs to be with her father since Christmas was her late sister's birthday.

Appearing in "Year's End"

Featured Character:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dark Archer's hostages (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
  • The List's villains (Behind the scenes)
    • Adam Hunt (Dies) (Cameo)
    • Nelson Ravich (Single appearance; dies) (Cameo)
    • Brian J. Dickerson (Mentioned only)
    • Brody Wickham (Mentioned only)
    • Christine Alpert (Mentioned only)
    • Frank Bertinelli (Mentioned only)
    • Gionni Iacnci (Mentioned only)
    • Jeremy Koorng (Mentioned only)
    • Nick Major (Mentioned only)
    • Paul Henry (Mentioned only)
    • Scott Morgan (Mentioned only)
  • Sara Lance (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
  • Shane Colvin (Single appearance)
  • Adam Hunt's daughter (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
  • Chinese Army (Mentioned only)
  • God (Mentioned only)
  • Helena Bertinelli (Mentioned only)
  • Joanna De La Vega (Mentioned only)
  • Robert Queen (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
  • Robin Hood (Mentioned only)



  • Dark Archer's Bow (First appearance)
  • Deathstroke's Sword (Flashback only) (Cameo)
  • The List
  • Oliver Queen's Bow
  • Yao Fei's Bow (Flashback only)


  • The Hood's Motorcycle (Mentioned only)
  • Queen's Gambit (Mentioned only)


  • No notes.


  • Malcolm Merlyn jokingly proposes "Green Arrow" as a name for "The Hood" which Oliver shrugs off rather quickly.
    • However, Oliver will adopt this moniker three years later.[1]

See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.

