DC Database

"The Black Spider": Black Spider busts a heroin deal, killing one participant, and shoving the dealer's face into his own supply until he gives up information about his supplier. Batman tries to take him in. Black Spider lectures him about their additions before escaping. He goes to his ex-girlf

Quote1 Life is sacred. They taught me that at Sunday School a long time ago. Of course, I didn't listen. Bet you didn't know I was a church kid, huh, Batman ? But I was. Mom and Dad used to send me every Sunday, until Mom died. Then Dad sort of drifted away. It was like a part of HIM had died. He didn't have much time for me anymore. I guess that's when I found the streets. And heroin. Why start ? I've asked myself that a hundred times, and the best I can do is: why not ? I missed my Mom. Dad was drinking. The other guys did it. I wanted to be a rebel, too. And to be honest, I liked it. At first. It helped to fill the black, aching hole inside me. Quote2
— Black Spider

Batman: Shadow of the Bat #5 is an issue of the series Batman: Shadow of the Bat (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1992.

Synopsis for "The Black Spider"

Black Spider busts a heroin deal, killing one participant, and shoving the dealer's face into his own supply until he gives up information about his supplier. Batman tries to take him in. Black Spider lectures him about their additions before escaping. He goes to his ex-girlfriend Linda's apartment where they argue about her continued use of heroin but stop when their son Mikey enters the room.

Brett Yates, the supplier, hears that Black Spider put Daks in a coma. He sends one of his henchmen to Linda with pure enough heroin to kill her, which she shoots up. Mikey eats some that he mistook for sugar on his cereal. Black Spider finds them dead and leaves a letter for Batman before going to the Deever Factory to take down Yates.

Batman tells Commissioner Gordon about the dangerous new supply of heroin that has come in from Colombia. He goes back to the Batcave and researches Black Spider, learning about Linda and Mikey. He goes to their apartment and finds their bodies as well as Black Spider's letter.

He pursues Black Spider to the factory, where during the fire fight Black Spider knocks him out of the building. Black Spider reveals to Yates and his henchmen that he is wearing a plastique vest as the timer hits zero. The building and everyone inside it are destroyed in the explosion.

Appearing in "The Black Spider"

Featured Characters:

  • Batman (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


  • Black Spider (Apparent Death) (Flashback and main story)
  • Brett Yale
    • Daks
    • Manuel
    • Herman

Other Characters:

  • Mikey
  • Linda Morrel





  • This issue is reprinted in Batman: Shadow of the Bat Volume 1.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
