DC Database

"What's the Matter with Chop-Chop?": Blackhawk officer Chop-Chop is, very uncharacteristically, cranky and bitchy for an entire day. The next day, the Blackhawks fly to Dalli, on the outskirts of France, and liberate it from a small Nazi force. Chuck, Chop-Chop, & Stanislaus stay at Dalli whil

Quote1 I don't know, Chuck, why DON'T I wear a Blackhawk UNIFORM like the rest of you? Quote2
— Chop-Chop

Blackhawk #265 is an issue of the series Blackhawk (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1983.

Synopsis for "What's the Matter with Chop-Chop?"

Blackhawk officer Chop-Chop is, very uncharacteristically, cranky and bitchy for an entire day. The next day, the Blackhawks fly to Dalli, on the outskirts of France, and liberate it from a small Nazi force. Chuck, Chop-Chop, & Stanislaus stay at Dalli while the rest of the team flies to Zurich and cleverly deduce Professor Merson's current address with clues from his bankers. The Nazis send a swarm of the Merson splodey-bats to Dalli and blow up the town's emergency generator, then the team meets up near Merson's new HQ, presumably in southern Germany. They dismantle one Skyrocket and turn it into a glider, piloted by Chop Chop and towed into position by Hendrickson, with which they drop a running Grumman engine, strapped to three parachutes, over the lab, which draws the splodey-bats, which makes confusion to cover the infantry-style raid, in which the team captures Hugo Merson. Then Chop-Chop takes a leave of absence to go to China and fight the Japanese.

Appearing in "What's the Matter with Chop-Chop?"

Featured Characters:




  • bats rigged with explosives


Synopsis for "Detached Service Diary, Chuck: The Big Dealer"

Chuck's plane gets stolen, and he's stranded in Europe for a couple of days, while he tries to get it back. He finds some disassembled parts of his plane in a black market warehouse, and squeezes some truth out of the sleazy proprietor, Dmitri Hocking. He gets most of the plane rebuilt but it's still missing its engines and wings. They go to the next village, to negotiate with the buyer of those parts, but Dmitri and Chuck blunder into a Bund Meeting, and get captured. The main Nazi officer reveals his plan, then leaves; the plan is to install Chuck's engine into his Focke-Wulf 190, and fly that to a bombing raid on Clerow, where a makeshift Allied hospital was set up. Chuck and Dmitri are guarded by a single sentry, who proves easy for Dmitri to bribe with some black-market gourmet foods. Then Chuck assembles, from black-market spare parts, a single-engine, open canopy, Grumman/Blackburn/Focke-Wulf/Boeing/Chevrolet fighter plane, and pursues the Nazi flier, and shoots him down. Afterward, Hocking presents Chuck with an invoice for the parts that went into his makeshift plane, and that conversation goes badly for him.

Appearing in "Detached Service Diary, Chuck: The Big Dealer"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dmitri Hocking


  • Nazi-occupied Europe
  • Clerow


See Also

Links and References
