DC Database

"Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: "Mystery At Oak Gables"": Speed is returning from a European trip, when he meets Miss Madge Allen. It occurs to her that she was being followed by a Hindu. Helping her to escape from the strange follower, Speed offers his help on any further occasion. The ne

Quote1 OH-HH-H! Why didn't I follow my mother's advice and take up plumbing instead of detecting? Quote2
— Shorty Morgan

Detective Comics #10 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1937. It was published on November 10, 1937.

Synopsis for Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: "Mystery At Oak Gables"

Speed is returning from a European trip, when he meets Miss Madge Allen. It occurs to her that she was being followed by a Hindu. Helping her to escape from the strange follower, Speed offers his help on any further occasion. The next morning, while leaving her hotel she sees the Hindu again. Madge calls up Saunders, and while waiting for him, receives an invitation to an inherited estate. Speed accompanies her, having forgotten about the Hindu for the moment.

They are greeted at the entrance to the estate by the butler, Monroe. He introduces Madge to Mr. Harde, her uncle's banker and financial advisor. They try to get her to sell the estate to him for twenty five thousand, but she did her research before coming; it was worth at least fifty. Harde appears to be very annoyed, and the banker angrily takes his leaves. Late that night, someone creeps into Madge's bedroom with a gun. She screams for Speed, who races in from the room across the hall. The man turns, his face obscured by a bandana, pointing his gun at the would-be hero. Suddenly, the lights go out! A shadowed figure tackles the gunman from behind. Speed finds the light switch and flips it back on. On the ground lies a beaten Mr. Harde, being held in place by the Hindu. The mysterious stalker announce himself as Sak-Ri-Ko, who was sent from his home country to be Miss Allen's bodyguard. Back in Paris, she had saved the life of a young boy when he fell off a pony. That boy was the son of the Maha Rajah, who sent Sak to look out for her, in thanks. Well, now that she had a new estate, she'd need a new butler she could trust to help manage things. Sak gladly accepts the position.

Appearing in Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: "Mystery At Oak Gables"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sak-Ri-Ko (Single appearance)


  • Arthur Harde (Single appearance)
  • Monroe (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Madge Allen (Single appearance)
  • Mrs. Saunders (First appearance)
  • Johnny (Single appearance)


  • Hotel Imperial (Single appearance)
  • Cornton, Maine

Synopsis for Larry Steele: "The Nick Orsatti Case (Part 1 of 3)"

Laura Wilkes' husband James is in trouble. He owes money in gambling debts to Nick Orsatti, a dangerous man. She calls Larry Steele for help in keeping Jimmie safe.

Larry goes to pay Orsatti's club a visit. Dressing up in a sharp suit helps fuel the appearance that he's wealthy, thus he bluffs his way inside. Taking a seat at the bar, Larry looks to one of the gambling tables, where James was currently playing. A large man appears besides the young man, pulling him aside to meet with Orsatti in his office. Larry inconspicuously moves closer to the office door until he's able to listen in. It was time for James to pay up, but he didn't have the money. So Orsatti and his boys grab Wilkes by each arm and escort him outside to the car... Larry quickly rushes to his own car, this wasn't going to end well if he didn't stop them. He trails them to an old derelict tenement building. James is taken out of the car and led inside at gunpoint. Since he couldn't pay, then Orsatti had to make an example out of him. But before the frightened lad could breathe his last, Larry fires at the thugs, knocking the gun out of the gunman's hand! The other men fire back, forcing Larry to take cover. James tackles one of the men, but isn't able to hold him. It does create enough confusion for the thugs to cut their losses and flee down the stairs to the exit. Larry and James give chase, hopping in Larry's car when the gang drives off. But the pursuit is soon ended when the gang gets too much distance, being in the faster vehicle. Having lost the chase, Larry decides to drive James back home.

Appearing in Larry Steele: "The Nick Orsatti Case (Part 1 of 3)"

Featured Characters:


  • Nick Orsatti (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Laura Wilkes (First appearance)
  • James Wilkes (First appearance)
  • Mrs. Steele


Synopsis for Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: "Curse of the Indian Mummy"

Cosmo goes on an expedition with his friend, Professor Deane, to excavate the ruins of an ancient city in northern India. The tomb of a once-great ruler is uncovered after weeks of arduous labor. The natives become spooked when the mummy and coffin are found, refusing to work. They only agree to keep digging after the professor raises their pay. Even then, the fear of the mummy's curse passes around the expedition camp. Two men are assigned to guard the tomb entrance.

Late that night, a man's fearful screams pierce the air, waking the entire expedition team. Cosmo and Professor Deane dash out of the tent, guns in hand. One of the guards is found on his hands and knees, foaming at the mouth, with a look of stark terror on his face! Cosmo discovers that the coffin is empty. There was no sign of the other guard, only a blood trail leading into the jungle. Cosmo suggests waiting until daybreak. The next morning, Professor Deane, Cosmo, and some members of the excavation crew search the jungle, following the trail of blood to a large clearing set next to a granite cliff. An old temple had been carved into the side of the cliff, its entrance sitting at the top of a grand staircase.

Darkness fills the inside of the temple, except for a light emitting from one of the chambers. A man dressed like a Hindu fakir has the guard lying on a slab, a sacrificial blade held over the body. The mummy was also here, having been positioned on a jewel-encrusted chair that overlooks the sacrifice. The mad man speaks to the mummy as if it were alive, calling it "noble one". Cosmo shoots the knife out of the fakir's hand! The other hired hands surround him, the fakir crashes a small vase to the floor, creating a blinding flash of light and smoke! When the smoke clears away, Cosmo and the professor find that the fakir, and the mummy, are both gone. They return to the site of the excavation, a shame that the mummy was lost, but lucky that they didn't join him in death.

Appearing in Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: "Curse of the Indian Mummy"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Professor Deane (First appearance)


  • An unnamed Fakir (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Ihmar (Single appearance)
  • Blakely (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Bruce Nelson: "The Blood of the Lotus (Part 2 of 2)"

Inside the gambling den, Bruce finds a seat at a table and plays the part of a gruff sailor. Sitting apart from his servant, he'll glance towards Sing Lee every now and then to watch for any signs. Years ago, the two of them developed a method to send signals to each other through subtle finger gestures. It's through this method now that Lee sends a message that he has picked up a Tong sign, and to meet him outside. Bruce asked Lee if he could teach him some signals of the Tong, but Lee refuses, saying he'd taken an oath of death long ago. There was another den they needed to visit to find out more about the Lotus. Sing Lee once again leads the way. The next gambling den they enter is larger, with several doors leading to different rooms. Bruce finds a place at an empty table while his servant gets in on a game of fan-tan. After awhile, Lee signals Bruce; he picked up the sign of the Lotus from an elderly Chinaman sitting alone at a booth. Lee approaches the man and exchanges pleasantries in Chinese. They speak for several minutes, then Lee follows the elder through a door to another room.

Slug Cully. Years ago Bruce had trusted Cully with a munitions shipment that he had given to the other side. Slug tries pleading with Bruce to forgive him. He even offers half of the money he was being paid for the deal he just made with the Lotus organization. A small bit of info, but with some luck, Bruce works it into a bluff; he tells Slug that he knows about the gun-running he's been doing for the Lotus, and came here tonight to steal the weapons for himself. He uses his past reputation to trick Slug into believing he was capable of this. He leaves him with a way out, though... if the Lotus is willing to give up the girl they had kidnapped, Lois Woodworth, he'd forget all about it and won't interfere. Slug fell for the ruse and took Bruce to meet with Dr. Hong, a member of the Lotus. The short Chinese man is also aware of the heroic deeds by Bruce Nelson. In exchange for the girl, he offers Hong information on the whereabouts of a man named Lung Wong, an infamous revolutionary in China. Such information is certainly valuable to the Lotus, more than enough for the freedom of two prisoners, as Sing Lee had found himself caught as well.

In an adjoining room, Bruce finds Lois. She is sprawled out on a grand bed with silk cushions, a far off look in her eyes from being drugged. As Lois notices Bruce, she slowly starts to remember. She had called him that one night, seeming so long ago, asking for help... although right now she wasn't sure if she wanted to leave. The Lotus planned to send her away on a boat, where she believes she was to live a life of exotic pleasures. Just then, Slug comes running back into the room. He'd made a call to his contact, and found out Bruce Nelson had lied; he didn't know anything about their operation when he arrived here! The Chinamen grab their blades, while Bruce quickly tells Lee to take Miss Woodworth and run. A fight ensues! Dodging a thrown blade, only to be grabbed by Cully. Dr. Hong pulls out a gun as Bruce slips free, using Slugs body as a bullet shield. He fires his own gun at Hong, hitting him in the hand and leg, then flees with Lee and Lois out of the building!

Eventually, they escape their pursuers, and return to Bruce's apartment. Donald Barnes is called over, reuniting with his one true love. Now that she's more clear-headed, Lois explains the truth, that her uncle had been trying to make her seem crazy, so that all her inheritance would be transferred to him as an executor. He would keep setting her up with different cults, which she hated. Bruce has Sing Lee call Mr. Pomeroy to come over, making sure to leave out that he was here. Pomeroy showed up and expressed a look of absolute shock when he saw Nelson alive and well. That's because he was the contact Slug Cully had mentioned. He was also the one who had his niece kidnapped, then to save face, got Bruce on the case. It was his mistake that he believed anyone taken by the Lotus to be impossible to track down. But now his game was up. Bruce gives him a chance to go home and put a gun to his head before the police show up to take him in. After her uncle leaves in a dejected slump, Lois invites Bruce and Sing Lee to be the witnesses for their wedding.

Appearing in Bruce Nelson: "The Blood of the Lotus (Part 2 of 2)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sing Lee


  • Dr. Hong (Single appearance)
  • Slug Cully (Single appearance; dies)
  • Philip Pomeroy (Apparent Death)

Other Characters:

  • Lois Woodworth (Final appearance)
  • Donald Barnes (Final appearance)


Synopsis for "Handcuff Hawkins"

Handcuff Hawkins is asked to solve a case of stolen deliveries. He finds out they had been communicating the shipping schedule through coded messages where you had to read the first letter of every word.

Appearing in "Handcuff Hawkins"

Featured Characters:

  • Handcuff Hawkins (Single appearance)


  • Limehouse Luke (Single appearance)
  • Cheapside Charley (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Tittle (Single appearance)
  • Angus (Single appearance)
  • Anna (Single appearance)

Synopsis for Bart Regan, Spy: "To Sink the ATLANTIS"

A tip comes in that foreign saboteurs are planning to attack the steamer, Atlantis, during its good-will voyage to Europe. The secret service provides Bart Regan and Sally Norris with passenger tickets, to have them prevent any harm from coming the the vessel.

The ship disembarks once all passengers are aboard. Bart is feeling a bit overwhelmed by the large amount of people on board, any of whom could be their saboteur. But Sally already has a plan, telling her overworking fiancé to leave everything to her. That evening, she steals down to the ship's engine room, bearing a hammer, file, and saw, the tools of someone intending to cause trouble. Her plan goes smoothly so far, she's found by a sailor and thrown in the brig! When Bart visits her to find out if she truly had lost her mind, Sally sends him back up to the deck to find a tennis racket and some string. A few moments after he leaves, someone else comes to her cell. A man moving cautiously, with lockpicks in hand, begins working on her cell door. Soon the cell opens and Sally is free. The man bids her to follow, whispering that together, they can both destroy the ship and everyone on it. She halfheartedly allows the saboteur to prepare his time bomb, as he speaks of the glory in knowing how their sacrifice will bring the nations of the world to war. Suddenly, a shadow looms behind the man, and he is konked over the head with a tennis racket! Bart is right on time, just as Sally hoped. Using the string he found, Bart ties the saboteur up tight to be presented before the captain. They haul the bomb overboard, where it explodes harmlessly in the ocean.

Nothing left for the couple of spies to do but enjoy the rest of the trip together.

Appearing in Bart Regan, Spy: "To Sink the ATLANTIS"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Spy Chief


  • a saboteur (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Ship captain (Single appearance)



  • The Atlantis (a steamer ship)

Synopsis for Buck Marshall: "Trail of Yellow"

Cross, a visitor to the Sheriff's office, reports that a bank was robbed of 50 pounds of gold dust. Buck follows the trail until he finds the suspect, face down in the dirt, dead. But the tracks didn't stop there. Soon, Buck is ambushed, by Cross! The bank job was done by two men, and he was the other! Buck fires back and hits Cross, sending him falling to the ground. Not dead, but injured, Cross is taken to get patched up, after which the sheriff'll lock the bandit up and send a deputy out to collect his partner's body.

Appearing in Buck Marshall: "Trail of Yellow"

Featured Characters:


  • Cross (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Sheriff
  • Jack Foster (Appears only as a corpse)


Synopsis for Slam Bradley: "In the Ring"

Slam is assisted in a brawl by a young boxer, Danny Blake, who afterwards invites him to watch the next fight on the ring. During that fight Danny is knocked out and appears to be dead. Later Shorty find out that Danny's opponent, Cardoni, leaves a row of dead fighters behind. In an attempt to get the crooked Cardoni, Slam starts training for the ring himself! But in doing so, he places his very life in the hands of his companions, Shorty and Snoop.

After he wins a few bouts making a name for himself, Slam grabs the attention of Cardoni, who challenges him to a fight in December. After Cardoni shows up to sign the paperwork, that's when Shorty and Snoop take it upon themselves to secretly follow him back to his training camp, in hopes of finding out how all his opponents end up dying. Getting inside was the easy part; all they had to do was sign up to be Cardoni's "sparring partners". Though Shorty regrets it after he winds up in the ring and getting his head beat in. At least now he and Snoop can maybe learn something from the voices coming out of the dressing room. Cardoni was talking with Manny, a gangster, about the upcoming bout against Slam Bradley. Manny would place a large bet on Cardoni, then he'd hit Slam with a shot from the electric gun he stole from a scientist. It shocks the heart, killing its victim without leaving any evidence of murder. Shorty and Snoop have to get out and warn Slam, but they're spotted and captured!

A week later, and Slam's ready to face Cardoni. But why weren't his friends Shorty and Snoop here? He was starting worry. His worries may be unfounded, because at that moment in the training camp, Shorty finally manages to escape the room he and Snoop were locked in. He quickly rushes to the office where the electric gun was while Snoop is still climbing out the transom window. Manny enters the same room as Shorty, who luckily was able to hide behind the desk, and grabs the electric gun. Cardoni's fight was today. Rather than help Shorty, Snoop opts instead to run and save Slam. He barely makes it, but so does Manny, who prepares to fire. The warning from Snoop comes too late as Slam is knocked to the mat by back of the head swing from Cardoni. Manny aims and fires, hitting Slam with a large dose of... water. It rouses him awake and he continues the fight, beating Cardoni to a pulp until he confesses out loud to the murders of Danny Blake and other opponents. It was Shorty who made sure to switch the loadout in the electric gun with water right before it was grabbed off the desk, turning it into a harmless squirt gun.

Appearing in Slam Bradley: "In the Ring"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Nick Cardoni (Single appearance)
  • Manny (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Danny Blake (Single appearance; dies)
  • Frank O'Day (Single appearance)




See Also

Links and References
