DC Database

Quote1 Blake is interesting. I have never met anyone so deliberately amoral. He suits the climate here: the madness, the pointless butchery... as I come to understand Vietnam and what it implies about the human condition, I also realize that few humans will permit themselves such an understanding. Blake's different. He understands perfectly... and he doesn't care. Quote2
— Doctor Manhattan src

The Comedian (real name Eddie Blake) was a cruel, violent, and anarchistic vigilante who had the longest crime-fighting career out of all the costumed vigilantes in his world. He fought as a hero in the Vietnam War, was a member of the Minutemen and the Crimebusters, and acted as both a hero and a villain before being killed by Ozymandias and Doctor Manhattan in 1985.

Early Life

Little is known about Eddie Blake's early life. He was born in 1924, and it was speculated that he had abusive parents. At just sixteen years old, he adopted a yellow and purple costume, and began running savagely beating criminals, and sometimes their victims, using the moniker of the Comedian.

The Minutemen

He was part of a group called the Minutemen, a team of eight masked crime-fighting vigilantes. He caused a fight with Hooded Justice, who proceeded to beat Blake in a rage. The Minutemen banned him from the group, though not before Blake held Hooded Justice at gunpoint and threatened to kill him and anyone else if they ever touched him again.

After being stabbed in the chest in 1941, he changed his green and purple costume to tough leather armor. Soon after the Minutemen disbanded in the 1950s, Blake was called to testify for the disappearance and killing of Hooded Justice, but he refused to testify. Nothing was ever proved against him.

The Crimebusters

In the late '60s, Blake joined a group called the Crimebusters, led by Captain Metropolis. However, their first meeting did not last long after the Comedian set fire to one of Metropolis's display and told everybody that the group was a joke.

After the Keene Act in the '70s, the Comedian joined the fight in Vietnam with Dr. Manhattan, receiving a disfiguring scar on the left side of his face at war's end by an enraged Vietnamese woman he had impregnated. He shot her in retaliation, telling Doctor Manhattan, who had watched the ordeal that, despite the numerous chances at preventing the entire indiscretion, he did nothing.

Returning home, he assisted Nite Owl in attempting to quell a riot, only to become enraged after someone hit him in the head with a piece of debris, opening fire on the crowd with rubber bullets. After the riot disperses, Nite Owl questioned his brutal choice of action, which Blake dismissed stating that they were protecting the people from themselves. When Nite-Owl asked why they had become so violent, and what happened to the American Dream, Blake responded: "It came true. You're looking at it."


Eddie somehow discovered Ozymandias' secret plan to attack New York City, and was horrified by the machinations, yet he remained silent about it. In October of 1985, he visited Edgar Jacobi, his former arch-enemy "Moloch", while he was drunk. Sobbing, he told him that everything in life was a joke, yet he could not understand the one that he saw on the island, before departing in an inebriated stupor. A few days later, Veidt kicked in the door of Blake's apartment; beat him senseless and threw him from the window to his death.

Doomsday Clock

Sometime after he left his Earth, Dr. Manhattan went back in time and teleported Blake away before he hit the ground, causing him to land in an ocean on Prime Earth. Manhattan met him as he washed up on the shore of Metropolis.[1] Some time later, Blake broke into Lexcorp Tower, shot Lex Luthor and tried to kill Ozymandias.[2]

He then hunted down the Marionette and the Mime, eventually disrupting a supervillain meeting during which he killed Typhoon and wounded the Riddler. The Comedian almost killed Marionette and Mime before being subdued by The Joker.[3]

He is tortured by them until Batman, the new Rorschach and Ozymandias show up. He is later dragged away by Mime and Marionette[4] who keep him as a prisoner as they go on a rampage in Gotham City.[5]

Ultimately, Blake, Veidt, and Reggie Long are teleported to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., where Blake shoots Veidt in an attempt at revenge. However, Lex Luthor intervenes, firing a specialized gun at Blake that alters his vibrational frequency, sending him back to his origin point--mid-air in Manhattan, on October 11, 1985, moments before hitting the pavement and dying.


  • Peak Human Condition: Even at an advanced age, the Comedian stood 6'2" and weighed 225 pounds, leading police officers to say he was built like a linebacker, as well as saying he was in terrific shape. He could trade blows with Ozymandias, and even punch through the walls of his apartment.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): The Comedian was a skilled hand-to-hand combatant in excellent physical condition, even at the time of his death at the age of 61. He is one of the few people to have beaten Ozymandias in a fight, but his skills diminished with age which lead to his defeat and ultimate demise.[6] He was also a skilled knife-wielder and knife-thrower.
  • Weaponry
    • Firearms[7] The Comedian was highly skilled in the use of firearms, particularly with pistols, rifles, and shotguns.
    • Demolitions
  • Military Protocol
  • Investigation
  • Leadership


  • Comedian's Button
  • Comedian's Costume I: The Comedian's original gaudy costume, consisting of a bright yellow and purple boiler suit. He had purple gloves and boots as well a similarly colored domino mask over his eyes to protect his identity. Also, he had a bright red belt buckle in the shape of a laughing face.
  • Comedian's Costume II: In 1941, he was stabbed and decided to convert his costume into something more protective. He then produced the armor that would serve him throughout the rest of his career, made out of thick leather and patriotic shoulder pads, although he kept the same mask. After his face was slashed by his former mistress at the end of the Vietnam war, he wore a black leather mask to hide his scar.


  • Eddie Blake was born in 1924.
  • Eddie weighed 180lbs at 16 years old when he was arrested as a minor and sent to a juvenile delinquent facility.


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