DC Database

"The Bank of Counterfeit Bills": Mike Mannigan is hot on the trail to get Banker Crofte arrested for murder and counterfeiting money. But with the help of the Blue Beetle he discovers it was Banker Crofte's niece Lora.

Blue Beetle #9 is an issue of the series Blue Beetle (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1941.

Synopsis for "The Bank of Counterfeit Bills"

Mike Mannigan is hot on the trail to get Banker Crofte arrested for murder and counterfeiting money. But with the help of the Blue Beetle he discovers it was Banker Crofte's niece Lora.

Appearing in "The Bank of Counterfeit Bills"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lora Crofte (First appearance)
  • Jorth (First appearance)
  • Slink (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:


  • Sharpe Iron Works



Synopsis for "The Crimes of the Falcon"

The Falcon tries to steal the Waverly Jewels but is ultimately foiled by...pepper.

Appearing in "The Crimes of the Falcon"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Falcon (First appearance)
  • Mister Fingers (First appearance)

Other Characters:


  • Martell's Jewel Store



Synopsis for "The Carnival Doll Killing"

Appearing in "The Carnival Doll Killing"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Phillip Dollor




Synopsis for "The Deadly Sanitarium of Dr. Horthe"

Appearing in "The Deadly Sanitarium of Dr. Horthe"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for The Gorilla: "The Gorilla with a Human Brain"

Appearing in The Gorilla: "The Gorilla with a Human Brain"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for Blackbird: "The Origin of the Blackbird"

Appearing in Blackbird: "The Origin of the Blackbird"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for Davy the Wish Master: "Buttercup Alley"

Appearing in Davy the Wish Master: "Buttercup Alley"

Featured Characters:

  • Davy the Wish Master


  • This comic issue was published by Fox Features Syndicate, a defunct comic book publishing firm founded by Victor A. Fox.
  • The only stories in this issue that are owned by DC Comics are the Blue Beetle stories, therefore they are the only stories that are completely indexed.
  • Will Eisner's influence in the early Blue Beetle stories is undetermined. Most sources credit artist Charles Nicholas Wojtkowski with creating the character.
  • None of the stories in this issue are titled. We are using titles made up by comics indexers in the 1960s-1970s.


  • The Blue Beetle's name and concept was largely inspired by the Green Hornet, a popular "Mystery Man" created by George W. Trendle in the 1930s.
  • In these early issues, Dan Garrett's name is spelled "Garret" while later issues add the second T. Daniel Garrett is also provided with a rebooted origin, changing him from being a rookie police officer to an archaeologist.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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