DC Database

"Batman: "Vengeance Trail"": One morning in Gotham City, Alfred Pennyworth awakes Bruce Wayne after he has read terrible news in the newspapers headlines. Batgirl had been killed. Bruce storms out of is penthouse apartment at the

Quote1 He's an amazing individual- I've always been astonished at his powers of observation! He takes in the slightest details that are out of the ordinary! And he's a physical marvel, with reflexes that have been trained through years of experience! In many ways I have envied him for his abilities! He would have been a success in anything he wanted to do! He's brilliant-- one of the keenest minds of our time! And yet-- something seems to haunt him! Some terrible secret from his past seems to drive him ruthlessly-- something he can never forget! I have my own theories about it, of course!... To me, he seems like a man who never had a childhood-- a man who shuns close relationships! I sometimes wonder if his mask is only a defense against becoming involved with people! I've known him for years-- yet sometimes I think I don't know him at all! But whatever else may be said about him... whatever force it is that makes him drive himself so relentlessly... he is an exceptional man-- a true hero! He is... The Batman! There's no other like him on Earth... for which I both admire him... and pity him. Quote2
— Commissioner Gordon

Detective Comics #492 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1980.

Synopsis for Batman: "Vengeance Trail"

One morning in Gotham City, Alfred Pennyworth awakes Bruce Wayne after he has read terrible news in the newspapers headlines. Batgirl had been killed. Bruce storms out of is penthouse apartment at the Wayne Foundation and goes to the Batcave already on his Batman gear. He hurries to call Commissioner Gordon and talk about the tragedy, but Gordon seems rather calm and tells Batman to go to his home to discuss. Batman notices Gordon's odd behaviour and deduces that there is more than meets the eye.

In fact, Commissioner Gordon is at home with his daughter after she was attacked the last night. When Batman gets to Gordon's home, he learns that Batgirl was lured into a trap and shot by an unknown criminal. However, Batgirl was only slightly injured and she used the same Batgirl dummy that they used to lure her, as a decoy to fake her own death. However, since everyone in the general public knows that Batgirl is dead, Barbara has no intention of returning to the role of Batgirl and she chooses to let it die. Batman is concerned about Barbara's future, but her father agrees with her decision.

Nonetheless, Batman starts investigating the murder attempt on Batgirl and he finds some of the thugs working for General Scarr. After learning about their hideout, Batman tells the location to Commissioner Gordon and then he goes to their hideout using a disguise to break into the place. Unfortunately, he is discovered and General Scarr captures Batman, taking him to a shooting range where he is about to execute the Dark Knight.

In the meantime, Barbara tries to find the confidence and the courage to return as Batgirl and she talks to her father, who tells her his own experience and decision of becoming a law enforcer. Gordon also tells her that the normal motivations don't apply to special people like the Batman and after an encouraging speech, he leaves in order to assist his old friend.

Appearing in Batman: "Vengeance Trail"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




Synopsis for Batgirl: "Chapter Two: At War With General Scarr"

After the speech by her father, Barbara finds the courage to fight her own battle and she dons the Batgirl costume once again. With an injured arm, Barbara goes to the secret hideout of General Scarr and arrives even earlier than the GCPD. Breaking into the building, Batgirl finds a way to the top floors, where she learns that Batman is being held prisoner in a special torture chamber and that they are planning to kill him.

Batgirl finds the room where Batman is locked, but the man outside is Cormorant, the same thug who shoot her and tried to murder her. Batgirl becomes paralyzed with fear, but watching Batman struggle without giving up, gives her the strength she needs to confront Cormorant, who becomes terrified of her presence, as he believes her to be dead.

After she takes care of Cormorant, Batgirl breaks into the chamber, where General Scarr is torturing Batman and she attacks the villain. Batgirl takes care of the criminal and a few minutes later, the Police arrive and takes away the prisoner. General Scarr is shocked after his defeat at the hands of Batgirl, but Batman shows only signs of satisfaction and support for the young heroine.

Appearing in Batgirl: "Chapter Two: At War With General Scarr"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Fifty Million Tons of Soul!"

A maintenance man, a would-be suicide and his girl, and the designer of the great bridge on which they all stand team up to take down a carload of thieves trying to cross the bridge to safety.

Appearing in "Fifty Million Tons of Soul!"

Featured Characters:

  • "Rusty" Krebs (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • David (Single appearance)
  • Linda (Single appearance)
  • Carleton Wainwright (Single appearance; dies)


  • Bank Robbers (Single appearance)
    • Nickels (Single appearance)
    • "Big" Sammy (Single appearance)



  • Bank Robber's Car

Synopsis for Man-Bat: "We Are Experiencing A Slight Delay"

After a long night out on town, Man-Bat returns home, but finds that his wife Francine and his daughter, Rebecca are not at home. Francine had left a note for him with the time whe would return, but it is already past the time. Langstrom calls the house of one of Francine's friends and the woman tells him that Francine left her house much earlier and that she is probably trapped in the subway accident.

Langstrom transforms into Man-Bat and goes to the location of the subway accident, which the police believes to be a heist. Man-Bat goes into the tunnel and he finds a trio of criminals stealing from the stranded passengers before he takes care of them. With the thugs out of the way, Man-Bat goes looking for the main wagon and finds that it had been destroyed and ripped apart.

Man-Bat eventually finds his family, but he is forced to protect every person in the wagon from a giant rat, which is apparently responsible for the entire accident. Man-Bat uses some fire to force the giant animal away into a dark tunnel and he seals the exit to prevent the animal from escaping.

After the train and everybody inside is rescued, the authorities blame the whole incident on the three criminals captured by Man-Bat, but nobody is willing to believe the version about the giant rat and everybody moves on with their lives.

Appearing in Man-Bat: "We Are Experiencing A Slight Delay"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Street Gang
    • Ralph (Single appearance)
  • Giant Rat (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




  • Subway Train

Synopsis for Robin: "The First Bird"

Robin learns that a valuable and ancient bird egg is currently on display in a museum of New Carthage and he keeps a close eye in case anyone attempts to rob the egg. When nothing seems to happen, Robin changes to his civilian identity and goes on a date with Jennifer Anne to the museum. Once inside, Dick notices a couple of men with trick umbrellas that steal the egg and escape. Dick changes into Robin and follows the crooks to their lair, where the Penguin has been waiting for him. Robin falls for the Penguin's trap and he is locked inside a rocket cage, which starts to fly and would drop Robin from the sky. Robin manages to escape and nails the Penguin before he can escape. Robin then notices the mysterious man in black still following him and he decides that it's time to solve the mystery of this enigmatic person.

Appearing in Robin: "The First Bird"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Jennifer Anne


Other Characters:

  • Kenny
  • Doris Dexter
  • "Man in Black"





  • There is an inconsistency on the Man-Bat story. At this point, Man-Bat has already moved to Gotham City, but Captain Daniels from the NYPD makes an appearance as part of the police officers in the story. This is most likely a mistake by writer Bob Rozakis, who stopped writing the Man-Bat stories a year prior and was required to write one for this issue, forgetting the details of the continuity. Nevertheless, this is the last appearance of Daniels.

See Also

Recommended Reading

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