DC Database

"Everything Old Is New Again": The team arrive in Los Angeles at Kiki's Auto Shop. Citizen Steel and Judomaster take the front entrance while Hourman overlooks the side exits with Stargirl in case any gang members escape. When the team enters the garage, they find the bodies of the gang members

JSA All-Stars #8 is an issue of the series JSA All-Stars (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2010. It was published on July 8, 2010.

Synopsis for "Everything Old Is New Again"

The team arrive in Los Angeles at Kiki's Auto Shop. Citizen Steel and Judomaster take the front entrance while Hourman overlooks the side exits with Stargirl in case any gang members escape. When the team enters the garage, they find the bodies of the gang members lying dead on the concrete floor. The walls of the garage were painted in blood and covered with Paradoran markings. Each body was covered with a white sheet and had a set of ritual bowls filled with either fruit or flowers.

The JSA call in the LAPD and Chief Bracken arrives on the scene. All of a sudden, they hear a voice crying out from a locked locker. Hourman rips off the locker door and finds a man professing the glory of the Paradorans. Chief Bracken suspects that the victim must be suffering from the effects of Izapa, a drug designed by the Paradorans and has been pushed onto the streets. Hourman relays what happened in LA to the JSA members in New York.

Atom Smasher remembers the Paradorans during his days with Infinity Inc. The Paradorans were garden variety cocaine/ smack dealers but they never dabbled in ritual sacrifices and magic birds. The Paradorans were a concern until Eclipso took over the country and vanished soon after. Roxy brings up that there are similar violent activities occurring in Parador that the military junta is dealing with. Most of the occurrences are near the largest set of Izapan ruins in existence. Izapa civilization in South America was slightly similar to the Mayan culture in Central America.

Power Girl and Sandy ask Atom Smasher to accompany them to the barn. Power Girl brings up Jade's sudden resurrection to Atom Smasher and he begins to blush due his past experiences with her during their days in Infinity Inc. With Atom Smasher back, the team has their ace pilot back and they introduce Atom Smasher to the Star Eagle jet plane. Power Girl will need Atom Smasher to fly the team to Parador.

As for King Chimera and Cyclone, they train nearby the woods. Cyclone tries to get Chimera to open up about his likes, his family, etc. However, Chimera didn't want to share his personal matters. Cyclone's last ditch effort to make Chimera vulnerable was to kiss him. At first, Chimera begins to lean in to embrace Cyclone but he turns away. Cyclone feels embarrassed for pushing Chimera. Chimera heads to his room where he sees his beloved Namita. Namita reiterates that she can't leave Chimera alone because she is a chimerae or projection of his guilt. Namita tries to counsel Chimera that he must let go of his guilt and establish new connections with others. The team manages to take down the giant spider and most of jaguar riding apes but Cyclone gets slashed by one of the jaguar's claws. Chimera runs to Cyclone's aid as she lays on the ground with a huge slash across her chest.

When the team lands in Parador, they come under attack by a group of apes riding jaguars and a giant spider. From afar, Brainwave Jr. overhears the fight between the JSA and the bestial warriors. The Paradoran cartel leader Montez tells Henry that he shouldn't concern himself because its simply another coordinated attack from the military but the Paradoran cartel is always one step ahead of everyone else thanks to Brainwave. Henry expresses his resentment for aligning himself with the cartel but working with the Paradoran government wasn't an option. Henry then receives a telepathic cry from one of his siblings. Henry runs to the children's room and finds two guards incapacitated. Henry uses his telepathy to calm Ah-Kin the Sun King.

Appearing in "Everything Old Is New Again"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


    • Yum-Kimil (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Chief Bracken




  • Star Eagle (First appearance)

Synopsis for "The Inheritance, Part Seven: Miracle under Rue 34!"

Tigress didn't want to believe Hourman's bluff that he would sacrifice Liberty Belle but her love for Icicle forces her to agree to Hourman's terms and Hourman lifts the stone slab after taking the Miraclo drug. With Icicle and Liberty Belle out of the pit, Tigress thanks Hourman for staying true but before she could apologize, Jesse gets in her face for their treachery. Icicle defends Tigress' honor by saying the money that they would gain from selling the Tachophixyl is going to be put towards a noble cause. Hourman stops the argument by telling Jesse that Tigress handed over the figurine as well as their half of the diary to him.

Hourman and Liberty Belle decide to go back to their original agreement with the villains. The JSA will apprehend Peter Blue for murder and the villains will have their chance to sell the Tachophixyl to the their secret buyer. However, the JSA must be kept in the loop because they intend to arrest the buyer once the goods have changed hands. Both Icicle and Tigress agree to the heroes' terms by promising to sell out their buyer once they get the money. The next day, Hourman realizes that the figurine and Tigress' half of the diary has been stolen again. Jesse tells Rick not to dwell on it too much because once the villains reach St. Urfeldt's cave, they will find one more key that will be needed to locate the Tachophixyl. Jesse only hopes that the villains won't screw up in the translation of the key or get killed.

Tigress and Icicle drive off to the Alps with a stolen car. Tigress shows Icicle the figurine and the torn half of the diary. Icicle and Tigress think that they will get the staff without having to honor their end of the new deal. Meanwhile, Jesse gets a call from Wildcat. It seems Dr. Boris Hayes is Geneva and would like to meet with her as well as Hourman. Jesse feels thrilled to meet a man who won three Nobel prizes in medicine. Hourman and Liberty Belle arrive at Boris' office where they find Dr. Hayes but in a deformed state. Dr. Hayes explains that his original interest was in archaeology before it was medicine. As a young man, he came across a scroll fragment that contained a formula that was designed by Hermes. The formula could enable anyone to pass through walls. Hayes recreated the serum and when he took it, his body transformed into a living mist. Hayes could go from solid to vapor and back again at will.

Dr. Hayes realized that the formula stimulated certain neural functions like growing smarter with each integration and he enjoyed it. Unfortunately, his work and ambitions caused him to detach himself from his neglected family. Hayes' wife and son left him soon after. Hayes soon discovered that the transformations were slowly causing him to experience a loss in bone mass. The remainder of his skeletal structure will not be able to support or protect his organs for much longer. Hayes can't channel his energy and will power to sustain himself anymore.

Dr. Hayes mentions that the Tachophixyl was pivotal in the development of Hermes formula. The Tachophixyl has great healing powers. Hayes is desperate to find the Tachophixyl but not only to save his life but to save his son Peter. The power and contempt that Peter has for his father has corrupted Peter's mind. All of a sudden, Hourman has a brief glimpse into the future which causes a seizure. One of the side effects to Miraclo is premonitions. Rick sees Icicle crying out to Tigress in the Alps because Blue attempts to kill them.

Appearing in "The Inheritance, Part Seven: Miracle under Rue 34!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
