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Quote1 When Kramer looks at you, all she sees are the mistakes you've made. She doesn't see how much pain you've gone through, or how much you've grown because of it. You're a good person, Frost, and, human or meta-human, you deserve the chance to prove it. Quote2
— Caitlin Snow src

Frost was Caitlin Snow's evil alternate personality. After redeeming herself, she acted as a hero and a member of the Team Flash, possessing Caitlin whenever her powers were needed and, eventually, living her own life. After being hit by Mirror Monarch, she was separated from Caitlin, but was later killed by Deathstorm.

Origin and Savitar

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Killer Frost is released

Originally known as Khione[4], Caitlin Snow's alternate personality was born as the result of her father's researches on a ALS cure; after being suppressed for most of Caitlin's life, she emerged after the scientist was severely wounded by Abra Kadabra.[5]

She became a supervillain, known as Killer Frost, helping the so-called God of Speed, Savitar, after he reveals his true identity as a future version of Barry Allen. Later, Cisco Ramon gives Caitlin the choice to "cure" herself rather than force it on her and watching Savitar nearly kill him, Caitlin finally regained the control of her body. Despite this, Caitlin decided not to take the cure and left Team Flash on good terms to rediscover herself. She eventually joined Amunet Black's criminal organization.

The Thinker and Disappearance

Six months later, when Caitlin decided to re-join Team Flash, her Killer Frost persona returned. Iris West convinced both Killer Frost and Caitlin that they could try to be the same person instead of choosing one life or the other. As such, when preparing to serve as back up to Barry along with Cisco she stated "Snow and Frost standing by" emphasizing that both Frost and Caitlin were prepared to work together to help. When Nazis from Earth-X tried to invade Earth-1, she aided her friends in the battle that followed, earning Mick Rory's affection. In a battle against Clifford DeVoe aka The Thinker, Killer Frost disappeared as a result of DeVoe using Dominic Lanse's powers to create a mental block. After defeating Siren-X from Earth-X, Caitlin discovers that Killer Frost is still inside her, without the presence of dark matter. She later learns, from a suppressed memory, that Killer Frost has been with her since childhood, before she was exposed to the dark matter released by the particle accelerator.

Return and the Crisis

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Killer Frost using her black sweater

During a fight with Icicle, Frost managed to break through the mental block that DeVoe had created and returned. During a fight with Cicada, Team Flash discovered that Killer Frost is immune to his dagger and could help defeat him.

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Mirrorverse and Starting Her own Life

During Mirror Monarch's uprising, Frost was hit by the supervillain's abilities[6] A week later, Caitlin began suffering from headaches which caused her great pain: after the attack of Fuerza, Caitlin and her alternate personality separated from one another so that Frost now inhabitated her own body.[7]

The two dopplegangers asked Cisco scientific explanations about their separation but he was left shocked[7] as well as the other members of Team Flash: Caitlin discovered that the mirror blast induced Frost's cells to replicate themselves enough to create a living body body, severing their telepathic connection so that they could not hear each other thoughts anymore.

She caught Cisco trying to alter the Firestorm Matrix to make it able to fuse her with Caitlin once again; however, Frost decided to destroy the artifact as she wanted to live her own life, upsetting Caitlin. Frost, along with the Flash and Cisco, confronted the metahuman Psych: he made Frost hallucinate herself handcuffed and Joe West warning her that someone turned her for her previous crimes.[8]

One day later, after Deon Owens used his Still Force powers to imprison Central City in a time bubble, Frost was turned into a 1960s woman: eventually, after Cisco and Chester Runk were able to stop him, Frost was restored to his original appearance. She met Joe West who told her that Kristen Kramer was trying to arrest her for her actions as Killer Frost: despite Joe's warnings, Frost was unimpressed and replied she was waiting for her.[9]

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  • Unique Physiology: When Thomas Snow learned that his daughter Caitlin inherited his ALS, he used cryogenic research to freeze the progression of the disease, which created her alternate personality Khione/Killer Frost, who remained dormant for 17 years (apart from a few brief episodes during Caitlin's childhood), as several tests never showed signs of a meta-gene. Three years after the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator explosion, Frost finally emerged fully.
    • Cryokinesis: Frost's powers work by absorbing all existing heat around her, thereby reducing the temperature and to freeze targets well-below negative 370 degrees, even shattering beings as powerful as the Black Flash. Furthermore, her powers can reach such low levels that they can completely negate a speedster's healing powers and alternatively neutralize accelerated decomposing. Frost can create various ice structures with ease, even creating large bullet proof shields that can with standing point blank automatic rifle rounds, as well as launching upon manifestation sharp projectiles in rapid succession, creating an icy blade around her arm or as means of transportation, by producing icy waves of such propulsive strength, with one hand behind her, to propel herself forth across an ice slide she forms before her with her other hand, similar to Firestorm's fire-based propulsion ability.
      • Cryokinetic constructs: Frost can use her powers to summon gusts of super-cold air, with which she uses to hurl frozen objects (usually ice daggers) at her targets. She also can generate ice spikes to spear and kill her opponents.
      • Thermokinesis: Her powers can also affect the weather around her, dropping the climate of the area and cause it to snow. Frost can also freeze objects without direct contact, as shown when she froze H.R.'s coffee from afar.
      • Cold Immunity: Frost also exhibits a high resistance to frigid temperatures. She is shown to be able to hold the ice constructs she manifests with little trouble. She was also seen unaffected by a snowstorm she created after escaping S.T.A.R. Labs and later when Icicle decreased the temperature in the room to absolute zero.
      • Accelerated Healing: Frost's metabolic rate is augmented to offset cold tissue destruction, allowing her endure more grievous injuries and likewise heal much faster than even a speedster, though foreign matter must first be taken out to not impede the healing. After Caitlin clinically dying from a combination of a seizure and her reopened impalement wound, Frost immediately resuscitated her into a stable and cognitive state while her wound seamlessly healed completely in seconds.
    • Transformation: (Formerly) After Frost and Caitlin decided to be just one, Frost became able to transform into Caitlin and vice-versa. Her transformation effects her physical appearance as it turns her hair to brown and changes her eye color to brown.
    • Psychic Link (Formerly)
    • Possession[10] (Formerly)
    • Superhuman Speed[11] (Formerly)


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): During the six months in which she worked as an enforcer for Amunet Black, Frost developed a measure of sheer hand-to-hand combat skills. When she reversed an arm bar Norvock exerted upon her, slamming and pinning him painfully against a pinball machine.
  • Swordsmanship: During the Earth-X invasion, Killer Frost was able to create ice swords and take down multiple Nazis with ease.
  • Intimidation: As Killer Frost, her icy glare is enough to scare regular people into silence. However, arrogant or rightfully confident people are not scared of her.
  • Artistry[9]


  • Power-dampening tech
  • Photon rifle
  • Flashtime: Killer Frost can't use her powers while moving at high speeds since this causes friction between her atoms and friction creates intense heat under these circumstances.


  • Killer Frost suit

  • Khione, in Greek mythology, was the daugher of Boreas, the god of the north wind.



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