DC Database

"Death By Fire And Ice!": Hal Jordan arrives at Oa under the Guardians' command. Word of his giving up his ring had spread across the other Corps members, who try to convince him to stay.

Quote1 Hal Jordan has taken a backseat to Green Lantern long enough. It's time for the hero to die, and the man to live. Quote2
— Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Green Lantern (Volume 2) #149 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 2) with a cover date of February, 1982.

Synopsis for "Death By Fire And Ice!"

Hal Jordan arrives at Oa under the Guardians' command. Word of his giving up his ring had spread across the other Corps members, who try to convince him to stay. Arisia reminds him of the speech he gave when they confronted Krona. And Katma Tui of the time she was about to quit the Corps, and he convinced her to stay. The Guardians warn him that he's been using his ring for minor crimes on Earth, ignoring the needs of the rest of his sector. Still, Hal is sure of his decision, and he claims that he'll help the Ungarans with their current crisis, but after that, he'll give up his ring.

Meanwhile, on Earth, St'nlli defeats Gold Face and then goes for his next target: Green Lantern. He follows the residual energy of his ring toward Ferris Aircraft, where he uses his persuasive powers to force Carol into revealing Green Lantern's location. Unable to resist, Carol tells him that Hal is heading to Oa. On his way to Oa, he sees Arisia flying off, so he follows her.

When Hal arrives in Ungara, he learns that the inhabitants have started a civil war after his last visit, which caused many disasters, like earthquakes, tidal waves, and even moving their planet away from the sun. In consequence, Ungara's temperature dropped, covering half of the world with ice. Hal makes several attempts to save them, like moving the planet, picking the ice, or using the planet's magma to thaw the surface. But each of his plans fails.

Suddenly, Arisia appears in Ungara to lend a hand. She suggests using a mirror to deflect the light rays of the sun toward the planet. Taking a fragment of a crystal moon, the two Green Lanterns create a giant mirror that does the job. However, they get attacked by St'nlli, and he moves the mirror in a position that starts scorching the planet. Arisia saves Ungara by placing the reflector in the correct position, by another attack from the Qwardian causes her to fall and crash on the surface. With no backup to help him, St'nlli takes Hal Jordan to Qward.

Appearing in "Death By Fire And Ice!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Earth's First Green Lantern"

Daniel Young is the sheriff of Bailysville, Montana in 1873. Young is chasing local outlaws the Jackson Brothers one day when the spaceship of Green Lantern Corps member Abin Sur screams by over head. Startled by the sight, Petey Jackson is thrown from his horse, allowing Sheriff Young to apprehend him. While leading Jackson back to the town jail, Young finds Abin Sur's downed ship and investigates. Injured in an earlier battle, Abin Sur needs time to heal, and deputizes Young as his temporary replacement Green Lantern.

Young possesses the ring for only a brief time, long enough to protect local boy Willy Benson from the remaining Jackson Brothers, who intended to swap him for their jailed brother. Upon defeating and capturing the Jacksons, the ring leaves his finger, presumably returning to the now-recovered Abin Sur.

Appearing in "Earth's First Green Lantern"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Abin Sur
  • Willy Benson (Single appearance)


  • The Jackson Brothers (Single appearance)
    • Josiah Jackson (Single appearance)
    • Tyler Jackson (Single appearance)
    • Petey Jackson (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





  • Although intended as "Earth's first Green Lantern" at the time of writing, Daniel Young's status would be subsequently superseded by multiple characters, including Jong Li[1] and Waverly Sayre[2].

See Also

Links and References
