DC Database

"The Christmas Impulse": Christmas is coming up and Max Mercury is still recovering after being shot by a gang member on Halloween. Bart Allen's mom, Meloni, comes to visit, and she and Max watch the [[Green Cig

Quote1 You aren't even listening! The Christmas Impulse! Quote2
— Impulse

Impulse #45 is an issue of the series Impulse (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1999.

Synopsis for "The Christmas Impulse"

Christmas is coming up and Max Mercury is still recovering after being shot by a gang member on Halloween. Bart Allen's mom, Meloni, comes to visit, and she and Max watch the Green Cigarette attempt to rob a bank on TV. Impulse shows up to stop him, but once the bank's security features cause the whole building to collapse, the Green Cigarette and his men abandon the robbery to help the people in the spirit of Christmas.

Bart, however, still has some unresolved issues with Max, his mom and Max's daughter, Helen Claiborne. They all meet with the school guidance counselor, who believes they're just pretending to be superheroes to better deal with their issues.

Appearing in "The Christmas Impulse"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Max reads a copy of Newstime magazine with the headline "Flash Museum Destroyed."

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
